Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Selectmen's Oath

Thank you Pauly for letting me post to your blog - I was an observer last at last nights Selectmen's meeting - I have one question for the Board   Did you all take the oath of selectmen when you got elected? That oath means the minute you became a selectmen in our town of Templeton, your duties and obligations are to the residents and taxpayers, from the youngest to the oldest, to the people who voted for you and against you. Your "special interest" were to be put aside for the betterment of the town.

Now with that all said - I would like to thank all the people who attended the meeting and let the ones who could not attend know that the selectmen did have an executive session with Jeff Ritter.  We do not know the outcome - I'll have to refer to people who now more about the law as to when we can find out what happened.

What I saw last night was a lot of people who are concerned about their town and where it is headed. I saw people asking questions about the different agenda items. The people had many good questions and concerns. I sat quietly and watched. I don't understand why Ms Wilder made the comment to TGN about people attending to disrupt the meeting, This seems to be the attitude of Mr Columbus, and Mr Stewart also seems irritated at the number of people. Mr. Mullins doesn't seem to say anything except to second every motion that Virginia makes. Do you have a brain Mr Mullins can you think for yourself? I did notice him smirking when a few people start say "Mullins resign" at the end of the meeting. So Mr Mullins, do you think all this is funny? I don't. Why don't you come clean to the voters and residents?

When Mr. Ritter stated that it would be in executive session, people started asking why and did not want to leave the meeting. Nothing unruly, Just people asking why? Ms Wilder stood up and started yelling for the police to come in.  Is this how she reacts when people are just looking for answers. yell for the police!

I can't help but wonder if Mr. Ritter was bullied by our Town Counsel and our selectmen. As far as I know the only snafu was when the election warrant was not posted. I did get chance to talk to a former employee who worked in the selectmen's office. She said that the warrants always came over from the Clerks office. I am not blaming the clerk, I am just pointing out the character of Mr Ritter, taking the blame, what a good man he is.  A man this town should not lose.

What did it cost us taxpayer to have K &P look over Jeff Ritters contract for a loophole. What did it cost us taxpayers to have a lawyer from K & P there last night, just for the executive session?

Remember everyone -------- Selectmen take an oath, they work for ALL in OUR town of Templeton.
If Mr Mullins, Ms Wilder and Mr Columbus are only there to serve their personal agendas, as has become obvious they should all step down and resign. They seem to not care about the oath they took or us taxpayers or the fact that we are facing a huge budget shortfall. They just keep wasting our taxpayer money.

An Observer


  1. According to the person who answered the telephone at the BOS office, Mr. Ritter still works for the town of Templeton.

    1. I fear this may only be a reprieve, many people were questioning if the posting of the meeting was correct.

  2. To Observer, Thank you for that very thoughtful & well written observation of the town meeting for those of us who could not attend. I agree, why would these selectmen keep spending when they know we are almost bankrupt. And why would they be getting rid of a competent town coordinator to bring back more of the same old agenda? Also, why would ms. wilder be so quick to call in the police for a civil meeting? I agree that the present selectmen, you pointed out, are not going by their oath to the people of this town, if they took the oath at all. What is said here is my opinion and I strongly believe that this is a very Sad, Sad period of time in Templeton!!

  3. I was also an observer at the meeting last night and found it to be apauling. For the most part the board did "let the people speak" but it meant nothing because they were not listening. "Okay thank-you" and move on to the next. No answers and no consideration as to what was said. That board is an embarrassment to the town of Templeton. The dynamic duo of Patrick Mullins and Virginia Wilder is evil and dangerous. Some of the "let the people speak" supporters should step forward and admit that they were lied to, deceived, and see what they can now do to rectify the mistake they made with their support. It is a pretty sad day in town when two board of selectmen feel the need to have a police escort to their vehicles after a board meeting! I would think that might give them a clue that they might just be doing things against the wishes of the people that put them in office and pay their way. Stick together supporters of democracy and work to rid Templeton of the cancer that chairs and sits on the board of selectman. Recall?? Vote back in Mitchell?? Farrell?? Demand the resignation of Patrick Mullins?? My opinon only and I am infulenced by observation and research and not by friends of family.

  4. The 3rd Testicle
    (Politics 101)

    Have you ever been in one of those situations where you know you have been lied to? You had heard that the person who lied to you had done it to other people but you allowed yourself to get caught up in the moment. You think about that story of the snake at the top of the mountain that was cold and hungry and needed someone to carry him down the mountain where it was warm and there was food so he would not freeze to death. You remember in the story how the man said to the snake “ but you will bite me and I could die”. The snake reassures the man and tells him everything will be fine and not to worry. The man feels he can trust the snake because the snake needs him so badly.
    As the man lies at the bottom of the warm mountain dying of his snakebite he asks the snake why he had bitten him after reassuring the man that this would not happen. The snake replies “ I am sorry sir but I am a snake and this is my nature”.
    Those who were lied too or bullied to get their signatures on the recall petition or who worked on getting those signatures only to find out that they are in with a pack of snakes may like this parable better. It is called The 3rd Testicle.
    The 3rd Testicle involves a politician who uses a lie to get you on board his way of thinking. Clearly this story would involve a male politician but as stories go the name could be changed to make it more politically correct. This less than honest politician counts on his victims being naïve, trusting and one who does not check his facts very well. It helps if the one who will be looking for the 3rd testicle (the searcher) is in need of a friend or job or a cause. People who are new to town or have not been involved with politics or have few contacts are excellent searchers.
    The job of the politician with the “extra testicle” is to keep his victim distracted long enough to get what he wants out of the situation. If possible the politician will keep the searcher on board and groping all the way up to the point where the searcher realizes something is missing. A feeling of shame and embarrassment now washes over the searcher. How could I have allowed myself to be taken in by such a stupid trick? Often times the “searcher” will swear off politics, this is one of the goals of the 3rd Testicle and the politicians who use this trick.
    Politics 101 seldom mentions the 3rd Testicle but many in Templeton swear that this political trick is used often in the Templeton area.
    If you or your friends have been taken in by politicians who use this diabolical trick don’t despair. Do your homework the next time and try to get the facts before you go searching for something that does not exist.

  5. I understand the people of Templeton that were used by the recall group. They could only work with the information they had. We were not organized in the beginning. If you only have the local paper to get information from then you could only think the two canidates were going to help. The local paper continues to be biased, unable to be fair. Something has to be done about this.

  6. Mr Mullins,Mrs Wilder and Mr Columbus.Most have some big personal agendas.They might be looking out for their best personal interest.By doing so, Their not just hurting the tax paying people of Templeton.Their hurting their childern,family and friends.If they have any true friends left.Them 3 most not have any type of a conscience. townwatch007
