Tuesday, March 6, 2012

last night's meeting and an ethics question

To all who could not attend last nights selectmen's meeting or who were stuck in the hallway at 690 Patriots road and could not hear my letter asking for an investigation of the town - My agreement with the police was that I would be allowed to have my letter read by Peter Farrell (because of my voice) but then I would have to leave the meeting immediately and no one, not the selectmen or anyone attending the meeting would be able to make any comments on my letter. I will attach my letter to this blog later today. What kind of town do we live in when in order to bring something to the attention of the BOS you must have you rights to assemble violated.  and just a note Jeff Bennett left the meeting last night when it was brought to the attention of chairman Columbus that the meeting was violating the open meeting laws because of  people in the hallway not being able to hear or participate in the meeting - the meeting was eventually closed.

Just some food for thought - If someone violates ethics in their capacity as an employee of a municipality (remember all municipal and state employees must take the ethics test and abide by ethics laws) in other words if someone has disregards ethics laws in their job as a municipal employee - do you thing they will abide by ethics laws as an elected official???  Just a thought!


  1. Letters are needed at the Selectmen's office asking Mr. Mullins to resign. It appears the let the People speak have put up a less than stellar candidate. Send letters asking Mr. Mullins to resign to towncoordinator@templeton1.org . Tell your neighbors and friends to ask for Mr. Mullins resignation by sending an email or letter to the town coordinator today. Lets restore some honesty to our town government.

    1. I would be happy if Mr. Mullins addressed the issue, much as any politician would. He needs to call the local papers, or even respond on this blog. The local papers have not covered themselves in glory on this story. They should ask him the hard questions directly, and if he will not respond, they should print that information.

      Trust in government is critical. Right now, we have a definite trust issue that Mr. Mullins must address. If he cannot address the issue, then he should resign.

    2. Mr Barrieau - I did question Mark Harranas of TGN and asked him why they didn't ask Mullins or Winchendon Officials more pointed questions, His reply was they were not allowed to - there was an agreement in place - no statements/prosecution of Mullins as long as he resigned from his job. call Mr Harrannas please 978-632-8000

  2. K&P says it all... thats why the three puppets voted them back in ...it's one of them back door deals!!!!!!

  3. Mr Cosentino - I would expect that TGN is not party to the agreement, and thus should report that they asked this question and received "no comment" etc.

    It appears as the fix is in. I can't imagine how a newspaper can fail to ask the obvious questions:
    Why did you resign?
    Did you steal on the job?
    Was your resignation part of a "deal"?
    Did you get a new job working for the town of Winchendon? (If I lived in Toy Town, I would want to hear an answer to that one)

    To the Gardner News, I would ask why they printed the resignation of both Mullins and his helper on page 1. These are not very critical positions, why is it news? As Paul Harvey used to say, where's "the rest of the story?"
