Saturday, March 17, 2012

Just how stupid are we taxpayers?

Hey O'Brien, just how stupid do you think us taxpayers are? Your quote at your meeting "televised" on the cable channel, Thursday, March 15, 2012 or near that date. Look at yourself on TV and then decide who is the stupid taxpayer. Buy the DVD for five dollars maybe you will want to keep it for your grandchildren or your great-grandchildren, but don't hide the DVD at the bottom of the hope chest, like you tried to hide a lot of other things. You do know what I mean don't you Dennis? You should be ashamed of yourself as a former select chair, but liked Mullins you think you are above the law. Don't hold your breath and wait, and may I remind you that calling your taxpayer partners f---a---h, will not make you any more popular with us stupid taxpayers. I was not at that meeting of the elementary school building committee, but I got your words from a reliable source. Have you ever heard of a listening device "digital" called "listen up"? You should buy one, you will be surprised what you can hear from 50 to 75 feet away. No it's not a recorder, it's a listening device, get it? I bought three of them so I could have others hear what I hear at meetings. I was going to give my friend Pete Kasper one of them, but I decided not to because when Pete says "I can't hear you" it gets your attention real fast, right Mr. Columbus? Yes people may laugh but they are not laughing at Pete for getting the board's attention. Guess who they are laughing at? When the taxpayers say-we can't hear you, what do you think, they need hearing aids? And even sitting close to the front of the room does not help the matter. To quote Bruce Miller, last week in the school auditorium, why only three mikes for five people, can't the school afford two more with all the money the school gets? And I think Bruce Miller is right. Don't blame the taxpayer we just want to hear what you people are saying. We don't want to hear anymore of "well you taxpayers voted for it" to quote Jerry Skelton.  And I believe all the taxpayers know what I mean in layman's terms, get it, in layman's terms. I can't use the book of etiquette because that does not fit my vocabulary. I got a couple of good blogs from people here in Templeton that are highly educated in municipal law and are coming on board. Can you imagine having a good architect here in town. We paid a couple guys $131,000 to draw a few pictures and put a face on an old building and propose a few other things. Kirk Moschetti is right, we the people are not a bunch of dummies. We can measure, observe and suggest a whole lot of things to help the town save hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars. But certain boards won't even consider it. For instant a new roof job at Templeton center school will probably come in at $250,000 if you put it out to bid. Get a bid from Kevin Hamilton on paper, and then you can say someone out of town is getting rich on Templeton, right Kevin? And again you'll hear the selectmen say where is his insurance, where is his prevailing wage, where is his big brand-new work truck, where is his chrome hammers, etc. etc. etc. but anyone from out of town can B.S. their way right into our checkbook, any comments? Go over to Narragansett family medicine, formally Doc Bell's office and see what renovations can do for an old building. Ask any honest contractor. Watch what the new owner of the church in East Templeton, next to scout Hall does. Then think again about redoing the East Templeton elementary school for a town hall. Look at the character of the front on route 2A side. Then go around back of Conti Ave and look at all the parking, possibly for 60 to 80 cars. Who said there is no parking at that school? Come on people speak out and help save ourselves a few million dollars, yes a few million dollars. Don't let the "I want new" big wallet people sink us into bankruptcy. Not just the town but yourselves, look at your last tax bill and to those few people that say, we need-we need-we need, let them pay my $15,000+ tax bill and I will  slowly walked into the sunset and wait until next year to come out and look for the auction flags. There has been over a hundred foreclosures in the last couple of years in Templeton, another 40 or so houses are either bank owned, abandoned or awaiting foreclosure. When are these do-gooders going to catch on? Progress was good once, but progress has gone far enough for a few years. Let us catch up on ourselves and not leave our children and grandchildren footing the bill for stupidity. Yes stupidity - isn't that what Dennis O'Brien said on TV Thursday, March 15, 2012 at the elementary school building committee? That Templeton taxpayers are stupid? Well I don't accept "I am sorry" from O'Brien. He has worn out the words "I am sorry". Tell it to the auctioneer or the state receivership when the town goes belly up. And no Mr. Mullins an override will not solve the problem. When we don't have any taxpayers to overtax and don't have a second income to get us by, if you know what I mean. So all you taxpayers that don't know what to do, just ask someone that has witnessed things firsthand. Is the house next to you vacant? Why? And don't compare us to the other towns. If it looks so good in other towns, what a you doing here in Templeton? Or is it you can't leave Templeton because of a mortgage problem? If you are in trouble with your own home, why would you agree to spend more money, I must say it can only hurt your problems not help? If I PHC Sr can help answer your questions feel free to ask me call me anytime or stop by my house at Cosentino Salvage and Recycling – and as I said before, you will not be bothering me so I will not put a “No Trespass” order on you. Hee- hee-hee!!
Pauly’s Templeton watch

PS did anyone notice Hanna’s place is closed – did that poor lady make so much money in one year she could afford to retire or did not having enough business and having to pay too high a  rent (as she told me) force another person to give it up in Templeton – Business is down everywhere even at my junkyard, thank God I don’t have to pay rent or I would be forced to close.  When will our “leaders” get it, no one has any money because of the economy.


  1. Business must be booming further down the road at the Skelton farm. The fruit and vegetable business is not what I am talking about. It is the clothing and furniture selling that seems to be operating at least part time. Is that a licensed business or a chronic yard sale?

  2. A quote from the movie Forrest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does." comes to mind after reading about a commment that Dennis O'Brien made at the Elementary School Building Committee meeting last Thursdsay regarding the people of Templeton.
    It means that you can tell who is stupid by looking at his actions.
    Mr. O'Brien's comment is certainly not well thought out and upon closer examination, his actions are also not well thought out. He has been acting in his own self interest now and while he served on the BOS. He is one of the people that signed a Purchase and Sales agreement for the 252 Baldwinville Rd project without have al building inspection done, and without having a full EPA report done. His actions prove the aforementioned point.

    The "stupid" people of Templeton are smarting up. At the warrant BOS meeting, the people saw right through the wording on the warrant submitted by the Elementary School Building committee The taking of the proposed property by emminent domain sounds good, but there were no real figures on the warrant as to what the taxpayers would actually be out of pocket by taking this property. The ESB commitee were trying to pull a fast one over the "stupid" people. The reality of taking over this property over would mean the Templeton would be on the hook for well over $1 million dollars. In fact, so many lending institutions have claims on that property that no one can give an accurate amount. Thank goodness the "stupid" people of Templeton were at that warrant meeting and made it apparent to the BOS that they were about to step in some serious trouble by letting this one through as worded.

    1. first of all Mr O'Brien is a buffoon...
      252 bald rd he should of never been part of it is across from his house .this in itself is a violation of ethics he should be fined on this alone !!

      the ESBC i don't know if he is on the committee but if he is that also a violation of ethics that land borders his !!

      and just because you buy the land tru eminent domain doesn't mean you get the land for free you have to pay fair market value for it and you throw in the leans ...big bucks

      Eminent domain refers to the power possessed by the state over all property within the state, specifically its power to appropriate property for a public use. In some jurisdictions, the state delegates eminent domain power to certain public and private companies, typically utilities, such that they can bring eminent domain actions to run telephone, power, water, or gas lines. In most countries, including the United States under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, the owner of any appropriated land is entitled to reasonable compensation, usually defined as the fair market value of the property. Proceedings to take land under eminent domain are typically referred to as "condemnation" proceedings.

  3. To answer your question Pauly, I think the stupidity began 10 years ago when the person who had left a town job because it caused her extreme stress, and she sued us for it, was hired back into the same job. It definitely was stupid to elect her husband to be her boss as a selectman (called nepotism}. Of course that was all cleared up somehow by bending the rules and using "small town rule". Then I guess we could say it was stupid to elect Bob Columbus and Dennis O'brien, but who knew?

    Any official who uses the term we(the officials) and they(the taxpayers) suggesting that "we" are different from "them" should realize they are us, representing us. Get it O'Brien. That said, this space is providing the education to stop the stupidity. The more that comes out, the more chance we have to turn it around.

  4. I think whenever a new town hall is established (not at 252 Bald. Rd., of course) it should be dedicated to Paul Cosentino, Sr. with a nice shiny plaque everyone has to pass by when entering. A little reminder that anyone doing business inside these walls must do so in an honest way.

    Tonight, everyone raise a glass in his honor and say "To Pauly! He is a good man. Thank you for all your hard work."

  5. Hey did you all see the ad on Page 2 in the Gardner snooze today for the New Hope Bible Chapel holding there services at Narragansett High School on Sunday Mornings check out their website I am not against any religion but isn't there suppose to be separation of church an state? Who is paying for the janitor to be there. us taxpayers?? Why does this church get to use the school??? Are we trying to build an elemetary school or a building for church use??

  6. Any organization can request to use a public building. You can't block one organization over another even for religious reasons. If the organization fills out the forms and pays the attendant fees they can use the public facility. Case in point is the Worcester Public library and some fringe hate group. Hate speech is protected. Hate groups/hate speech should also be recognized for what they are. The group that wanted to use the Worcester Public library was banned because they were inciting unlawful action. If that hate group had not tried to incite unlawful action they would have been allowed to use the Worcester Pubic Library.

    As for Mr. O'Brien ...I believe the Forrest Gump quote holds true...Stupid is as stupid does! Ethically, nothing will happen to Mr. O'Brien because the Ethics Commission is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kopelman and Paige. 'nough said.

  7. Carl Bernstein once wrote follow the money.
    Follow the money, it just may solve the mystery of why K&P wants to stay in Templeton. Who is the principle in Echo hill subdivision. Someone may wish to see if the lawsuit involving Templeton vs. Franklin Brandan Investments, company of Kirk Moschetti. I don't think that suit was ever settled as there is no reference to it being settled in the town report as required by law. Echo hill subdivision is a jerry skelton project. I believe his property borders the Templewood golf course, of which jerry was on the committee to see if Templeton should but the golf course. Dennis O'Brien on board with the town buying 252 Baldwinvile Road and is on two committees to either make 252 a town hall and build a school on 223 B. Road. Ensuring there are no business around his property to lower value or be intrusive. Kirk and his family do site developement work. Could there be a deal or agreement there? You support my building town hall and you get site work at my subdivision. Tit for tat, deals for personal gain at taxpayers expense, once upon a time, selectmen and planning board chair. Whose pockets got lined on these deals? How many speakers of the house of MA have been indicted for making deals on backs of taxpayers. What happened in Winchendon with town manager and solar deal? Just because it sounds like a fruitcake conspiracy does not make it wrong. And why such a big effort to make old man C, Pauly Cosentino look the fool? Could it be he is stirring a pot that someone does not want bothered?

  8. If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?-Will Rogers.

  9. Jeff As you know It was me that told you to get off the couch {sofa} and get involved . Its nice to see you took my advise ,and for that I thank you . However I would prefer that in the future if you have a question for me ,then ask me and dont do it in the form of a conspiracy plot . The answer to your first question in regards to Town of Templeton V Franklin Brandin Inv. Corp., was the town took me to court to stop one of my gravel removal operations . CASE CLOSED . the atty. at the time was Mark Goldstien . the answer to your second question about Echo Hill is NO DEAL . I know that it sounds good from a conspiracy point of view but there is just nothing there . So from here on in do us all a favor and stick to the facts and not the fiction about what is really going on in this town . I for one do as much for this town as i can without asking or expecting anything in return {unlike some others } . So please stick to the facts ! and leave Me and my family out of the local BULL S--T . This Town has enough real problems . You know that i am always available and willing to help the town in any way possible without expecting anything in return . Someone asked me the other day what side am I on ,and I simply replyed the side of common sense .{ Please join me }. Thanks again Jeff for all that you do ,and remember if you want to know some thing about me THEN ASK ME !!! Kirk Moschetti

    1. well kirk you said you well help out the town in any way? well the way i see it you did a good job on the proposed new town hall by over paying for it with out even appraisal done on it. the only person you were looking out for was Dennis O'Brien . in my opinion!!!

    2. Mike you might want to do your homework .first of all im not the one that bought the building .the selectman did . so if something wasnt done right in your opinion you might want to check with the board that the committee was working for . thanks kirk

    3. One would guess that if your on the committee you would have input on the building !!But i am assuming again that it is politics as usual ..The other guy did it! That is all going to say !you had enough of getting picked on for a few days

    4. mike i dont mind healthy diolog as long as it gets the information out that people deserve to know . im a big boy and can take being picked on LoL . but if you ask me a real strait forward question,I will do my best to answer it . thank you

    5. C'mon guys, get a room! This is accomplishing nothing.

  10. Common sense says when the voters say no, you listen. And you have not done so. You wish to spend 5 or 6 thousand dollars for bids and you or your committee is going to try and pay the OPM around $2500.00 because they have stuck around after the no vote on Feb 6, 2012. I think it is odd for Kirk to have had to go to court over removing top soil and gravel from a piece of land he claimed was going to be a camp ground, circa 2004, Templeton and now you sit on the planning board telling everyone all the rules they have to follow after you snubbed your nose at those very rules. Fact is another Moschetti signs warrants (invoices) for his father, fact: you and your dad remove yourself from seats at the planning board whenever the exit 19/Templeton plaza comes before said board, do you have a financial interest in that? Fact; you attend alot of meetings, sewer, con comm and select to name a few whenever the campobasso team appears. In doing so much for the town, any chance of doing some donated site work on the improvement of the common? Ping pong is not a game associated with politics, you must take a stand rather than switch around for whatever is the popular side at the moment. Ya know, a generated obtained from a demo project that you get paid for in the first place could have been donated to the town rather than sold to it, just a thought.

    1. Well first of all unlike yourself im not affraid to put my name on a conversation like this . second of all,the voters at the town meeting gave the ok for the town hall project Not me . Yes i did vote to go out to bid for the project with the hopes of the bids comming in well under estimated cost . therefore not needing any aditional funds .Im not for spending more than we can afford ,but once again thats not my call .its the voters . what im trying to say is that im not the one signing the checks . Im just following thru with a thankless job that the voters asked me to do . so unlike a lot of people in this town I dont take this personally ,and if the same people that said go ,change there mind and say stop { on the entire project } than i will stop . On your other topic of The exit 19 mall project , apparently you havent been paying attention from the start . The truth is. the reason I steped off the planning board whenever the project came in for permitting is because i am the one that found the developers and investors and talk them into investing in this crazy town we call home . so if you want to Damm me for jobs and tax revenue so be it . but you will find yourself all alone on i know plenty of people that are looking forward to both . In regards to your request of donated work for the common sounds great so why dont you get off your ass and help the committee get the plan done ,secure the funding and give me a call .BUT WAIT HOW WILL I KNOW WHO YOU ARE . as far as your other concerns im not going to waste my time explaining to someone without a name . Kirk Moschetti

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Mr. Moschetti, it is obvious that you are new to posting on Pauly's Blog. I would also assume that you are new to reading this blog. If you had read older blogs here, you would know why some people are afraid to use there real names. They have had retaliation from people when they spoke out. They have been threatened. They have been bullied. So please do not be so quick to jump on the "im not going to waste my time explaining to someone without a name" band wagon. They have a name and they choose not to share it. That in no way means that they don't have valid points that should be discussed. .

    4. Thank you Phil I am not new to reading Pauly"s blog however i do think its terrible the way everybody is treating there fellow towns people . I for one have nothing to hide and have no problem in discussing my own actions as a town official . but i do think it is a little distastefull the way people ask a question with a twist of accusation im sure you know what i mean . once again thank you

    5. Mr. Moschetti, I agree that it is a little distasteful the way some people ask a question with a twist of accusation. So let me try asking you nicely with no accusation.

      Why was a full 21E report not done on the 252 property?
      Why was the sale of this property not contingent on the passing of a full 21E?
      What was the reason for the gravel/fill being placed on the property?

    6. Phil. First of all thank you for your format. To the best of my knowledge there is a three step process to a 21E enviromental report . The first step in the process is the history of the site and the surrounding area , detailing past and current uses and well as a visual surface observation .The second step of a 21E report is soil testing including excavation and borings to test for contaminants that may be present do to current or former use on or off the site . The third step would be the remediation {removal}and disposal of said materials should they exist . Now here is your answer . according to the report on part one the site did not warrant any further investigation . To answer your second question , the above information was all that was needed to satisfy the sales agreement. Now im not sure what you are talking about in regards to the fill/gravel placed on site ? could you clarify for me . Please note you asked me and i answered to the best of my ability ,keeping in mind I dont make the rules when it comes to enviromental laws and procedures .However for what its worth I do beleave that town council should have been covering our ass. Thanks and I hope this helps

    7. Kirk, Your answers do help, a little. One of the stumbling blocks for this site, as far as some taxpayers goes, is that the full 21E was not done. People are concerned about the chemicals that were once used on site. They are looking for the reassurance that the full 21E would have given them. No one wants hazardous waste underfoot.

      So I ask you, would have your home and family live on this site as is?

      To clarify my earlier question - it has been alleged that fill/gravel was placed on the site shortly after the P&S was signed. Do you have any knowledge of this happening? And if so, why was it done?

      You allude that the town council should have been "covering our ass". One would think that you may feel that perhaps the taxpayers of Templeton were not best served by the council during the process of the purchase of this site. This has also been a concern of many people in town, as I am sure you know. Can you clarify as to what they should have been "covering our ase" from?

      I appreciate you engaging in the conversation. It is helpful to all the readers of this blog.

    8. Phil first of all .I know nothing about the fill/gravel that you speak of . second what i ment about covering our ass ,was that I can only assume that town council would {should} have looked over the documentation {21e report} that was done by the enviromental company to make sure it was satisfactory for the town to purchace prior to giving the selectman the ok to proceed with the purchase . I myself was not part of that process . If there is enviromental problems on that site ,I for one am not aware of them based on the info that was supplyed from the phase 1 of the report we spoke of earlier . And yes i do take this very seriously . the other thing i want you to realize is that when going thru the 21E process phase one is what gives you the direction as to whether you do the other phases . and the report that we recieved said no . I am not a expert on this however i have worked in and around this industry in the past . The only way the town will ever know what is truly there based on the fear of the unknown is to have some subsurface testing done on site . I hope this helps , I to want the answers to be correct . thank you

    9. Kirk, what a run around bunch of answers,"To the best of your knowledge" BS, you are very smart and cross your t's and dot your i's. Will you go on record and in print now, that YOU were not on that site with a Backhoe and/or Dump Truck with Gravel involved.

    10. Dear Do Yes I will go on record ,I honestly do not know what the Hell everybody is talking about when it comes to my involvement with this ,sand , gravel , fill and backhoe activity . However there was maybe testing done for the design of the storm water management design . and if so No I was not present,and no I had no financial gain . I hope this helps

    11. "However there was maybe testing done for the design of the storm water management design"

      MORE jibber jabber, YOU are on the Bldg. committee and these are the kind of answers we get. How about some straight up, honest, truthful, complete, answers.

    12. Kirk, Thank you for responding. I would like to be clear that I, Phil, never wrote that you, personally, had any direct involvement in the fill/gravel question. I ask these questions of you because you are on the Municipal Building Committee and would have more direct knowledge of the answers to my questions than I.

      Certain representatives of the MBC have not come off well in the past when asked similar questions. They come off ,in my opinion, as arrogant, evasive and untrustworthy rather than answering questions directly. As I wrote earlier, the taxpayers of Templeton are looking for assurance that this site is safe, reliable and in this budget crisis, cost effective.

      The cost effectiveness of this site is another bone of contention with the townspeople. It has been asked of you before, but I will ask nicely. Why was 252 bought without negotiating a lower price, rather than paying what appears to be more than fair market value? In your opinion, do you feel that the town got a good deal on that vacant building?

      To someone on the outside, it comes off as a sweetheart deal. But my money was used to pruchase the site, and will be used in any future work done on this site, so I feel the need to ask the questions that have been bouncing around the town.

      Thank you for sharing your insights.

    13. As a long time member of the Planning Board, I find it disingenuous that "to the best of your knowledge" there is a 3 step process to conducting a 21E. Mr. Moschetti should KNOW that there is a three step process.

      As far as the BOS purchasing the building...yeah, the BOS did sign for the purchase of 252 Baldwinville RD - except that some of the BOS had no knowledge of what the Municipal building committee was doing because any and all information that has since become public regarding the USDA loan and purchase and sale agreement, the lack of a legitimate settlement statement surfaced AFTER - AFTER the former town coordinator was placed on administrative leave.

      Do you think that was a coincidence?

    14. Dear over and out . Me being on the planning board has nothing to do with my knowledge of the 21E process .there are many aspects of environmental testing and reporting ,and I only speak of my own experience in working in and around this industry in my own line of work . as far as the paper work that you speak of , in my opinion that is one of the internal problems that has been dragging this town down for to long .I do how ever find it hard to beleave that the BOS could not find the purchase and sales agreement do to the fact they not I or the committee signed it .

    15. Members of the building committe did sign it because they serve on both entities, BOS and muni bldg committees, as in O'Brien, Columbus and Stewart so please lets not be playin possem when it comes to paper work. And why was such a large and important purchase only signed by three selectmen, were the other two kept in the dark? did the former coordinator hide it from them as as been implied and stated before. Just a thought and a question, how did the chairman sign it and not make sure all selectmen saw it and signed it, maybe cause he thinks those two selectmen are too stupid to sign it.

    16. That i will agree with you on , and that is and has been a problem for a long time in this town . my only point would be that they acted as selectmen when they did .In my opinion I do not think any selectman should serve on any of the appointed boards in town ,at least not as a voting member . just my thoughts

  11. Acutally, any money spent on 252 Baldwinville road is money the taxpayers cannot afford. Templeton has a long term debt amount of about $16 million bucks, 1.9 million more borrowed money =s another 4 million bucks to the pot for a grand total of $20 million bucks in the hole plus the everyday bills to be paid. If you pay taxes in town, this is on you, am I right. one post you say you work for the selectmen, next you say you do a thankless job for the voters who asked you to do it. I believe you ran for election to planning board, you chose to get involved, am I right? so you can walk away anytime. one thing about Mr. Moschetti here is there is another citizen participating. The band wagon may be jumping, but we all seem to basically be concerned with the same thing, cleaning up the mess. The dirty laundry ain't perty but the sun will bleach it clean eventually. One thing that could make a small difference is if one is a town resident and you use your car for town business, skip the mileage charge turn in to the taxpayers. all ye be doing is takin money from back pocket to put it in front pocket. Peeps put in for mileage for goin to post office go to cumbies for coffee and turn in for the whole trip. This here internet and blog is a trip. The more they pick on Pauly, the more popular his bblog gets and the more we talk, b-tch and complain but it has people paying attention...........Pauly for selectmen, President...sheriff

  12. Mr Moshetti, I do believe you are playing both sides of the fence, there is no doubt you are pushing Bald. Rd. because of the cash windfall that will fall into your lap when you "Get" the site work contract, You do not do anything unless it benefits yourself, I and others do not buy into this crap about you donating your time and machinery, If you did it, it is only because of the back door deal of future profits. In one conversation you are Jerry S. and his Wifes best friend, in the blink of an eye they are the enemy, Which side of the fence and which day? So do you honestly say you would work FOR the town and NOT for your benefit at the expense of the taxpayers. I do believe you are a little more involved in Exit 19 than your letting on. known

  13. You also say YOU did not buy Bald. Rd., we all know that, BUT you were on the committee that slid the deal thru in a very sleazy way, WHY oh WHY was a 21E not done on that site, YOU of all people know how important that test is when buying a commercial building, and what was done behind that building, You Know, what was covered up or filled in in such a hurry. WHY did you not help negotiate a better price, WHEN have you ever paid FULL RETAIL for something.

  14. Dear do . I have no intentions of doing work on the Bald. rd. project . If this project were to go forward it would be the general contractor responsible for the work .as for the conversation with or about Jerry S . I dont know what you are refering to please clarify . also you have to tell me whats on both sides of this so called fence so i may better understand your motive for asking . As for exit 19 I allready said i was involved with this project on a personal level and not as a town official { no smoking gun there } full disclosure . I hope this helps you figure things out

  15. Whoa! Somebody needs a warm blanket. I would like to say just one (or maybe 3) things. The proverbial fence can be painted red on one side and green on the other, but, it is still the same fence. That said, you physically can't be on both sides at the same time. As for your officiall position on the Planning Board, whether you are in the conversation and vote or not you still are the elephant in the room. I believe you are a very smart man and can figure that out. As for personal vs. town official - if money is involved in the end, you are teetering on the top of that fence.

  16. So, who's resigning from the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee? See agenda for March 27 meeting on town website.

    1. Who, take a deep breath guys. It does no one any good to get nasty, or personel. It could be Kirk was on that commitee,and " did nothing wrong ".Do you really think J.S. would let every one know what he was up to. I give anyone credit for trying to get things done. It is my opinion that this blog should be a safe place to speak your mind, and we should agree to disagree sometimes. It is not easy to have this crap going wrong in town, but we have to remember not every one is bad. Remember we are not the problem, and we don't want to be. We can't go back just forward.We can only do our best.

    2. Sorry folks its not Dennis its Mr Hicks who is moving out of town

    3. Thanks for the clarification Pauly, I was hopeful it was Mr. O'Brien and that he was resigning over his "stupid" comment or over the fact that he has a conflict of interest in the purchasing of property that abuts his own.

    4. Copied from the summary of Conflict of Interest Law (which everyone has to sign when sitting on a town committee):

      "(d) Self-dealing and nepotism. Participating as a municipal employee in a matter in which you, your immediate family, your business organization, or your future employer has a financial interest is prohibited. (See Section 19)

      A municipal employee may not participate in any particular matter in which he or a member of his immediate family (parents, children, siblings, spouse, and spouse's parents, children, and siblings) has a financial interest. He also may not participate in any particular matter in which a prospective employer, or a business organization of which he is a director, officer, trustee, or employee has a financial interest. Participation includes discussing as well as voting on a matter, and delegating a matter to someone else.

      A financial interest may create a conflict of interest whether it is large or small, and positive or negative. In other words, it does not matter if a lot of money is involved or only a little. It also does not matter if you are putting money into your pocket or taking it out. If you, your immediate family, your business, or your employer have or has a financial interest in a matter, you may not participate. The financial interest must be direct and immediate or reasonably foreseeable to create a conflict. Financial interests which are remote, speculative or not sufficiently identifiable do not create conflicts.

      Example : A planning board member lives next door to property where a developer plans to construct a new building. Because the planning board member owns abutting property, he is presumed to have a financial interest in the matter. He cannot participate unless he provides the State Ethics Commission with an opinion from a qualified independent appraiser that the new construction will not affect his financial interest.

      In many cases, where not otherwise required to participate, a municipal employee may comply with the law by simply not participating in the particular matter in which she has a financial interest. She need not give a reason for not participating.

      There are several exemptions to this section of the law. An appointed municipal employee may file a written disclosure about the financial interest with his appointing authority, and seek permission to participate notwithstanding the conflict. The appointing authority may grant written permission if she determines that the financial interest in question is not so substantial that it is likely to affect the integrity of his services to the municipality. Participating without disclosing the financial interest is a violation. Elected employees cannot use the disclosure procedure because they have no appointing authority."

      Even if his children own his property, Mr. O'Brian voting on acquiring land next door to his property seems to be a violation. But, then again, I'm a Templeton resident, so I'm stupid and may not understand how to read rules that "wicked smaht" people in Boston create.

    5. OMG, OMG, Thankyou Olive. I am glad you are on my team. This gives me reason to work "hahd" to make this town aware that the powers that be have bent the rules whenever it works in their favor. The BIG problem is that elected officials do not know, and are not advised to be familiar with the LAWS. Hence the "elephant in the room" just sits there passively to get her way. I hope people read this information.
      It is the seed to broaden our awareness, and awareness and knowledge brings us out of stupidity. Thankyou for expanding on my thoughts.

    6. The Powers that be have bent the rules many other places in this town, too. Look to a few other "power" depts. They took over the town & held us hostage years ago with their Outrageous demands for astronomical salaries, benefits, retirement packages, etc. I have seen it happen since a certain someone came into this once very respectable place. I grew up here (more years than I care to mention, ha) and have seen a big shift in what is most important to some. There are those very greedy, arrogant, self-centered, entitlement thinkers that we didn't have even 25 or so years ago. Just follow the money trail & it will lead you to places that you might not have ever imagined. This is just my opinion. No hard proof that I have but Pauly does have a lot of stuff & he is doing a fabulous job of making these worms squirm :) And as our very honorable Julie Farrell says "The Truth is out There" and it will come out. Unfortunately, not soon enough for most of us who blog here. As Always, Thanks Pauly!!

  17. Bev, remember we are NOT stupid, Mr Mochetti is a very smart man and does not let anything go over his head, he is as responsible as the others on the building committee, Now for a couple simple questions he asked for, 1) WHY oh WHY was a 21E not done, You of all people know how important that is when buying a commercial building, (and don't give us that crap about not needing one because your people said it appears ok), 2) WHY in the world would you guys not negotiate a reasonable price on that building, It was not in hot demand and every single one of you probably never paid full price for anything, YOU are a master of negotiating a lower price. 3) What did you Bury, Fill in, or whatever you did in a hurry when Bald. Rd, was bought, FOR FREE.

  18. Can you please expound on item 3?

  19. I guess K & P were the town Attorneys at the time..... Never ever ever would a commercial/industrial property be purchased without a full 21E done - Cumberland Farms did 21e test on the property in East Templeton that they bought from me in 2000 - it had to pass before they would purchase it - ask Tom Royer he had to do a 21E on the Kameloth property before he purchased it. It is common business practice and mortgage companies and banks will not lend on a property that has not had a Full 21E done and is clean. so do you people think the USDA will lend money on 252 Baldwinville Rd

  20. Well, the USDA was willing to lend to Templeton without any vote by the BOS to grant Gerald P Skelton to authority to apply for the USDA fact the USDA is still willing to grant extensions for this allegedly fraudulent loan. Go figure! Oh yeah ..4.25% over 40 years is a sweet deal - not for Templeton taxpayers , but for the USDA! 40 year loan should be at 1.75% not 4.25%! So why would you think a full 21E would be done on the property?

    Templeton - screwed again! Think I'll sponsor a float with that slogan on it for the 250th parade....maybe I'll apply for an unauthorized USDA loan to pay for the float....Will keep you posted....

  21. Want to use one of my Ramp Trucks for that parade float!!!!!!!
