Thursday, April 5, 2012

Guilty or cover-up in Templeton?

(Please bear with me on the length of these letters of opinion-thanks PHC Sr.)

Former state treasurer Tim Cahill facing corruption and a lot of other charges, obstruction of justice charges. Does this story again sound like PHC Sr letter to the board of selectmen about an investigation. Like I said before, many times, it's just on a smaller scale. Unlike Cahill, Templeton does not have the state lottery the backup. Just us "broke" taxpayers. It only took the Atty. Gen. office a little over a year to indict Cahill. But that was a big name to deal with. But as I said many times before, only a certain few members of the board of selectmen are, in my opinion guilty of the charges in my letter for an investigation. This whole bunch of accusations are not new, and it has always been 3 of 5 members of the board of selectmen
that allowed my allegations to be "covered up". In other words, in layman's terms PHCSr's proof on paper is not good enough for those three members of the board of selectmen. And remember taxpayers, these allegations go back several years, possibly 10 years. And "no" I am not going to forget these allegations just because the board of selectmen changes members every year. Jeff Bennett's recount for Selectman was a perfect example of corruption. And I want to say it again-how did Jerry Skelton go in to the town clerk's office as a loser and emerge later as the winner of the election? Jeff Bennett had already been sworn in as the winner. No recount, no questions asked, no investigation on the election. The town clerk was sick on that day of the election, so who is to blame, for Jerry Skelton been sworn in and Jeff Bennett being sworn out. Pretty good,huh? I still have not gotten an honest answer from anyone, how come? If Jeff Bennett did not ask for a recount, would justice prevail, no!! I, PHC sr asked a lot of questions. But did not get one good answer. I wanted to asked Billy Harris if he thought the election results reminded him of the conservation commission issues he has had in the past with certain members of the con comm. But since then we have parted a longtime friendship with the Harris family and myself PHC. Because of the election results, did "someone" break the law and someone else take the blame? Because of influence or threats, yes, we're were our constables and our police? Everyone involved knew something was wrong, as in wrongdoings. Why is PHC's investigation being ignored? Why, why, why, Tim Cahill wasn't afraid until the Atty. Gen.'s office stepped in. How many of you people want to trust Tim Cahill now? And look at the millions of dollars he had behind him "mass lottery money" but he and his accomplices got caught they're going to be convicted. Plus anyone else that aided and abetted him "Cahill". If you know what I mean. I guess you misinformed taxpayers will not believe my blog, until name start showing up on TV in the local newspapers in the Worcester telegram. That is if the Worcester telegram thinks it's newsworthy. That newspapers pretty quiet lately. Also the Gardner news. What's wrong I wonder whose relative or relatives are involved here in Templeton? Anybody got any information? Blast away on my blog and don't be afraid to speak up. These people are not smart enough to search the web. Hee-hee hee he. And besides you can be like most of them, the recall group and say, that was not me, oh boy one lies, their buddy swears to it, then they take a vote-guess who wins, not the taxpayer group. But unlike Cahill, Martha Coakley hasn't paid them "the recall" group of visit yet and when her office does pay Templeton visit, we will all smell like febreze again. And that clean smell will stay with Templeton for a long time because a message will be answered.

And the guy running for reelection that in itself is another story. Imagine someone that has no respect for his fellow board members and taxpayers, once another three years of that bull---T not a chance. What Columbus has been doing to this town is inexcusable. His selfish goals and that of an ill-informed dictator, to further his ambition to help Templeton get back on its feet is just out of the question. He doesn't have the know-how to help himself let alone helped the town. And another point if all of us taxpayers flub the selectmen's meeting like we have been doing, Columbus should get the drift that we are not there to bow to him, it's to protect us people, as taxpayers of Templeton. Another thing I would like to point out to all the taxpayers, all these meetings Columbus sets up, I meant for only a few people. Look at the time in the day of some of these so-called important meetings. Columbus is retired and can plan things to suit his agenda, not us. Most of the board of selectmen don't want us taxpayers to attend, that's why he schedules them on goofy hours of the day. If that board centers themselves on when they are available, hold on tight. I always thought the 7 PM meeting on a regular schedule to save a lot of grief for everyone, people can plan to attend the selectmen's meeting or any other special meeting on a regular basis without a last-minute change of time, place or agenda. We the people of Templeton are tired of being tossed around like a Hakey sack, ball or whatever you want to call it. To start with in my opinion, get Julie Farrell in as selectmen, then we can work from there. Mullins has got to go! Whether he and a couple others don't want him to go-when trust is lost in the person, do people still want someone like that on any board or committee? And as they quote from attorney Coakley's office, “the accused knew it was wrong and dishonest. Why did the accused keep up the practice of being dishonest until the law caught him?" I PHC Sr know the answer. The accused think, no one is watching, as in video cameras and distant observation equipment, if you know what I mean. Everyone must and I say must attend the next selectmen's meeting because I personally think the powers that be will try to pull another fast one like they tried and failed two weeks ago. We have got some sneaky members on the board of selectmen and we all see it. And not with eyes shut. I am so surprised Columbus doesn't shut Virginia Wilder up when he Columbus is trying to conduct a lousy meeting. If you watch the TV or buy a DVD, you will see and hear exactly what I am saying. And those gestures are not forgotten by any means. A person does not notice these during the meeting, that is why you all should watch channel 8 for showing of the meeting. And make a point to watch carefully.

We the voters have four weeks to make a choice in my choices Julie Farrell. I don't have to say it with the guess, I'm saying it with the must, for the welfare of the town. And another point I would like to make the railroad stop in both directions on Baldwinsville road or is Tex Ritter here to stay for a while? If you know what I mean "railroad". I know a lot of people here in Templeton "good and bad" and they all say get rid of Columbus and Mullins now-when the "gag" order is lifted you will all know what has been going on in other places not just Templeton. So think I am clear about the election in May because other than recall it won't be heard for another year for new selectmen. And to quote Bev B, “yes we are guilty of being too trusting" but never again will this happen and again Bev-a picture is worth 1000 words but the Internet is worth 67,000 hits. We and Templeton know for fact that you can't embarrass us stupid or ignorant person. But you can vote them out of office and never-never reelect that person in that position again. There the board of selectmen 3 to 2 vote do wrong when dismissing a former coordinator? Did our lawyers advise the board of selectmen to act against the labor laws? Is the past coordinator going to get her job back? This is part of the whole recall issue. Did Julie, Bob Mitchell and Jeff Bennett caused the town to be "broke". Use common sense and vote Julie back on the board of selectmen to try to help straighten the mess out. Thanks for reading my opinion, Pauly


  1. What we have here is "Breach of Trust", as well as, Obstruction of Justice. We have all been bamboozled, fleeced, hoodwinked or whatever you want to call it, for years. They are used to getting their way & are not only worried but are ticked off that we have caught on. Yes, we have been Too trusting & they breached that trust. They all deserve jailtime for that in addition to their other wrongdoings. I don't know about the vote thing but sure does make one wonder how that got flipped around so fast after Bennett was declared the winner. Another B of T situation. Possibly tampering with the voting machine, voter fraud?? I don't know, just asking the question, too. Yes, BC is abusing his position & shouldn't be allowed to schedule meetings outside of a time the majority of townspeople agree on like 7PM. He is a dictator it seems. Overstepping the bounds of authority for sure. We need to tell him he can't do that. He is to use the platform for governing PROPERLY, not "rule" as a King, Emir, Monarch, Dictator, etc. We need to send a message loud & clear that he is NOT a reigning king, by voting him out & Julie Farrell in. Hopefully, the Atty. General will step in one day soon before it's too late for us. ...My opinions again & Thanks Pauly for your watchful eye, great articles & this great sounding board blogspot!!

  2. we all know there is funny stuff going on but i dont think it is big enough to get the attention of the big guys with the power to do something!!!

    as for your friendship with the Harris family ..
    bill and carol are great people and over time and a few beers you all can laugh and that friendship will come back..

    politics is evil..if you have a different view it can break family's apart never mind friends
    just a thought i hope we all can survive from this low this town in now!!!

    1. I hope & pray you are right about not bad enough for the big guys. Time will tell, I guess. Also, good points on all of the politics in this. No question, We do need to get out of these lows no matter how that is & not only survive but thrive again

  3. It is easy to get frustrated. It would be easy to give up. It is going to take ALL of us to help make this town a better place. How does that saying go? " you may forgive, but you never forget." that may hold true for Templeton. It is important to remember all of the "wrong doings" so they won't occur again.

    I would not have run for office again, if I thought Templeton was hopeless. We have many truly good people in this town who deserve much better local government. I believe holding public office is a sacred trust between the elected officiall and the townspeople . I believe that trust has been betrayed. We all need to come together to try to straighten out the mess the town is in right now. We will not always agree. I believe it is still possible to work together for the greater good of the town.

    I hope people will attend the meeting at the legion on April 14th. and become involved in citizens4Templeton.

    Julie Farrell

    1. Yes, and I know we have been betrayed!!

    2. This may sound kind of sappy, but truely, my friend Gladys would have been so angry if this was going on in her day. She would be proud of you Julie. It is sometimes a thankless job, but she loved her town and she would have been proud of all of us. In 250years things have not been this bad..I hope BC & company will go down in history as the worst people to be involved in town government.

    3. No Bev, it's not sappy, it's true!! What I knew of Gladys, (liked her very much) she worked HARD for the town. I,too, believe she would be very proud of Julie but sad about where we are & agree we are at an all time low. I still wonder to tbis day what Really happened to Gladys? Yes, yes, yes on the last sentence!!

    4. 2 key words I left out about Gladys & Julie besides working Hard for the good of Templeton as a whole is that they also worked & work for the town HONESTLY!!! and with INTEGRITY!!! whether in an elected position or not. They just cared & care about us respectively!! Something BC, GS,Cs & their gang have NONE of in my opinion!! All My Opinions here. Don't want to get sued by the latter because I forgot to express that. I am sure many know what I mean.

    5. Gladys was ok But let's not get carried away, she did less than honorable stuff too for her benifit.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Okay, maybe you are right, I didn't know her like I know of Julie. It gets to the point where you don't know what & who to believe anymore because of how we taxpayers have been used & mistreated. However, I do still believe in Julie Farrell & I know she has honesty & integrity whereas, I just felt the other one did. That is what is wonderful about Pauly's blogspot. We can voice opinions & try to get a fuller, bigger picture of what is happening & what happened prior to get us to this LOW point in our town's history. I can tell you I sure don't feel like celebrating 250 years of it anymore when ONCE I used to be very proud to be from Templeton!! I'm certainly Not feeling that feeling right now, if you know what I mean! I think Templeton's mess is just a reflection of what is going on in this entire nation, world, etc.

  4. I guess some people think brcause you get elected to office, it means you can do just what the hell you want. You know maybe they can pull that stuff in a big city, but we have a little town...YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!We just have to let the rest of the people in town, find out the truth. The tower they have been living in will fall down. They better not think we are going to help them. As for our 250, We are celebrating the people who came before us. The people who came and cleared the roads, started a settlement, lived off the land.My family has been in this town for 4 generations. My greatgrandfather was a blacksmith,ran the trolly and was a constable in East Templwton. My fathers great grandparents came from Ireland through Canada. They setteled on South Road. Life was hard for these people but they made it their home.We can not forget what is bad is a small few, not everyone. Besides I think we should enter a float in the parade, what do you guys think ?

  5. Yes, I think we are sending the message that we will eventually find out who is being honorable & who is not. There are some really good people working on that & getting the message spread through here, LTPBH & out there...I know what you are saying about the 250 year celebration is right. My relatives also came here from Europe through Canada & Ellis Island. My family has been in Templeton a long time, too. We are now on 5 generations here so I am not a newbie either. Was just saying I am not too happy right now but maybe entering a float would help to bring that good feeling back. I did love Templeton growing up. That is why I stayed here, too. Hope to get that happier feeling back one day. New leadership with Julie & keeping Jeff B. will help.

  6. Hey Bev and isteach - as i said before you can use my ramp truck for a float LOL - how about a Citizens 4 Templeton/Pauly's Templeton Watch float

  7. Sure why not, Go Pauly!!! Feels like the only way we are going to stay afloat is to make a float. LOL
