Thursday, April 19, 2012

Advisory Board Meeting

Advisory Board Meeting

It was an interesting Advisory Board Meeting Thursday night. There seemed to be a bit of confusion about the role and responsibilities of the Advisory board. On the positive side, some of those attending were allowed to speak. While cleaning out my files, I discovered the 2010 Finance Committee Handbook. It is a large file, but if you click on the blue words, the file should open. The 2010 Finance Committee Handbook has a great section on the duties and responsibilities of each financial position in town government. I hope this information is helpful to some members of the Advisory Board. Could someone please print out a copy for Charlie Perkins? Charlie doesn’t have a computer.

 Julie Farrell
ok blue words link is working now!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks Julie that is good reading

    i like the stabilization accounts it take two thirds vote to take money out of .that way tax payers have a better control over there money!!!!

    and under selectman js did not read that section (you cant not borrow money with out the approval of the selectman and the selectman direct the treasure to do the borrowing)

    1. The bill for the desks are in and the total is $3,140.00 for 3 desks and accessories. On the agenda for the select board for Monday April 23, 2012 at 7:40 p.m. - action on compensation for temporary/interim coordinator, which I thought columbus said it was part time but anyway, columbus, wilder and mullins must have already voted on this because in the selectmen office there is a pay sheet for temprary interim town cooordinator salary at $31.41 per hour for 16 hours per week totaling $502.56. Sorry but as a sitting selectmen, I do not recall voting on this so this may be a good question for the chair on Monday but I would not expect an answer.

  3. Check our Rita Crundwell, Comptroller of Dixon Illinois, who is accused of alledgedly stealing 30 million from taxpayers in just 6 years. Dixon,IL has a population of only 15,000 people so it is not a huge city where it would be easier to miss an embezzlement of that size. Dixon is not quite double the size of Templeton yet, this woman whose salary is 80K year was still able to manage to swindle 30 mil from trusting taxpayers all the while the mayor, council, lawyers & auditors were supposedly looking over her shoulder. Wow, I'd say Nobody was doing a very good job at anything unless they were all on the take there in Dixon. Hmmm, does this sound like somewhere else I've heard of? I was just wondering if anyone had ever heard of such a thing before? Hmmm, does make one wonder doesn't it? Hmmm, hohum, just relating a story from top of the hour news! Makes one think we should all be looking alot harder everywhere because people have just run amok with thinking they deserve all this money & perks for themselves while Cheating the hard working taxpayers. Oh & maybe a few new over priced desks in some towns. No accusations, just telling a newsworthy story that I just heard of a town in crisis. Just saying, that's all...LOL....These are only my thoughts & opinions as it relates to the breaking news.

    1. Hopefully, you all get a chance to read about the April 18th FBI arrest of Ms. Arundell on multiple charges. Sometimes things take a while but, they eventually get caught!! Often not until they have done massive damage unfortunately!

    2. Correction ...FBI Arrest of Rita Crundwell

  4. Replies
    1. It has been alleged that team Skelton along with Kopelman and Page (Lenny Kopelman) have cost the town of Templeton between ten and thirty million dollars in damages owed the town from interference in the rightful prosecution of case 02-2424C. You don't have to live in Dixon Illinois to be doped by you town officials you only need to be oblivious to what is happening in your own town. The problem is much bigger than what is happening at this local level.

    2. MY POINT EXACTLY!! You have to read between the lines to see that is precisely what I was saying when citing Dixon. Go to the Town Common & yell out All hear me, hear ye and bring up the fact that we are also at least 30 million in the hole, too!! Now, do you see we are on the same page. Had to go around the corner on that one, if you get my drift :). I respect you & your opinions always BT. You are a very smart man. I appreciate you getting the 30 mil loss due to alleged K&P Obstruction of Justice brought up once more. This is what I was trying to get out there again on Templeton's losses by bringing up Dixon!! People don't think it can happen in small towns like ours & this example shows very vividly what it can happen in quaint communities when there aren't enough checks & balances or impartial people looking at what their so-called leaders are doing when given free rein. Without accountability, then it leads to their having "Free Reign". See the analogy. Like Pauly says, pretty good, huh! Now, if we can only get the FBI to look at the right people here in town as they did in Dixon, then follow this money trail & see where it is buried besides the case sited above. In fact, I bet you'll come up with More than 30 million gone in Templeton! I say to law enforcement (if there are any reputable authorities anymore) please go find the actual criminals, fraudsters that have bleed our town dry. We do Not need the FBI going down the wrong trail stating that Templeton man Pauly has them worried when indeed he is the one asking them for help!! Pretty good, huh Pauly. LOL ... He is the one who has been trying for years to get the bums who stole from us busted!! In my opinion, I think the FBI should be worried about someone else here & we know all of their initials, don't we. Again, thank you, BT, for delivering my point home!! And this is all my opinion & duly warranted, I believe!!

  5. We all realize that Columbus and Wilder offered Skelton the position w/o monies available. But I am wondering if she worked 6 hours on Tuesday at (we will round it off at 32.00 an hour) how does this add up to 252 a day? I don't know I went to a public school and community college so I could be adding wrong!!! Although U MASS could teach me to add differently!

  6. 251.28 per day at 8 hours is 31.41/hr Carol S was making $1256.40/wk before she left - this is the same pay Jeff R got so Columb ass lied when he said she would be making less than jeff r - also if I recall she never was in the office 8 hrs a day. she would roll in at 9 - 930 leave around 3(another one who never worked her hours.) so columb ass could do basic math

    1. This is a good job without a doubt. Even better when the girls in the office did all her work. Believe it or not, I spoke to someone last night who does not know what is going on. I told her read Pauly's blog. These people need to know what is going on. What I'd give to have a newspaper that did fair and balanced reporting! Wishfull thinking on my part I guess.
