Sunday, March 11, 2012

Know the truth in layman's terms.

Know the truth in layman's terms.

Is Pauly’s Templeton Watch full of bologna-or full of baloney-or full of blarney or whatever one wants to call it. Now hear this, don't let me lose my confidence in the "law". Read Worcester telegram, Sunday edition, March 11, 2012, FrontPage, page A13 and A15. Read it carefully a couple of times. Does that story sounds like what is happening in Templeton? If you don't subscribe to the Worcester telegram, go out and buy a copy. If you are not satisfied with the report and think that you wasted three dollars. Bring the complete Sunday telegram (one copy per household) dated March 11, 2012 and I personally will reimburse each reader three dollars for they copy in an extra two dollars for their troubles.
Total five dollars will be paid by check from Cosentino Salvage and Recycling Inc. for information and recycling. This offer expires Wednesday, March 15 at 12:01 PM. Please don't burn it, if you don't agree with the Worcester telegram at least you will get your money back. I have full confidence in the Worcester telegram and in my opinion, unlike your hometown newspaper the Gardner news, which I am not, I say again "not" renewing my subscription with the Gardner news. I do hope I get some "why" questions from the Gardner news reporter. Also what happened to my past letters to the editor or my offered to pay for a paid ad to address these issues. Yes Worcester telegram I am a former Marine and I fought for your right of freedom of the press.

PS my grandson Austin Cosentino just finished a tour of duty in Iraq and I am grateful he returned home alive and uninjured.


  1. I am glad your grandson returned from his tour of duty.

  2. Me, too!! Also, grateful for your service to this country, in addition to your grandson's & all who fight against tyranny & dictatorship to keep us free, whether it be at the global level or even at the local level such as what we are fighting here now. I am not equating this situation in town with what you, your grandson or any serviceman has gone through but often tyranny starts slowly & insideously in the places we least expect. We all must be vigilant everywhere at all times to maintain those Freedoms... Just got back from NH...We should also Remember their State motto...Live Free or Die....Thanks again, Pauly, for your watchful eye & continuing to fight for what you & many others here believe to be the truth! Yep, The Truth will set us Free!!
