Sunday, March 11, 2012

We will be meeting in the parking lot at 7:00PM.  
Their plan is to rehire Carol Skelton with a three year contract so she will be able to make big money off the town and us taxpayers!!!!      Columbus - Wilder and Mullins don't care about us taxpayers or the town, this is all about payback for the Skeltons.
See you there!!!!


  1. The Town of Templeton has adopted a personnel bylaw. That bylaw states how job posting and hiring must be done. To fire someone and bring in someone else without posting, interviewing etc... would be a violation of a bylaw voted in by the Taxpayers and Voters of the Town of Templeton would it not?

  2. Jeff Bennett
    Even more important, in my opinion, why or ow can you rehire someone who has sued the town once already, and in that suit settlement agreement, of which I have a copy of and will share with anyone upon request, perhaps a scanned copy attached to the blog, it states Carol Skelton is 100% present work capacity other than same environment with employer, so in my opinion, why did randy brown, paul quattrociocchi and Tom Martin vote to rehire carol skelton in 2004? (neil cullen and Patrick Dunlevy deceased)Remeber Randy Brown was an employee of the Templeton water department which was managed by jerry skelton until his retirement in March 2004. Court documents state carol suffered from post traumatic stress disorder, present medical condition "recovered" This agreement was so carol could accept a settlement lump sum of $15,000.00, $12,750.00 after deduction of legal fees. carol presently has a suit/complaint against the town and Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell and Jeff Bennett. No one has come out and stated they want carol back, but time will tell. According to town by-laws, any settlement by selectmen over $1000.00 has to go to town meeting. The selectmen, according to by-law are agents for the town (taxpayers) for which the interests of the town are or may be involved. Time for the towns residents to stand up and demand selectmen obey and abide by the town by-laws which were voted on by the people. The same people who just happen to be our bosses.

    Jeff Bennett

  3. I remember allegations concerning the past town coordinator and her husband interfering in the contract dispute between Erving Paper Mills and The Town of Templeton a case that according to Federal Judges and Judge Fox of Gardner District Court was to be legally prosecuted by the Sewer Commission up to the point when the settlement was signed. This settlement was never brought before town meeting. It is alleged that Kopelman and Paige allowed this interference because they had botched the 1991 contract transfer that caused the problem in the first place. This interference may have cost the town of Templeton millions of dollars. In my opinion "Team Skelton" uses the town for their own self interest and when and if an investigation is ever conducted it is believed this information will come to light. Don't hold your breath.

  4. Good job attending the BOS meeting tonight. I fear it is the beginning of the end for Mr. Ritter. Let's keep the pressure on. There will be budget meetings later this week...stay tuned.

  5. Please feel free to attend the Light & water meeting tonight , 3/13/12. It starts at 6:00 pm with the water department meeting. It takes place at the TMLWP on Bridge street. Use the side entrance.
