Tuesday, April 17, 2012


here's the agenda

Pledge of Allegiance
Discuss request to transfer Advisory Board funds  - this must be to get money for Carol S - they would not have to do this Mr Ritter was not chased out of town.

Distribute Preliminary Town Meeting Warrant, Special Town Meeting Warrant and Town Budget for review prior to Pre Town Meeting

Reorganization of the Advisory Board

Schedule date for Pre-town Meeting

New Business



  1. Please be advised that the board of selectmen did not take any vote nor discuss requesting or approaching the advisory (finance committee) for any funds for any reason. If the coordinator salary account is short, that is the result of three elected selectmen not being able to do simple math, as in spending more than you have. If Jeff Ritter resigned for personal reasons, why pay him an extra $14,000.00? Pay someone that amount of extra money after they supposedly resign from a position they have only worked approximately 3 months??? Now we have a part time or interim person working for the town who has access to confidential records who has a lawsuit against the town. According to the town's personnel policy on page nine: all appointments shall be in writing by the appointing authority and shall include the salary, start date and the appropriate additional information. What days is she suppose to work, what hours and how much is she expected to make? c skelton reported to work on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 8:22 a.m. and left at 3:00 p.m. It also states that all candidates will be required to satisfactorily complete a medical exam performed by a physician of the town's choice at its expense. Bob columbus answered my questions concerning a physical and CORI check for carol skelton by stating, "she is part time" then asked me what hours would I prefer her to work. Kind of doing the process backwards bob! But then as wilder stated at the April 12, 2012 meeting of the selectmen, carol had already agreed to come back. Please attend the advisory board meeting

    1. This is an outrage! "Team Columbus" seems to think they have carte blanche to do whatever they want with their interim appointment CS. When the interim treasurer position was discussed, the hours and rate of pay were a central part of the discussion. So with this situation, we don't know when Carol is supposed to work, and we don't know how much she is to be compensated for her time. So when Julie is reelected, and the Board votes to send CS packing again, she's going to claim that the sky is the limit in terms of what she is owed, because there was nothing in writing!

  2. And here I thought carol skelton was coming to the rescue, according to the gardner snews. she is gonna do the elction warrant (already done) gonna do the town meeting warrant 9already off to the attorneys) gonna do the special town meeting warrant (already been voted on by BOS) so what exactly is CS gonna do, call len kopelman on taxpayer dime now rather than long distance from her home? what a farce, how many days til May 7th???

  3. If Bob thinks Carol S doesn't need a Cori or a physical because she is "part Time" why do the volunteers at the senior center need cori's. the part time employees I know all had physicals even the ones working only 10 to 15 hrs/wk. Maybe Carol should start using the time clock that I heard was in the planning board office because of a certain planner getting paid for 32 hrs but only working 16 hrs. heard that she has been doing this all along - years.
    Do you think she could give us back some money to help with the budget???

    1. WHAT?????? Are you telling me someone observed this for years, finally blew the whistle, and all they are going to do is put a time clock in the office. Isn't it too late for a time clock, SHE SHOULD BE DISMISSED "FORTHWITH". Another bandaid for a very large wound. When are the tax payers going to get justice? Seems all the wrongdoings coming out here in the blogs just gets swept under the rug right before our eyes. People get put on notice. "Oh yeah, be a good girl from now on (3 years too late) and we will continue to pay you the big bucks to do more of nothing in more hours". It's gonna be boring sitting in that office 8 hours a day having to find work to do!

    2. Now do you see where I am coming from - CS was well aware of how little this employee was working - she chose to ignore it - even though she was told continually. Jeff Ritter caught it she was called on the carpet, he brought it to her chairman's attention - therefore the time clock - we need to stand behind this decision on the time clock - I've been saying they have needed one for years not just for the employee that skips out early but also to give Kodos to the employees that give more ie Tammy

    3. Thankyou Pauly, and add another 4 stars on Jeff Ritters record. He would have done great things in this town. I miss him even though I never met him. I stand behind the time clock, but, still think this case deserves more attention, i.e. no vote for planner in the budget. If she had nothing to do and could leave early, then there IS nothing to do!

  4. Heard she's gonna meet with the accountant tommorrow, Jeff Bennett might want to sit in on that one - bet the first cuts she does is any department that was not in on the recall, guess the library is safe, bet affordable housing gets funded,everyone else is so screwed!!
    One more thing I noticed that the sewer dept has and agenda item for exec session concerning the "behavior" of a elected sewer commissioner - well lets see elected selectmen bully town employees - Doreen, Tammy, Deb, Luanne, Jeff Ritter and we are told nothing can be done. Now lets see what happens when its a Light/Water employee.

    1. What ever CS got paid for today, it was too much. She and Bubba spent along time in the office chit chating..Oh by the way, our police chief had the selectmans office barracated by a huge desk. A problem if they had a fire. The girls would have had to climb over it,or try to get by it. Did the cheif think we were going to barge into the office with clubs? Sorry, I watch to much TV.
