Friday, March 2, 2012

Hostages, no you can't speak etc.

In my opinion I believe the following to be in layman's language so we can all understand each other, oh boy what a buzz buzz going around town. Someone on patriots road saw me and some of my friends with a state trooper and got real nervous and frantically called the Templeton police to hurry down to 690 Patriots Rd. Pretty good,huh. But I called our chief of police myself to meet me and the state police trooper at 690 Patriots Rd. for 9:45 AM. I asked for a hearing with Jeff Ritter on one of my many years old complaints. Now as you know 690 Patriots Rd. is not a safe place to be alone, without a witness. So I called chief Whittaker and the state police to meet me at 690 Patriots Rd. so Jeff Ritter and the chief would not join a lawyer firm BBM that was fired without warning
by three members of the new board of selectmen. Yes three members of the perfect society, firing our town lawyers without warning, as you see on cable and you tube.
The action by the board of selectmen Mr. Ritter and chief Whittaker say I have to be approved by the board of selectmen on my complaints and also obstruction of justice. I looked Whittaker and Ritter in the eye and said, you want me PHC senior to ask the board of selectmen, Columbus, Wilder, Mullins to allow me to have an investigation done, against all of them and all the other nine people? Do I have to get O'Reilly to tell them, Ritter and Whittaker to stay off the Kool-Aid and smarten up. I'm not asking our police chief or the board of selectmen for help anymore. But I am certainly going to the real big guys to start my obstruction of justice complaint and when it starts the names will be changed to protect the guilty ones. Ask Sal DiMasi the former House Speaker about obstruction of justice and corruption and collusion and misuse of taxpayers funds. Yes I know he Sal is innocent. But our three selectmen say he is guilty and that's why he is spending eight years in federal prison, for being innocent. Did I say that issue with Sal DiMasi right or did I get it backwards other words to get my point across about obstruction of justice. Well anyway channel 25 investigators had to do a lot of so-called lying to get Sal convicted. end the story

So now it's Paulys Templeton watch, against the corruption in Templeton. Get that "against" part the whole trial is going to be held at the candlelight after 8 PM on Friday night and the ones that are left standing will have to come to the onion for the conclusion of the trial beginning 10 PM until jail time hee hee hee. I was involved in a barroom brawl one time about 50 years ago and we all got locked up in Gardner. The court room was above the police station so you didn't have to go far to get to court as we all pled not guilty, the judge says you were all drunk and find us all six, of us $25 each. He then said, have you young men have anything to say for yourself? I PHC senior replied, Your Honor I was not drunk. The judge said okay Mr. PHC what do you consider drunk? I said Your Honor you are only drunk when you lay on the ground and hold on so you don't fall.  the judge said okay I'll give you 10 days to get on your feet. Hee hee he pretty good huh?

Now that's a good story right? Now let's get back to the not so good story about town politics. What do you voters think is going to happen to the dishonest people involved. Oh no not just the 5 selectmen. Bennett and Stewart are excused by me so now there are only three selectmen out enough about that. How about the other eight not so on the elected/appointed officials is K&P going to hang 7990 townsfolk that are not part of the game to make things look right? Besides us 7990 people I'm not going to stand on the common and let that happen are we people? It's going to be a simple task. Thanks to DVDs and the so-called "Judge Roy Bean" meetings they all should have listened to O'Reilly on the O'Reilly factor, the spin stops here, smarten up and lay off the Kool-Aid. I watch that show on Channel 41 every chance I get it's honest it's fair and it's not prejudice and it just says it like it is for 12 years straight and is still getting stronger. So all you want to be dictators can just take a hike and finish your Kool-Aid. Democracy wins again. And to quote PHC senior, the town of Templeton as a whole is not going to be subject to an investigation just several elected and appointed officials and possibly a couple taxpayers/residents. I am going to do a complete story dating back to 1960 so stay tuned.
PS, look at the front page of the Gardner news Feb 12 this is amazing that us taxpayers are left holding the bag again. Please don't blame Bennett or Stewart it for this deal. Also see the YouTube of selectmen's meeting to 2/15/12 and make up your own minds

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