Saturday, March 3, 2012

Something on the current state of affairs. by Peter Farrell

Templeton residents should be curious as to why a large law firm like Kopelman and Paige are so interested in being town counsel for this Rt2 bisected piece of real estate. 

    It has been my experience that money always has something to do with the motivation of not only the masses but also large law firms like Kopelman and Paige. 

     Mr. Kopelman who does not need to collect scrap metal and cash it in to survive has probably come up with other methods to show a profit for himself and his law firm. 

    What are those alleged methods and how do these methods implicate Templeton our beloved town?

     This author has already implicated Mr. Kopelman in the alleged total rip off of the Templeton taxpayer and sewer rate payer involving the Waste Water Treatment Plant contract. Due to the State of Massachusetts lack of legal manpower and will power it is dubious if this wrong will ever be corrected. 

     It is alleged that Mr. Kopelman is the law in Massachusetts and if you don’t believe it just check with the State Ethics Commission.    

     That being said we need to look at the alliances being created here in town at this moment.  The group “Let the People Speak” were originally going to put up as a candidate Mr. Richard Stevens in place of the alleged Sanford and Sons.  Some on the Fire and Rescue Squads were quick to point out that they would find it very difficult to vote for Mr. Stevens due to a perceived character flaw thus plan B, candidate Mr. Mullins.  Mr. Stevens has been associated with landfills in many towns in this part of the state such as Templeton and Barre to name a few but it is his alleged turning his back on the Eagle Scout Motto in dealing with fellow firefighters that may have lost him a friend or two in the “Let the People Speak” group.       

     “Dump Dicks” is a term of endearment used by some to describe those who would sell their healthy mothers kidneys to locate a landfill in their beloved Templeton or someone else’s beloved town. Mr. Stevens was the Board of Health Director in Templeton when Cassella Waste was involved with obtaining a contract to operate a town owned landfill on a large parcel of land adjacent to our Maple St. Well in 2004. It is alleged that Mr. Stevens was the original model for this term of endearment.  

     Kopelman and Paige also appear to be associated with landfills around the State of Massachusetts. Check the towns that have landfills and see if Kopelman and Paige are part of the equation such as Southbridge. It is alleged that big landfills equals big business equals Leonard Kopelman.

     The big problem with Mr. Mullins is alleged that he was originally going to be involved with the landfill in Templeton as a dump monitor.  Mr. Mullins ended up in Winchedon at their transfer station.  Kopelman and Paige are town counsel for the Town of Winchendon. Mr. Mullins was the swing vote allowing Leonard Kopelman back into our lives here in Templeton just a few days after his election on February 6th.  

          As the landfill was coming into The Town of Templeton so was Leonard Kopelman in 2004.  The association between Mr. Mullins, Mr. Stevens and the law firm of Kopelman and Paige may have something to do with the future of a landfill here in the Town of Templeton.

     There are some who believe a large landfill in Templeton is like selling your sister into prostitution so that you can continue your gambling habit.  There are others who believe that Templeton has been polluted to its saturation point and can live without more of the same.

     Templeton residents may want to ask themselves are there any large tracts of land for a future landfill site that may become available soon here in the Town of Templeton like perhaps the Fernald School or something about that size?   

     It is the association with landfills, Leonard Kopelman,big business (at the expense of the taxpayers) and the alleged theft of scrap metal in the Town of Winchendon that leads me to ask Mr. Mullins to stand down from the Board of Selectmen and allow the town voters to select another leader with a less tarnished patina.
     As we move into our next 250 years lets get started on the right foot.  

1 comment:

  1. It is believed that the friends of the fernald school also may have large tracts of land that could be used as a landfill. What legal measures would be needed make this land available for use as a landfill is unknown. Do we have any members of our board of selectmen who might be associated with the friends of the fernald school who might comment on the availability of these properties to be used as land for a landfill?
