Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mrs. Wilder:Here Are a Few Legitimate “Fears”

While I realize that serving as a Selectman may seem like a daunting task, and at times it may even seem scary, I’m not quite sure why Mrs. Wilder feels the need to make her so-called “fears” known in The Gardner News. I fail to comprehend how a 75 year old, barely audible constituent could make her so fearful, and for Mrs. Wilder’s benefit, I have provided a few of my own fears. I hope that Mrs. Wilder will review the following and prioritize:

1.I fear Robert’s Rules of Order, as in Robert Columbus’ Rules of Order, not the parliamentary procedure rules of order. I can’t recall all of the details of Mr. Columbus’ initial statement, but I do know that it was a shallow attempt at laying down the law. It reminded me of the rules my 7th graders devised prior to a recent class discussion.

2.I fear that the taxpayers will ultimately have to pay
to properly address the closing of the wastewater treatment lagoon, due to the mishandling of contractual obligations by a certain notorious law firm.

3.I fear the termination of a highly qualified town coordinator who has the skills, training, and experience necessary to save our town’s finances.

4.I fear the return of a certain employee who helped to perpetuate the town’s financial problems.

5.I fear a Selectman who seems to rely quite heavily on others to make a decision, especially the Chairman, and, oddly enough, the intelligent woman whom she unseated in a special election. If you value Mrs. Farrell’s opinion and intellect so much in helping to inform your own decisions, why did you run against her in the first place?

6.I fear that allegations surrounding a certain Selectman will ultimately bring shame to our town, and foster a continued lack of trust in our elected officials. We don’t need more bad press!

7.I fear the 252 Baldwinville Road project, and the impact on the town’s future debt, as well as the possible impact on human health.

8.I fear that the Massachusetts School Building Authority will no longer be willing to work with the town to reimburse costs related to the construction of a desperately needed new elementary school due to the chronic dysfunction of the process here in Templeton.

9.I fear the growing number of foreclosures in town, and the very real impact on our neighborhoods and tax base.

10. I fear those who seem more concerned about debating a $1,500 emergency boiler repair than a $35,000 severance payment. We’ll pay to get rid of you, but we won’t pay to keep you comfortable while you work for us!

11. I fear receivership. But then again, maybe I don’t.

So the next time you feel the need to broadcast your fears in The Gardner News or elsewhere, please make sure that it’s one of these more legitimate fears, and not an exaggerated claim regarding a concerned citizen.

Thank you.
Darren Elwell


  1. Isn't there some way to get rid of this Fruitcake Wilder and Thief Mullins, for the way they have conducted business since the election, I am not talking about a recall but there must be a way to get rid of UNPROFFESIONAL characters who do more harm than good for the town.

  2. Yes, Don't Vote for them in MAY when they are up for re-election. We might have lost Bob Mitchell (don't blame him) but Ms. Farrell (God bless her) is still willing to represent us, after this shameful recall against her & Bob M. that was totally unfounded & lacking merit. The 2 you mention & a certain present chairman (full of lies & deceit) all need to go if this town is ever to survive. That's just 2 months away but oh can they & their cronies do a lot of damage in that short time. That's what I fear!!!

  3. There is only one seat opening up for the May election correct? That would be the seat of the chair Robert Columbus correct? Can the people demand the resignation of Patrick Mullins? Yes, we are very lucky to have Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell looking out for us after the humiliation they have endured. Also we are very luck to have Jeff Bennett working tirelessly for our town.

  4. Oh, yes, I believe you are right. I stand corrected. Oh my goodness what trouble this let the people speak group has caused us!!! ....I am in full agreement with everything else you said.

  5. I agree with all of you. I FEAR that there will not be someone on the May ballot to win. I FEAR that if one Skelton gets back on the job that the other one will be on the ballot. I FEAR that someone will win by default. HELP!!

  6. People that feel guilt, shame or anxiety tend to change the subject or divert attention away from themselves when confronted. CLEARLY, these are Ms. Wilder's actions (as well as the rest of the Skelton gang) when attempting to portray Mr. Cosentino as a threat or crazy man. if the uninformed public thinks that the accusations against the Skelton gang are coming from someone that is not reputable, then they will not believe them and gain pity. Its a classic political tactic. Thank goodness Mr. Cosentino is on this earth and has the guts to stand up and point out wrong doing. The Skelton gang is also trying to discredit Ms. Farrell and Mr. Mitchell because they do not want to answer the questions they are asking and so many others are asking. If there was no wrong doing that has occurred, then certain members of the BOS should have no problem answering questions and engaging in discussion with the citizens. Why was it a bad question to answer who the town counsel was when the sewer issues were going on in town? How in the world is that a feisty or out of order question to ask?

    I think power has gone to Ms. Wilder's head. That is why she was so quick to call for the police to clear the room at the last meeting and to ask for police escort to her car and file trumped up trespass orders on a good man. Maybe she's beginning to regret her past actions but does not have the guts to admit she is wrong. The easy way out is to play the victim. She would gain back more respect if she admitted she is wrong in her actions rather than staying on the same path. But that won't happen. She will continue to make everyone out to be the bad guys...including the citizens of Templeton. (How DARE you go to a BOS meeting in droves and ask numerous questions! Impeding the process!) So, the citizens, Mr. Cosentino, Ms. Farrell, Mr. Mitchell, and previous Town Counsel..all are bad. That list is going to get longer and longer. Who will be added next?

    1. I believe there will be many more (including myself) when people begin to feel more confident & less threatened. I can tell you from personal experience that there are some NASTY people in this. I just can't prove who is who & who has done exactly what. You can't convict someone on gut feelings but there will be more & more coming out. They are going to have a harder task as time goes on plugging up all the holes in all the lies. I am in agreement with all else you have so eloquently said. Thanks for your great comments & insightful observations.
