Sunday, March 4, 2012

A note from a Pauly's Watch Follower

     I would like to thank Templeton Watch and Pauly for the opportunity to keep Templeton voters informed on events that are occurring in their town.

    Mr. Cosentino has informed me that a certain past Templeton Board of Health Director is disturbed by accusations made by this author in regards to the allegation
that he was to be a candidate for selectmen instead of Mr. Mullins in a past article posted to Pauly’s blog.   

    It is alleged that information that was received by this writer is that a certain Town Official (not a Julie Farrell fan) said that if this past Templeton Board of Health Director is placed on the ticket that he would abandon his “good friends” at Let the People Speak and vote for Farrell. 

     It is believed that a true friendship between this Town Official (who is associated with the Fire and Rescue) and the past Templeton Board of Health Director is barely perceptible or nonexistent.

     The details of the lack of love between these two official cannot be documented by this author and will have to come from those with knowledge of the situation and the history that accompanies that situation.

     It is hoped that this short note of explanation can help bring light to the hastily written article by this author found at Templeton Watch Pauly blog.

    For the record it should be remembered that as an author and student of the pen I flunked English in High School and was not much better in Math.    



  1. We need more people like Paul Cosentino watching what's going on. I challenge all of Pauly's blog members to recruit at least 1 new member to his page this week. The more people know the better off the town will be. This blog is an asset to "let the people know what's going on".

  2. Pay it forward. Send the link to Pauly's blog to everyone you know!
