Monday, April 2, 2012

an anonymous blog from a taxpayer

As a taxpayer in Templeton, what I witnessed at the selectmen meeting on March 26 is very disturbing. Towards the end of the meeting the Board of Selectmen entered into an Executive session. Before going into this session the attorney, present at the meeting, handed one of the members a prepared statement to read, which announced they were entering into executive session. What is disturbing about this is who authorized the law firm to prepare a statement? How much did WE the taxpayers pay to get this prepared statement? How much did WE the taxpayers pay to have this attorney present at the meeting to hand the selectmen this prepared statement? Why did the selectmen need a prepared statement at all, are they to incompetent to know why they are going into executive session or was it because the subject matter of the executive session was questionable, inappropriate and or unethical?

It also appalled me to hear one of the selectmen make a statement to the affect of: The school doesn’t have a custodian at night during the summer and if you people keep coming to these meetings we are going to pay for the custodian to use the school, one more expense. All I can says is if the Board of Selectmen were acting ethically and honestly then maybe we wouldn’t be facing MANY more expenses.
The final unbelievable event was the comment I heard about the new selectmen being spit on by these people attending the meeting. I have no evidence one way or another, but come on we are all adults and this kind of childish act or accusations serves no purpose. What’s next: He’s looking at me, throw him out of the meeting. He stuck his tongue out at me arrest him. I don’t like what he said, take him out back and beat him. What you don’t agree with me . . . hang him on the common at Noon. 

and I PHC Sr can attest that if this person had sign their name - there would be retaliation big time against them!


  1. No one on the our group spit on anyone-not then or ever. We have taken pride in NOT BEING THE PROBLEM. It has been hard to be patient when we, and the good people of our town have been called stupid and robbed of our tax dollars by the very people we trusted.Pauly has good reason to be angry. He was thrown under the bus by these wonderfull people. He has found a civil way to pay them back, in a small measure, by starting this blog for all to see what is going on. No, we will not hang anyone in the common, we will give them enough rope, and they can hang themselfs.

  2. That's right Bev!! Some have gotten so used to lying for what they want for themselves that they have cut off the truth from reality. This has been their motis operandi for years & now that it is being challenged they will stop at Nothing to keep control. All I can say is GOD help us because they got such a foothold with Big money behind them that it is very hard for the average citizen to fight them & they know it. And you are also right Pauly has a good reason to be Angry. In fact, we all have a good reason to be Angry about the mess they have gotten us into. The selfishness that abounds in a few is amazing. I don't know how they can live with themselves knowing they are driving us into Bankruptcy!! How easy for the State to take control over us if that comes about & then they can call all the shots. We will not have a say if that happens. Pauly you got that right about being gone after because you don't agree with them!! Most of us who blog here now know who they are. I still believe that there are others who we don't know yet that are involved. Again, all my opinions expressed here!!

  3. I just read an article in the March 2, 2012 of The Gardner News :Winchendon firefighter facing NH charge; submits resignation" What makes this story any different from the Mullins Scrap metal story? Underhanded, back door, dirty Templeton politics?

  4. What makes this situation different is this firefighter didn't have the foresight to run for selectmen in the town of Templeton while committing crimes! You would think the people of Winchendon would be a little curious why so many of their employees are facing criminal charges! Who is ultimately responsible for the employees in Winchendon?

  5. That statement was prepared by attorney from K&P because columbus is not capable of writting one properly. The attorney was spoon feeding columbua, wilder and mullins through the entire process. You should see/hear what goes on in executive session, a zoo by incompetent people. The attorney from K&P leads the majority including reading motions for them. This attorney admitted he had been in contact with bob columbus three weeks prior, it worked out to right at Feb 16,2012, when columbus stated he had no contact with Kopelman & Paige. Columbus calls Len Kopelman from the selectmen office and leaves message for Lem to call him (Columbus) at home. This is a full court press to get rid of Ritter before May 7, 2012 election. The socalled gag order in Winchendon is in effect until after the Templeton election. Right after the elction, K&P needs to go and never allowed in Templeton again. That is my opinion. I have a first class seat at the table so I know and hear what is said, Len Kopelman is going to columbus to void contract and get rid of Ritter. I called Len Kopelman to ask who wanted him to look over Ritters contract, his reply of it was a public records request. Unfortunately people in the selectmen office do not know you are not required to respond to a public records request via the phone. You are not obligated to supply a contract to an attorney unless the selectmen request it, there was no vote to do that, it is columbus again. you can see columbus car in skelton's driveway, at the turtle along with mullins and wilder, three people who do not have Templeton's interest in mind, only jerry skelton's. Take their money at town meeting and watch them bitch!!
