Sunday, March 4, 2012



In my opinion, yes in my opinion, why do some people here in Templeton not, I mean "won't", understand layman's language? I have been begging our officials, police, selectmen, state police, Atty. Gen.'s office, FBI (never again) Sen. Brewers office, state rep Ann Gobi’s office, civil liberties Union office/Worcester, our previous chairman of the board of selectmen Dennis O'Brien (never again). Honestly what gives? In layman's language, what gives here in Templeton with the present board of selectmen? Am I considered "senile" to these elected officials and appointed officials and Jeff Ritter? What happened to let the people speak? How about it Mr. Columbus, you, yes you are one of the elected officials attending the recall booth
getting signatures for the recall as part of the group let the people speak, what say Mr. Columbus? Virginia Wilder, attending the recall booth at Templeton center for the recall and let the people speak what say Virginia? I will not mention any more names about the let the people speak. I don't like to make a short story long. But please hear me out this day, Sunday, March 4, 2012 because Tuesday, March 6th, the selectmen's meeting will be history. I need all Templeton residents, yes residents and taxpayers to attend the Monday, March 5, 2012 selectmen's meeting at 6 PM, if you value your freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and any other freedom issues that have already been violated by chairman Columbus against me, PHC sr. I know I am under the microscope here in Templeton and the FBI. Did all of you read the comments in the Worcester telegram, local section by George Barnes, news reporter for the telegram. It says it all and I am not making any threats, I in layman's language are asking for help here in Templeton for us taxpayers. Notice chief Whittaker's statement in the Gardner news, now that is a twisted story by the FBI's "so-called" agent to discredit me because of my plea for help from that agency. Shame on the Worcester office of the FBI for belittling me for having a speech disability which makes my voice very gruff, and I have to force my words out because I had larynx cancer eight years ago. I am lucky to be able to talk at all. The agent at FBI Worcester office not only ridiculed me a man with a speech disability, but the US veteran and a citizen. Do you recall on many occasions hearing the phrase "I never see you at the selectmen meetings" by a selectmen? Please help me PHC sr exercise our right of assembly, Monday, March 5, 2012 at 6 PM. You don't need to speak just be a concerned taxpayer and show your personal concern. Thank you-Pauly
PS Have all of you bloggers been watching the news on the countries like Syria, Egypt, Iraq etc. we in this country have a right of Free Speech – let’s use it. I have only been asking for only 5 minutes of the Selectmen’s $200.00 + per hour valuable time to read my letter to the Board of Selectmen which the Chief of Police and Jeff Ritter have told me in front of witnesses, that was the procedure I had to follow.


  1. We are with you. Words can be twisted to satisfy themselves. Like the ball is green. By the time the words get to the next it's yellow.

  2. You'll get nowhere in the no kingdom Templeton has always been, but I appreciate your frustration. They take as they please, are all related in some way and it is disgusting what they have gotten away with for generations. You are up against more than meets the eye. Following procedure will get you nowhere, and speaking out may get you in trouble.

    Eph 5:11-12 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    Mazel tov!

  3. And I would warn against slander or being a talebearer against anyone specifically or using names on here. Because it is or may be considered slander. I just recently met Mr Ritter myself or spoke with him over the phone/Internet and he seemed very helpful or willing to help and did give me several leads for help with house authority issues I had. At any rate, even to praise it is best to get someone's permission before using there name in a public forum.

    Lev 19:16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the L-RD.

    Mazel tov!
