Friday, March 2, 2012

Please send Letters requesting Patrick Mullins' resignation

Here is a sample letter asking for Patrick Mullins' resignation. Please either write your own or you can copy and paste this one and email it to
or mail it to Board of Selectmen, POB 250, Templeton, MA 01468
or drop it at the Selectmen's Office (be sure to get it time stamped)

We want a ton of letters to there by Monday Morning - so please email!!!!!!!!!!

March 3, 2012

Board of Selectmen
690 Patriots Road
Templeton, MA 01468 

Dear Select Board Members, 

We the taxpayers, voters and residents of Templeton do hereby request the immediate resignation of Patrick Mullins from the Board of Selectmen.  Due to circumstances that he was involved in Winchendon he should not be a selectman in our town. We want him to resign now.



  1. I just sent my letter to the town coordinator asking for Mullins resignation

    1. In my opinion Mr.Mullins has been used by "Let the People Speak". Mr. Mullins has been a great asset to the Town of Templeton as a member of the Rescue Squad and Fire Department and has served his town with distinction. Unfortunately recent events have created a situation where Mr. Mullins should rethink his current situation and resign his current post as Selectmen. The town needs individuals who will protect the least of our brothers and in my opinion that is Mr. Robert Mitchell and Ms. Julie Farrell.

    2. I do not know Mr Mullins so cannot speak in his favor. I am wondering if the "recall" group (or Patrick for that matter) knew of Mr. Mullins problems in Winchendon when they were pushing him down the throats of the townspeople. Were they pushing him on the people because they knew or he agreed to go along with whatever Virginia(an aunt?) wanted? What this town needs is more people like Mitchell, Farrell, Bennett and Cosentino. Watchdogs. People with the TOWNS best interest in mind. What happened with the recall is something that I am guessing many townspeople regret. It is a shame to have to get the state involved in running our town. Let's play by the rules Mr. Chairman.
