Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Jeff Bennett will be organizing and planning to begin the recall process of two selectmen, virginia wilder and patrick mullins in August. The irresponsible action on February 16, 2012, firing of town counsel and now the literal wasting of taxpayer money, $5 grand in less than 2 weeks with more wasteful spending to come, as in paying K&P attorney to write motions and agendas because apparently the recallcoming.com/letthepeoplespeak group is not capable of reading or calling state agency's who could advise you on how to write a proper agenda, then tell taxpayers you need to pass an override because we/you need the money. Also on my mind will be the very vocal and unmistakable campaign to get columbus out of office, for the sake of Templeton and it's residents.
They deserve better representation than this. Blatant ignorance for the taxpayers, letting a police chief state at a public meeting that if you don't behave, you will taken from the building. A chairman has some meeting responsibilities and one of them is to know and understand open meeting rules and laws. The chair controls the meeting and warns individuals if they do not behave and if they interfere or disrupt a meeting that if they do not behave you will be asked to leave the meeting and if you refuse, then and only then will you be escorted out by a constable or officer of the law. Does not matter where the open public meeting is held, the rules are the same. We do not live in a police state yet! Another letter to attorney general along with dvd. Please join me in voting this, in my opinion, unfit for public office individual out of office on May 7, 2012. Recall coming in August for the recall of mullins and wilder. Your disregard for the taxpayers is inexcusable. This is my opinion and my opinion on this subject is unchangable. For the good of the town in which I grew up, they need to go, I only wish it was sooner rather than later.


  1. Ament to that. Come May 7th can't we get 2 out of office.Mr Columbus by election.And when the gag order is lifted on Mr Mullins on May 7.Won't we find out the truth.What really happened in Winchendon.Then he can be thrown off the board.As being a theft.townwatch007

  2. Wilder, Columbus and Stewart need classes on how to treat the people that pay their wages. They are rude to the public. Imagine telling your boss to be quiet and behave or they will be thrown out. Now tell your boss when she/he asks a question, "no, no, no we are not going there" How long would you have a job? Perhaps Columbus will get his (well deserved) pink slip in May. Mullins so arrogant sitting on the board when a taxpayer suggests he abstain from a vote which could potentially be a conflict, he and Wilder sound off at the taxpayer. Almost in unison. YOu think they both know why he should have abstained. I mean after all they both could not have just crawled out from under a "manhole cover" if you know what I mean...Just my humble opinion...

  3. I heard that the one of the seasonal workers that he was going to vote on hiring helped him load manhole covers on to a truck to be brought to the scrap yard. Do not know if it is true or not but rumor has it and Patrick is not speaking to the people so I guess the rumors or truths will continue.

  4. There is a gag order in the courts. Mullins cannot speak by law. But I'm sure our new town attorney's will pull some strings. Like I said before Winchendon got rid of their problem with a reference but dumped a trash bag in Templeton. If there was no truth to that statement he would have voted. But he knew what I was getting at That would have been an ethics violation. From what I hear behind closed doors Mullins blamed it all on the underdog. How can he run this town in good faith. A thief and a snitch hmmm. House of correction residents would love to be housed with him.

  5. I watched the local channel 8 selectmans meeting last night.It got pretty interesting.When Mr Mayo was in front of the board.Looking to hire 4 people for seasonal help.One of them was a female.When the board went to vote on it.A woman at the meeting.Said Mr Mullins shouldn't vote onit.And Mr Mullins asked why.She said conflict of interest.Then Mr Mullins said with who.And the woman said the female their trying to hire.Watch it and listen closely.You can hear Mr Columbus tell Mr Mullins.Don't say another word.Thats the beauty of tv.Mr Columbus he's a big boy let him talk.What are you afraid of.Boy did you see Mr Mullins body language change.Watch it for yourself.Oh by the way when did Mrs Wilder become the chairman.To tell Mrs Farrell to shut up, your all done talking.What happen to let the people speak.Maybe we should make the chief the chair.townwatch007
