Sunday, March 11, 2012

Getting rid of Ritter

The enclosed link   is to the transcipts of the letting go of our last Town Coordinator.
We all know that the past coordinator kept things from certain members of the BOS. My complaints are only one example.
The current majority of the BOS is going to do exactly what they accused and recalled  the former selectmen for.  On whose authority did Leonard Kopelman review Jeff Ritters contract? What is he charging the town to do this? Nancy at the BOS sent Mr. Kopleman documents that he requested recently, I don't remember the BOS voting to have him give his opinion on anything. Does anyone else.

Jeff Ritter is being bullied out of town by Leonard Kopelman - also by Wilder, Columbus and Mullins.
There is an executive session scheduled at the end of Monday March 12th 7:30PM meeting. This is for the termination of Mr Ritter. Mr Ritter will have the choice of a closed or open session but it has already been relayed to him that if he chooses to have an open meeting - the powers(K&P) will  black ball him throughout the state -making it very difficult to find another job, they will delay him  collecting his severance ($35000.00)  He was told that if he goes away quietly they will not give him any problems.

Who the hell is running this town?? After the Town Coordinator who will be next - the Fire Chief for wanting to keep the ambulance money for ambulance expenses and equipment as the people voted at the last town meeting and as was voted originally in 2006. For anyone who did not attend Thusday's BOS meeting Columbus, Wilder and Mullins want to bring it back to town meeting - totally ignoring what the people voted last November.  maybe it will be Highway Super Bud Chase because they(Columbus & others) tried to get rig of him before, Will they be looking to put Mullins in a position now that he doesn't have a job? 
We have lost a good treasurer thanks to Columbus and the Skeltons and now we lost a good asst treasurer because of this political BS.
Let me fill you people in on something - When Carol Skelton first became town coordinator Jerry Skelton was elected Selectmen and K &P were hired as our attorneys. Mark Goldstein had been our atty for about $30,000.00/yr  As long as Jerry was a selectmen and right there with Carol she could do the job also she had Jean Fountain and Margaret G in her office - two top notch Admin. assistants. when Jerry S didn't get re-elected Carol still had K & P's Kay Doyle. to help her (costing the town oer $100,000/yr) and of course Jean. Then Jean F went over to highway when AnnMarie retired - Jerry (on the personnel board ) and Carol tried to have Jean's pay lowered. (ask Jean) Now this past year K & P were replaced with BB&M. Carol couldn't do her job - Her assistants(Nancy & Kate) were not the caliber of Jean and Margaret. No offense to them but they don't have the experience.The assistants started to complain to the some of the BOS that Carol was dumping her work on them with no guidance - they were asking other employees for help.
Jeff Ritter has been the best thing that has happened to this town - his experience and knowledge is so far above our last coordinator. For Columbus, Wilder and Mullins to ignore the taxpayers and just follow their own agenda's and of course the Skelton's agenda.  Firing the lawyers and bring back K&P before the year was done, trying to sabotage the people's vote on the ambulance issue, the 252 Baldwinville Rd issue  etc (why were they all at the Skelton's house Thursday after the BOS meeting)(why all the meeting with the Skelton's at Mullins house , Columbus' house and the Turtle?) ( sorry it's a small town you can't do anything without everone knowing it! They hear you at the Turtle or see your car parked somewhere) Is all this just to get Carol back her job and Jerry back his building project or is there something more - I just wonder why Mullins - Columbus and Wilder just can't think for themselves - why does Jerry Skelton have to pull their strings (puppets).     

Why is Leonard Kopelman thrying so hard to get rid of Jeff Ritter. 

Please attend Monday March 12 meeting at 7:30PM in the NMS Cafeteria


  1. here is the deal the puppets and skelton's know that they have six months to do as much damage to the people of Templeton and turn this town upside down !!!!is it possible that they will bring Gerry s in as town Coordinator???
    and didn't carol s spend all the ambulance money illegally ??

  2. good questions - as Tammy's comment said the bylaw states that they have ti interview etc however they havn't followed any laws so far - I have to do some research on you other question - Julie, Jeff, Tammy want to weight in on this?

  3. It seems to be a commonly held thought that in taking in ambulance revenue, it would be used for purposes of equipment, vehicles, personnel needed for providing that service. The revenue was not tied to that purpose originally so it has been going into the general fund. The needs of the department have been met through the regular budget process. The excess ambulance revenue is spent on other things.

    Chapter 40 Section 5F of the Mass. General Law states:

    For the following purposes, a city or town may defray the cost, including maturing debt and interest, of acquiring, establishing, maintaining, and operating certain facilities and services by charges established by the city or town upon persons making use of such facilities or services: (1) purchasing, hiring, maintaining, and operating ambulances; and (2) establishing, maintaining, and equipping public gymnasiums, swimming pools, bathing beaches, golf courses, artificial ice-skating rinks and other such means of recreation, instruction or exercise.

    DOR FILE NUMBER 2008-993
    Excerpt from this opinion:
    Nothing in the language of G.L.c.40 Section 5F precludes an appropriation from ambulance service receipts for any purpose within the ambit of G.L.c.40 Section5. Moreover, as indicated in the opinion letter you refer to, Town Meeting may vote to transfer funds appropriated for the ambulance service to another purpose in reliance on G.L.c.44 Section 33B(b)

  4. For me the issue is that ambulances need to be replaced in a timely manner so they are not out of service. We had a lease program in place to replace one ambulance every 5-6 years. The lease is approximately $35,000/year for 5 years. When the ambulances are not replaced according to this plan, they need to take them out of service increases.

    When you take the ambulances out of service for repair, they can't be used to generate income and more importantly provide protection for our residents. In effect killing the golden goose that has been laying/producing a $175,000 -$200,000 revenue stream for the town.

    Requiring the ambulance lease to go out for an override will be detrimental to the residents in many ways.
