Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Please follow this link

Follow this link to an article about Choromium and how a Michigan Company got rid of it - just as I said - and while you are reading it think about 252 Baldwinville Rd - My brother Franny Cosentino sent this to me from Jacksonville - Paulyhttp://jacksonville.com/sports/football/jaguars/2012-03-26/story/michigan-environmental-regulator-re-inspect-plant-owned


  1. I believe it was hexavalent chromium that was involved with Pacific Gas and Electric in the movie Erin Brockovich. Were any hazardous chemicals found at the East Templeton Elementary School? Using the East Templeton Elementary School as a town office seems like a no-brainer, we own the building, it has been occupied recently and we stay out of adding more debt.

    1. BUT common sense does not prevail in this town

  2. I have read the assessment on this property. I will be picking it apart and ask Mr.Skelton some questions. The assessor had not one scrap of history on this building to go by. The assessor had asked Mr.Skelton the history, but there was no mention of the chromium VI, total chromium, phenols, cresol, and total mercury. The many and I mean many violations, spills that hold no guarantee when washed down with water does not guarantee contamination of soil. Many violations for improper storage, improper labeling and transportation. No manuals or mads. Sheets no proper training for employees to dispose or store this " bio-waste" as the MassDept puts it. Money fines for non compliance (many). WHY AND WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL IN SOIL SAMPLING if everything is OK? WHY are putting a new roof on this. The codes were changed before the purchase ummm must have been an oversight :) ! I think its fare to ASSUME our officials care about the workers that are going in the building and will do a full 21E on this land! ? The workers are in the right to request this. (MTA licensed to speak on chemicals and the dangers of BIOHAZARD WASTE and the effects on the Human body). Blood, tissue and diseases.

    1. Good comment Regina just want to clarify that you mean the environmental assessor who did the environmental phase 1 report not our deputy assessor Sue Byrne - and yes he, the environmental assessor did get information from Gerry Skelton - you are welcome to come and look over the reports and papers I received from the DEP. as is anyone else- and keep up the good work! Pauly
