Thursday, April 5, 2012

SELECTMENS MEETING - Monday April 9 - 6:ooPM

THERE IS A SELECTMENS MEETING POSTED FOR MONDAY APRIL 9, at 6:ooPM at the NMS Cafeteria Click on the link below to see the agenda. - They have posted an executive session - here we go again - what is this costing the town in Legal Fees???


    Please fill me in on what was SO great about Carol Skelton. The majority of the BOS spending so much on K&P is out of control! Get back to the budget, cutting unnecessary jobs and stop the WASTE!

    1. We are broke because of Carol Skelton Jerry Skelton and their followers - over the last several year with them in power - they have used all the towns savings, mismanaged the town's finances and gotten us into debt - 252 Baldwinville rd - Jerry Skelton always said we (the town) would pay for Carol loosing her last lawsuit. And Bob C is just playing the Skelton puppet!

    2. Hey Pauly, I see the 6:30 agenda for this monday's BOS meeting has Denise Andrews ~ New State Representative on it. Any chances of bending her ear before or after. I know nothing of her but it seems like an opportunity to get some specific info, on paper, into her hands. Just a thought.

    3. I'll have my letter ready for her with all attachments!!!!

  2. Why is the BOS keeping this information away from the taxpaying citizens?

    1. they don't want us there! They want to get rid Jeff Ritter. What is it costing us to have all these exec sessions with K&P in attendence?

  3. It will take quite a show of people at the meeting on Monday. We need many, many people to attend; to bear witness to this travesty. Terminating the one person who can guide the town and deal with our financial meltdown, IS INSANE!!

    Terminating Jeff Ritter will increase the cost of the budget deficit and leave the town of Templeton like a rudderless ship - foundering, taking on water and sinking rapidly. I don't think there are enough life jackets for everyone in town .

    1. People need to show up whether there is anything on the agenda that interests them or not. "United we stand divided we fall". We need to let the current board know that we are united and determined to get the town back on track.

  4. Most politicians (local, state, & federal) DO NOT make any controversial decisions or moves 4 weeks before an election--especially when they are asking to be re-elected--due to the risk of pissing voters off right before they go into the voting booth. I'm surprised that Mr. Columbus would not conduct his business in the same way if he really wants to be re-elected. So, does that mean that he is being forced to carry out the directive of getting rid of Mr. Ritter at the expense of his own political career? Are the stakes that high or is it simply lack of intelligence?

    Also, I would really like to hear from the Columbus supporters as to why you support him and his political actions. They were very vocal before the recall, but have all gone underground since then. Please, tell me why I should vote for Mr. Columbus over Ms. Farrell? What has been discussed here that is incorrect? If Columbus supporters remain silent, then it proves that there is no defense to the allegations against him. There are a lot of people in town that may not have been following all the discussions in the past several months that now would like to know both sides in order to make a decision on voting day. Here's your chance to sway them one way or another. Ms. Farrell has been very vocal, providing facts on paper, and answering questions of the voters. Clearly, she knows how to conduct her business in a professional manner and give voters information to use when making decisions at the voting booth. So, I ask again, any Columbus supporters that are here reading this blog (and I know you are) please chime in and support your candidate. Tell everyone why Mr. Columbus is better than Ms. Farrell and set the record straight on any misinformation...without distorting the truth. Is it possible?

    1. Great pointed questions Olive! I would also like to hear the reason we taxpayers should vote for Columbus over Farrell. I don't think they can do it but as you so openly offered on this forum we welcome it, so please list the great attributes BC has that would Wow us into re-electing him & get the TRUE facts out there about why the recall people's candidate is the one we should vote for. Can Anybody do that?

    2. The time for them to get CS back into the office bldg. on Athol Road is getting short. It is beyond me how anyone can be so blind. You know Jim Jones got his followers to drink poison kool aid, so I guess some people can be easily led. Its group dynamics. I guess BC is loyal until the end. The more people understand the dynamics of this group, it is less likely that he would get back in anyway. Maybe they let him sit in the front row, and thats his reward..HaHa.

  5. as arrogant and idiotic that Bob C is, Let's not let our guard down and get over confident that Bob C won't get back in. It is very much possible for him to squeak in and create a massive upset. Remember, this is Templeton.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i agree...this will be a close race ...just remember there are a lot of people thinking we are all nuts and worship the ground Gerry walks on it could go ether way....the problem i see is the lack of an investigation we can say that this person did this and that person did that to this day nobody as been charged with anything not one thing!! is this lack of people being charged telling us maybe nothing is going on and it is all made up ??there are people that believe that if there was something going on the police and the state police and the FBI would of done something.....that is our big problem!!!!

  7. You both have the right lets not let up.... lets get the signs out there...

  8. •Undemocratically run Select Board
    •Mishandling of town finances
    •Unfair firing of a town employee
    •Jeopardizing the town in legal matters
    • Ignoring public opinion
    These are the things listed in Bob Columbus' campaign he claims he's running because the others did these things -evidently he has not looked in the mirror lately - ha!!!! Hey BOB new flash the above items discribe YOU!!!!!LOL what a joke!!!!!

  9. You are so right, Pauly!! Do you think that someone can find a Big enough mirror that BC would need to reflect that Big head of his? God help us & I agree with the comment above that people can't be too sure he won't get elected again with the buddy buddy system. Let's hope enough people are watching the meetings if not actually going to them. Then we might have a chance.
