Wednesday, March 21, 2012

a question from a follower

This was emailed to me today - thought I ask all you good people about this one.

Has anyone asked the question why so many employees left the selectmens office to go work in another department/town, this was all under the last aTown coordinator. 


  1. I don't think alot of us have to ask that question.Most of us know the answers to alot of those guestions.Example: When you don't play by the rules.Who's going to want to play with you.Specially when you make your own rules up. As you go along.Its hard to play with someone like that.Or work with someone like that.Get it.townwatch007

  2. I waited a good 24 hours before I answered your question Pauly, 'cause I wanted to see if the people who had first hand knowledge would reply. Unfortunately I don't know the answer, but, I think it lies within the last two words in the question. I guess this is another example of people in FEAR of retaliation.

  3. The ones who went to other departments in town had their pay cut- Maryellen - Ann - Sue - by Jerry an Carol none of them work for the town anymore and they were all great employees - Jean went to highway Jerry and Carol tried to cut her pay (have her go to a lower "step") - she was fanominal in the selectmen's office. "did everything" Margaret left for Winchendon. Did you know Carol always made the "girls" "edit" the minutes.

    1. Yep, way too much power was allowed to be in the hands of those 2 mentioned above with no outside overseeing. Because they weren't answerable to anyone (in their minds) they did whatever they wanted for their own personal gain. The actions that they most often took was a means to an end and was had at every opportunity to control this town in their favor!! Time for them to leave!! Better yet, I think jail time might be in order for a few underhanded things I believe they were & are involved in!! That is just my opinion & how I feel about what they have done to this town with NO regard for anyone else here. Shame on them!! Sadly, I don't think they have the capacity to feel that shame. That's how arrogant, greedy, self-entitled people are!! Somehow they think they deserve it even while everyone else is suffering from the detrimental decisions they have made. It doesn't matter to them since in their twisted thinking it is all about them. Good riddance to those 2 & a few others that come to mind.

    2. VERY WELL SAID, They are only concerned about themselves and their "kids"
