Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Town Meeting Be Damned a blog by Peter Farrell

    In a surprise show of emotion Light and Water manager John Driscoll stated that he had no intention of shutting off the Fluoride to the town’s water supply even if fluoridation was voted to be discontinued at this May’s Annual Town Meeting.  Stating he had been in contact with Mass Department of Public Health Representative Myron Allukian, Mr. Driscoll was adamant in continuing fluoridation, Town Meeting be damned. 

     A Citizen’s Petition has been submitted to the Selectmen’s office and has been verified at the Town Clerk’s office to be added to the warrant for this May’s Annual Town Meeting.  This petition states, “Shall the town vote to discontinue fluoridating the town water supply”. 

     This Citizen’s Petition was signed by over one hundred and fifty Town of Templeton voters to be put on this years warrant. 

     Arvid Carllson the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in medicine and pharmacology and a major factor for keeping fluoridation out of his Country of Sweden had this to say about fluoridation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhELSXwU_40&feature=share  .

Surely Arvid Carllson can be ignored only at our own peril. 

      Littleton Mass. voted overwhelmingly to keep fluoride out of their water supply in a recent vote in that town.  Yarmouth Mass. a large community on Cape Cod voted three to one not to fluoridate.  Articles concerning these recent votes were left with Mr. Driscoll at the Water Department meeting.  It is hoped that Mr. Driscoll will make an effort to learn about the many health problems associated with fluoridation.

     An excellent place to learn about fluoride and health effects associated with fluoridation is the Fluoride Action Network 

       It should only take only a few minutes for the average Templeton voter learn more than our current Light and Water manager about the health problems associated with water fluoridation.

      Please consider attending Annual Town Meeting in May to vote fluoride out of our water supply.   


  1. Mr. Driscoll has a responsibility to the whole town to learn about the health effects of fluoride, hopefully he will do his due diligence. Ignorance of fluoride is not a career choice that will benefit the health of his customers.

  2. Like many people, I too believed water fluoridation was a "no brainer" until I started to look at the issue more closely. ....after much urging from my husband...

    After reviewing a number of books, articles and videos, I have a different position concerning water fluoridation. I have signed the citizen petition to end the practice of water fluoridation inTempleton. I think it is appropriate to discuss this issue at town meeting. The citizen petition has the required amount of signatures and should not be denied a place in the annual town meeting warrant.

    There is not alot of law on the books regarding water fluoridation. Chapter 111 section 8C of the MGL does not discuss removing fluoride from the water supply. It states:" if the majority of votes in answer to said question is in the negative, the water supply of such city, town or district shall not be fluoridated, and the fluoridation of such water supply shall not be ordered again by the Board of Health for a period of at least two years from the date of such vote."

    Templeton has had water fluoridation since 1951. There was a vote in March at the annual town meeting fluoride to the water supply. Water fluoridation had not been discussed in Templeton for over 60 years. Last year was the first year it had been brought up for discussion. This year over 150 signatures were gathered to bring water fluoridation up for discussion again.

    There is no way to "opt out " of water fluoridation if you don't have a well. Please take the time to look at the information. You may be surprised at what you discover ....you might even change your your mind as I did.

    Julie Farrell

    1. then it's real simple....

      IF the town votes to discontinue adding fluoride to the water supply...

      IF John Driscoll REFUSES to shut off the fluoride....

      then he should be fired IMMEDIATELY !

      everyone does what they are told to do...refuse and go get a job somewhere else...we don't need anymore loose cannons here in Templeton...do you job...or your done !

    2. Fluoride is not a NUTRIENT! The RDA for fluoride is ZERO because its highly TOXIC. Thats why its used as a pesticide and as rat poison! Its more toxic than lead! A FACT! It accumulates in the body, and has been repeatedly linked to cancers, kidney problems, alzheimers, lower IQs, it interferes with thyroid and pineal gland function, osteoporosis, and many other health problems! The average American is already getting more than 300% of what the ADA recommends for fluoride (mostly from our food, but also beverages, oral products, clothing, cookware, meds etc). Water fluoridation has become very controversial because its an "unapproved and dangerous drug", and "a highly toxic industrial waste product", and worse yet, removes the citizen's right to choose! Swallowing fluoride has no proven benefit whatsoever, and is only marginally effective when used topically (as in oral products), where they clearly instruct us NOT TO SWALLOW IT. Most peer reviewed studies on fluoride suggest statistically insignificant benefits, to NO BENEFIT AT ALL! Several industries produce hundreds of millions of dollars worth of this extremely toxic waste. Anyone who researches the history of water fluoridation will discover the deception, high level corruption, and the unethical creation of a "fluoride market" out of thin air, where industry is allowed to actually profit by using municiple water and human beings to "process" their toxic induistrial waste!

  3. Who is this guy Driscoll and who gave him the right to Poison me?

  4. Mr. Driscoll is Superintendent of the Light and Water Department. Mr. Driscoll believes that fluoride is a benefit to our dental health. Mr. Driscoll has had a year to inform himself on fluoride and has done nothing. Fluoride works topically if it works at all so drinking fluoride is like drinking suntan lotion. It is believed that dental fluorosis biochemically works similar to the same reaction involved with hypoxia inducible factor a vascularization of tumor cells. When you see dental fluorosis think about what else fluoride is doing to your body. It is believed fluoride weakens your bones not the opposite. It is possible the people who are making a fortune selling fluoride to the public were not honest with claims made about fluoride.

  5. Thank you for the Great Explanation of a horrific substance that should Never be ingested into the body. You are right, seems someone is profiteering from this big time like most things that are not researched enough or forced at us "for our own good". Always "follow the money trail" to see where it leads you on stuff like this! Never fails, you will see inevitably it will bring you to the Nasty Greedy people in this world who care only about themselves & what they can make for profit off us "stupid" people. Does that mean the trail has stops locally, too?? Just putting forth questions & expressing opinions!! Geez, I wonder why there always feels like a threat of a lawsuit looming no matter what you say or how you say it?? Hmmmm, I wonder why that is?? Oh yes, that's right, I am speaking in Templeton!!
