Saturday, March 17, 2012

Question for Those Who Voted “no” to the Question about Pat Mullins – Should he resign

(sorry Mark this went to my "Junk" mail, I fixed my mail so it won't happen again)  
I am interested in the reasons why those who voted “no” on the poll as to whether Mr. Mullins should resign.
You see, I have heard the rumors, and Mr. Mullins has not spoken on these rumors. His explanation for his sudden resignation from his dream job does not hold water. Remember, this is the man who wanted to be the dump monitor when Casella made their pitch. We all have evidence that Mr. Mullins prefers this line of work. Why would a man leave the apex of his employment dream? Certainly, we can expect that he would clearly outline his reasons. What is this other “opportunity” in Winchendon? Are there two dumps or transfer stations in Winchendon? Is this other “opportunity” working for the town of Winchendon? Is Mr. Mullins drawing a paycheck? Who is his employer? When did the action that is alleged take place? Was Mr. Mullins under investigation, at any time, by the District Attorney? Does Mr. Mullins have a wife who works for the District Attorney? Was he under investigation when he was recruited to run for selectman in Templeton?
With all the distrust that accompanies Mr. Mullins position on the BOS, I would think that he would address these questions directly. He has chosen to dodge these legitimate questions. Mr. Mullins, this member of the “people” wants YOU to speak. I want you to address the accusation that you have stolen while on the job. I ask that you STOP dodging the elephant in the room. This is not going away. The people of Templeton deserve answers to each and every question. If you cannot answer these questions, then explain why. If any of the influence gained as a selectman would raise an eyebrow, then you owe it to the people of Templeton to come clean. Public officials must avoid both SCANDAL and the appearance of SCANDAL.
I would appreciate responses from ANYONE who voted that Patrick Mullins should not resign. I would appreciate a direct response, to each question I asked, from my selectman, Patrick Mullins.
Mark P. Barrieau


  1. Great pointed questions that all deserve an answer. Thank you Mr. Barrieau for raisng these very important issues that NEED to be addressed.

  2. Thank you for asking very appropriate questions.

  3. if no one did anything wrong, why would there be a gag order in place? I wonder if the court was approached, is this considered a public record, the court going on the record about a gag order and what possible reason could there be for a gag order if two guys just resigned from their jobs? I believe this would be the second incident involving scrap metal, Winchendon and a town employee being being involved in the same subject, misuse of town money and or property (scrap metal) from highway/public works department. Maybe just a tad to embarrassing for em north of Templeton

    1. I wonder how big the gag order was that K.&P. used to cover Mr.Mullens ass. It is not fair to his future employers, or us to have him employed by the town. I would think someone had some pull.

  4. This is to my comments.I wrote on letters asking Mullins to resign.Written on 3/6/12.I know Pat you must read Paul's Templeton watch.Or at least maybe a family member.Like a aunt or maybe a friend.Whats being written on this blog must be getting back to you some how.Be a man about it come clean.And if its true whats being said resign.We all make mistakes in life its human to.It's the ones that own up to them.That gets respect back as a human being.Just going back in time for a minute.What happen to that kid.That use to have a funny joke or two to tell in the locker room.Or out on the practice field during football practice.Whats the joke on you now. ex-teammate.

  5. Just a thought...Can we ask the board to put the question regarding Patrick's involvement in illegal activity in Winchendon on the agenda? Ask Patrick to address the people that voted him in to the position he holds on the board? Ask him to clear the air so the town can move on to bigger and more productive issues? A formal request to speak up or step down or do we have to wait for a recall that will cost the town $$ they don't have to spend.
