Friday, April 20, 2012


THERE IS A SELECTMENS MEETING APRIL 23rd at 6:30pm at the NMS CAFETERIA please click on link for agenda.

Please read the agenda carefully. sneaky - sneaky!!!!!!

And no offense to Rich Curtis but here is the Ethics recommendation for Liason.From

The law requires municipalities to designate "a senior level employee of the municipality" as a liaison to the Commission. The Commission will disseminate information to the liaisons and will conduct educational seminars for them. Liaisons will also be required to be accessible to public employees in their municipalities and to check the Commission's website regularly for updates. The Commission may call upon liaisons to provide information about their towns' compliance with these training and education requirements, and to assist in locating former public employees of their municipalities.

Municipal liaisons may contact the Commission's Legal Division for advice on behalf of fellow employees, but, before doing so, they must obtain the permission from the fellow employee to discuss his or her situation with the Legal Division.

Given the responsibilities that will be required of the liaisons, the Commission recommends (but does not require) that municipalities appoint a full-time administrative employee to the position of municipal liaison, or, if the municipality has no such full-time employee, then a part-time administrative employee, since such a person will need to be accessible to municipal employees and situated so as to be able to perform this role.


  1. I read the agenda and at least two things jumped out at me. 1. discussing salary for the town coordinator, and 2. discussing a transfer from the Advisory Board. Hmmm. I, also, read the info Julie sent us about the Finance Committee R & R's. I'm not sure if I have this right, but, it seems to say that there are only two ways to transfer money 1. For an unforseen, non-anticipated emergency, and 2. For an emergency that is a threat to public safety or health, and, money cannot be transferred out of the Stabiization account without a 2/3 vote from the residents at a town meeting. If I am reading correctly, any discussion about transfer of money from the Advisory Council for this purpose is not legal. Julie? Jeff?

  2. I believe your interpretation is correct. In this case there is no "unforeseen emergency". This request to transfer money into the town coordinator salary account should have been anticipated by "Team Columbus" when they signed the settlement agreement with Mr. Ritter. Any request for money from the Advisory Board should have been discussed and voted by the entire BOS BEFORE they approached the Advisory Board.

    During the Ice Storm and various weather events, the BOS has voted "emergency spending" powers. I don't think this particular boondoggle qualifies asa threat to public safety or health; therefore the request should be rejected by the Advisory Board.

    Part of the problem is the high turnover rate on the Advisory Board. That is why I posted the 2010 Finance Committee Handbook. There is training available to Advisory Boards from the Mass Municipal Association. It might be time to locate the records of past Advisory Boards and some training for members of the current Advisory Board.

    As for the legality of the request by Mr. Columbus, I'm not a lawyer. I hesitate to ask for an opinion, because now that we have K+P as town counsel, any and all opinions cost us $$$ which we do not have. BTW, the opinion would not have cost the town an additional dime if the current BOS had kept Blatman, Bobrowski & Mead - it would have been covered under the flat fee for the month.

  3. First off check, I wanna know how much money columbus, wilder and mullins plan on giving Scott Sawyer for resigning his position. The next thing is at one meeting, attorney Jenkins from K&P made reference to how he had been put in touch with the chair, bob columbus, three weeks prior. I believe this meeting was on March 12, 2012. T-I recall how columbus had stated at a meeting that he had no prior communication with len kopelman. Templeton tax collector was not suppose to be paid any additional money for using her signatory authority but there are records of Carol lee double dipping, as in collecting both her tax collector pay and amounts of $350.00, $300.00 and $250.00, signed by bob columbus and yes I have copies. This is not only double dipping, it is in violation of state ethics so do not expect columbus, wilder and especially mullins to follow rules and the law, especially when dealing with carol skelton. the only power you taxpayers have is the vote and town meeting vote on the budget and you should use that power wisely. A town planner who is suppose to work 32 hours a week and feels having to use a time clock is not required because she is salary, well there is one non essential position that you taxpayers can remove from the budget and trim your budget as you see fit. The responsibility for the budget rests with the selectmen and the finance/advisory board, not the interim town coordinator. Demand the chair answer that question, why or how is the interim secretary to the selectmen making changes to the town budget? Demand how and why columbus and wilder went to the advisory board and asked for transfer of funds for something that was never voted on nor discussed by the entire board of selectmen. What is legal and what will be voted by a 3 to 2 vote is two different things, bob will do what ever is required to make carol skelton happy as he works for her and not the taxpayers, just look at all his votes and moves so far. He has an undemocractically run board, put the town in legal jeopardy, unfairly fired a loyal town employee and failed to listen to public opinion. So Shaun grimley, when you no longer have a job because it was not funded, go ask bob columbus why? Better yet, go ask carol skelton why? That is my opinionj on that, an already decided vote of columbus yes, wilder yes, mullins yes, jeff bennett no and hopefuly chris stewart no. Of course wilder makes the motion and mullins second....can you say recall??

  4. Jeff, you and I must have been submitting our comments at the same time, cause mine got pushed out. I had a lot to say, but, forgot. hahahaha Anyway, everything you bring up has been on my mind also. I just cannot believe we do not have backup from some higher authority. Why have an Ethics Board? Why have Mass General Laws? Why have town by laws, rules and regulations? It appears this town has a history of people who generously want to get involved with town politics and don't realize that there are those laws, etc. that they must enforce AT ALL TIMES. Every elected or appointed person on a board or committee must have applicable training in the same way that every employee has, to know what their job and responsibilities are. A copy of the law should be in front of them at every meeting for reference. Reading and interpreting legal jargon is not easy, but, it comes in time. Thankyou to both you and Julie for taking the time to know the laws that you must enforce in your positions.

  5. On another front, there is an item to put on the special town meeting warrant to transfer $4000.00 from the selectmen office salary account to the town coordinators account, another eason for people to attend the selectmen meeting and town meeting.

    1. Yeah, how about no on that one!

    2. I had heard she was volunteering for this work, guess she will have have to quit if she is looking for money, cuz she ain't gonna get it around here. Guess they should have left the smart one (Jeff) here and thought about this...and if they talked to CS before hand, they should have said there is no money to pay you....ya can't tell me she needs the money. In my opinion the form of government needs to be changed and fast. I thought this position job description is that of secretary, not a town manager or town administrator, which most if not all towns have either, not a town coordinator. She is the one running the town, not the selectmen (sorry Jeff) and not the voters. CS is the one calling the shots and saying where to pull money from, why do you think Scott left, he knows it is wrong, but did not speak up loud enough to be hear.

  6. I heard a good one, but didn't know who to give credit to :
    " why don't we march in the parade backwards and handout commemorative review mirrors! "

    1. I have to say this, because you are a salary person, not a hourly person, does not mean you get to work less hours. When I worked at Simplex, the salary people very often came in early and worked very late, most of the time. You get to be paid salary because you usually make more money than a hourly person. The reason you make more money is because as a rule, you should have more responsabilty. So if you want the luxury of less hours, punch the clock, make less money or if you are salary, start doing your job, get to work on time, don't leave early. We are sick of paying more than you are worth.

    2. Absolutely right, Bev! We have been paying her way more than she is worth!! And that goes for the lot of them thar echo hillbillies!! They sure struck it rich here when they rode into town, like the Clampetts did when they struck oil in their backyard!! And we have been the poorer for it ever since & That is my opinion....Is the FBI investigating here like they did that woman in in Dixon, IL?? Just a question. What is there in Templeton that has all the authorities looking the other way?? While we continue to get ripped off!! Believe me, Pauly, I want them caught, like yesterday!! I want NO more watching & waiting for any of us! I can't take much more of them either & these are my thoughts, questions & opinions.
