Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letters asking for Mullins to resign!!!!

Ok people - the poll here on my blog says 75 people say Mullins should resign (I can't call him Mr.) I hope that all you 75 people have send in you letters to the town coordinator asking for Mullins' resignation.  I still want to see his certificate for taking the online ethics test see  www.mass,gov/ethics click on the online training - there's the test and the certificate prints out when you are done.

So everyone get those letters done.  We need trust in this town.

Also please note there is a Municipal Building Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 7 at 6:30 at 690 Patriots Rd - according to the agenda thats posted on the towns website they will be discussing a prop 2 1/2 overide for the 252 Baldwinville Rd project. Check with the Town Clerk  at 978-939-8466 to see confirm that this meeting is still on.

Also SELECTMEN'S MEETING - THURSDAY, MARCH 8  - 6:00PM at Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria - See you there!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is in regarding Pat Mullins.I went out the other night with a friend from Winchendon.For a cold one and he asked me if I know a Pat Mullins.I said yes, I went to school with him and played football with him.Why, Then he told me about the rumors that where going around town where he worked.I told him Pat was a good kid in school.Hopefully he turned into a good young man.About a week later I was at our local postoffice.And over heard a conversation between 2 towns people.Talking about the same thing my friend was telling me.I give Pat the benefit of the doubt.Pat if there just rumors and not true.Come clean. You owe it to the people and yourself.Thank you and Godbless
