Friday, March 2, 2012

To all taxpayers of Russia-Templeton

I hope all taxpayers/voters watched the DVD of February 16, bums rush-selectmen's meeting, starring Bob Columbus, chairman. I hope they the board, watch real close so they can see firsthand what a fool they made out of themselves, except for Chris Stewart. Now he knows firsthand how I felt when I asked the conservation commission to be the chairman via an e-mail to Shaun Grimley. He, Grimley said he did not receive my e-mail. Well guess what people, Grimley is a liar. My e-mail was swept under the rug. He has a lot of practice doing that with  our past town coordinator. If anyone wants to check out the meeting on youtube the link is.

That board of selectmen is completely out of control and I see a lawsuit building. And also a recall for two members. I'm not afraid of Columbus and I believe in my opinion he has mental problems. I mentioned to our chief of police and others. At the February 16th hearing, you can see just by the way he, Columbus conducted himself. Out of that whole room full of voters only noticed two people that were out of place for that meeting. And just sat there like a bump on a log with all the voters saying negative replies to Columbus is issues. Columbus could care less about the comments people made, not that he is a responsible select chair. He just sat in front of all of us voters and lied to us and showed no shame for his actions. In my opinion Mr. Columbus should apologize and take a hike. When a man like Columbus throws Bennett and Stewart aside for his own agenda, it's just a small mind that does things of that caliber.

A lot of people are talking, is this the beginning of the face of a dictator? Now watch the DVD on this issue with the chairman making the decision on K and P. After nearly everyone in the room before the bums rush by Columbus's 6 PM deadline for a meeting that could have been easily held in the planning board room. That has been done in the past. The meeting was hot and he was stumbling for answers in my opinion. Chris Stewart was against the issue Bennett was not present and Mullins was closed mouth through the whole issue except for the vote in favor. Pretty good,huh. So that leaves two people on a board of five to make a big decision like firing our present lawyers, without our lawyers being present. In hiring K&P back into town, after 99% of the people, voters present at that meeting said no! No! No!

Watch it on YouTube, does this look familiar "let the people speak" but do not listen to the people that speak.

At least former chairman Julie Farrell has the honesty, yes honesty to say and prove to us taxpayers that the board chair did get an opinion from our town attorney and acted on that opinion. But in my opinion when you, yes you, said to us taxpayers that you did not, yes did not consult K&P about firing our former lawyer and hiring K& P. That statement as Mr. Will Springs said will bite you where it hurts. Get it? Did exactly that, I know you read my blog but don't be too concerned about the Internet. Watch your meetings two or three times and be sure Virginia Wilder is with you because I do not believe that Mr. Mullins voted yes with his heart. And he looked down at the table with embarrassment. We the audience all said this to each other in the hallway. So in my opinion against all the opposition you chairman and Virginia Wilder made the decision and it passed I know you and Ms. Wilder were proud to achieve this decision, but what about the let the people speak? But like Julie Farrell said, you put the town in danger. In your opinion do you as the board chair think I am a taxpayer minded person or senile old man. I give kudos to Chris Stewart he is honest and above all brave to stand up against you and Wilder. But he, Chris should not worry because all us taxpayers will be quote watching his back, and as far as Mullins's is concern to quote Bill O'Reilly, the spin stops here, smarten up and get off the Kool-Aid. Hee hee he.

So in my opinion the vote stands 2 in favor three against like the word against on the recall ballot, not a yes or no a for or against question am I right or not. And readme good about my opinions, I personally don't blame Carol Harris our Town Clerk about that "controversial" recall ballot I just would like to see on paper how it all came about. I mean the for or against part compared to-two recall Julie Farrell yes or no where is the logic of that balloting question? Recall Bob Mitchell yes or no simple or for recall Bob Mitchell Blank? Or against recall Bob Mitchell Blank? Or does Bob Mitchell like to go fishing blank and again how do you want to recall Jeff Bennett? Oh I'm sorry Jeff I’m getting ahead of myself.

I've been accused of bad mouthing Carol Harris. I am not accusing our Town Clerk Carol Harris of any wrongdoings. I have said that many many times. I know for a fact how sh----happens. And I am on top of the bullying that went on at town hall by elected officials, and not just at town hall, right Tammy collar, right Deb I won't mention any more names but they all will come forward when the time comes. What those victims do when the times come its their choice and only their choice.

I PHC sr will ask our Town Clerk if I may witness the making of the town ballot or be a witness to whoever makes the ballot. Do you people think that's a fair taxpayer request. To quote Paul Q at the "short lived" selectmen's meeting February 16 two select chairman Bob Columbus "you should not rush important decisions like you are doing" other words if you see someone frantically running for the bathroom door you don't stop them to ask a couple of questions, hee hee he.

Why Mr. Columbus, do you sit at a conference room table and lie to us taxpayers? We see it  in person then see it on cable and you tube. Do you think all of us taxpayers that attend the selectmen's meetings as stupid and enjoy your goals as chairman? You have made many mistakes in the past, are you going to continue this throughout your term? Three months left.
For my readers information, I made an emergency hearing with the new town coordinator about my many complaint. I called our chief of police to come to my hearing also I call the state police and requested a trooper on my behalf to be a witness so I don't get thrown under the bus. I had a few of my friends as witnesses. But it was a complete failure in my opinion I had the complaints numbered and I gave Mr. Ritter copy. Chief Whittaker was a witness and only disagreed on a couple of issues that were important to me. But that's besides the point, now Mr. Ritter says to me that the board of selectmen has to approve having an investigation. I said you are kidding me. He, Ritter said no I'm not and chief Whittaker agreed. I said so all my efforts about this obstruction of justice is no good because Columbus is prejudiced against me. "Get it" against me to start with. who is on the other end of those strings and Mullins just don't seem to be with it. Why? And Chris is just nobody when trying to do his job. Honesty and I don't usually stick up for Selectman who supported the recall of Julie and Bob Mitchell but I can't deny seeing and hearing what Columbus did. Honestly have I been watching too much of the justice files

So all my friends the obstruction of justice complaints are not dead I am calling Boston Tuesday a.m. to get answers I'm not saying I don't believe chief Whittaker or our new town coordinator. I'm from Paulys Templeton watch and I want to see it on paper, in other words I am being held hostage by the board that you people elected and to settle an argument about selectmen Bennett, when the election was held my brother was also running for Selectman so who do you think I voted for? You're right my brother anyone else want to challenge me on how I voted like a certain nutcase in Templeton that should go for psychiatric evaluation. Yes I will say his name in public not on paper and that is only my opinion. All the other 5000 people can use their opinion, hee hee he and I am saying it like it is for free. No charge, no under the table money, no I promise you, just free, get it people? Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Well said Paul, you do have a strong following, most are just waiting for some proof of wrong doing before jumping on board. (For fear of retaliation of course). Keep up the good work. Rick
