Saturday, March 3, 2012

Talking to the deaf so called leaders

In my opinion people to quote Joan M Gould from her letter to the editor in the Gardner news on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. I agree with you 100% but your comment to give it to the zoning board of appeals is not always the way to go unless it is televised. Why? Because after a decision is made by the zoning board of appeals it's over for that issue. But if there is a DVD of that meeting
those board members will think real hard before throwing their friends and neighbors under the bus, with a negative vote. And don't laugh people, it happened here in Templeton a couple of years ago. Costing the town thousands of dollars a year. Yes five members all agreeing unanimously to let a developer from other town to "in my opinion" twists the bylaws of Templeton, after many taxpayers at the hearing wanted a “NO” vote.  A “Yes” unanimously vote, not maybe, or let us think about this big, big decision, just voted. "okay" Templeton can afford to ignore us taxpayers and agree with the developer "75 houses". That is poor $$ if you know what I mean by" poor". Hee hee he. So Ms. Gould you better search for more ways to handle your issues because if you don't keep making noise no one will hear you. Follow Paulys Templeton watch and you might get some good ideas. But please do not depend on your appointed or elected officials. Recruit more taxpayers to get involved. I think then you will get action. The people us voters get into office to not live up to their word. And it's not only in Templeton. Where's the shame for these people?
Yes, I want comments on my opinions so bring it on. Now let's get back to my issues in Templeton. In my opinion it's time for the Superior Court and stop wasting our time on trying to be diplomatic with these zeros that think they are above the law. Yes law. Are you people that signed the recall petitions proud of the outcome of the recall issue. How about the outcome of our so-called new "used" town hall issue. I am proud of the outcome of that vote and don't ever think we the taxpayers are going to lose that 500,000 that was voted at town meeting to purchase that building. When push comes to shove I will personally help to market that building as a commercial property and I don't care what Dennis O'Brien says. He knew that building was a commercial building and commercial 3 acres before he bought his house across the street. And as far as the purchase of that building, about 60 to 70 people were left at that meeting when the issue was brought up for a vote at 10:30PM the night on the third day of town meeting. I don't care what the flatlanders in Templeton think of my blog and I am not worried about my blog. That article of the purchase price for that building 400,000+ should have gone out to ballot vote. It was shot down big time three or four times at the ballot box. But it's not going to be the last sneaky move that that group tries to pull we are all keeping our eyes open from now on, right taxpayers? And another thing Dennis O'Brien you knew that building was there in 1988 when you bought your house so what's the beef? Do you think you have more rights than the people that bought that building in 1982 or the guy that had it built in 1975 for commercial use-Red Carroll R/E Viking container.

In my opinion you should watch all the DVDs from when they started making them available to the public. And another thing Dennis if the people that signed the recall sheets under the false pretenses could go to the Town Clerk and have their name removed, you recall bunch would be riding “Bulio ride” in search of the El Dorado. Hee hee he. Hey people "voters" is my opinion of "under false pretenses" in other words "lied to" a good explanation for the recall bunch when Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell were suspended by recall they didn't put their tails between their legs and run out of town ashamed. No, we all know what happened "under false pretenses" and they are working very hard to prove to their supporters that what happened was not an honest move by the so-called Recall Group. To have them both recalled and the truth is out there. Just asked me any time in person. I'm the guy who made the complaint to remove Carol and Julie and Bob got the blame re-"Oxbow incident". Why hasn't this information been told to the taxpayers Dennis O'Brien? You were chairman of selectmen when all this "fire" Carol started and you were part of it remember? We are going to end up in Superior Court one way or another. Either recall people bring me PHC sr or I bring you, to Superior Court for wrongdoings and all the other things I have complained about on your watch "Chairman" and again Dennis. Whoever called me a senile old man at the town office building should apologize in person to me in front of my friends. Not on paper like Columbus did, right Tammy?

And yes to the moron that called me Sunday about the information I got from the grapevine. Well if that “jerk" with the restricted phone number wasn't so dumb. He would know what a grapevine was. I also found out something today through the grapevine and it's not good, not good at all, put your ear close to this page and I will whisper to you, hee hee hee. The moron with the restricted phone will probably call me to tell me to whisper louder because he couldn't hear me. Pretty good huh, Now all you taxpayers should try to make the selectmen's meeting because  I expect to be allowed 10 min. of the board's precious times to speak. And no, heavens no, I am not-not get it, going to go postal hee hee hee. It has only been eight years to try to get some honest answers. Any yes, I am bringing my lawyer, so get t there early Monday, March 5th at 6 PM watch Chairman Columbus lean back and say, “as I am the big guy chairman of Templeton selectmen I say no Pauly you can't speak for 10 min. “ then my lawyer will say the rest. So all you interested taxpayers come to the selectmen's meeting, you will be amazed to hear what I am going to ask the board of selectmen. And yes I'm going to request a police officer at the meeting for my own protection, if you know what I mean. Also the state police will be welcome.

A lot of funny things have been going on in town since the Oxbow incident and now I have hundreds, yes, I mean hundreds of taxpayers asking questions and I have most of the answers on paper. These two new selectmen think we are all stupid, but look at the selectmen's meeting of February 17 and watch it 2 or 3  times, then make your decision on them.

See you all Monday, March 5 at 6 PM at 690 Patriots Rd., Templeton Pauly thank you for reading my blog.
PS - Saturday AM - Columbus says I am not going to be allowed to speak or read my letter to have it approved. I just got this info. If you see a big bus in the parking lot, don’t worry, it will be full of our supporters 40 – 50. Thanks – PHC
And another thing – I purchase the DVD to all meetings because with the DVD’s you can hear what you couldn’t hear at the meetings.


  1. Is Patrick Mullins going to resign?

    1. "Truth in Government" followers need to send letters to the town requesting that Mr. Mullins address the people and if he cannot do that or if he is guilty he should MAN UP and submit his resignation. Maybe he hasn't been told to do so yet by Virginia or the Chairman.
