Thursday, April 5, 2012


Override ?

Will the voters of Templeton support an override under the leadership of “Team Columbus”? 

A few definitions first…a core service by any other name is a service that is essential -essential to the town; essential to the taxpayers. The budget presented at the BOS meeting on April 4, 2012 continues to fund some departments that taxpayers do not feel are “essential”. When asked to define core or “essential services” “Team Columbus” was unable to provide a definition or an answer. 
Some might argue that police, fire and highway are essential or “core services”. Others might argue that departments that bring revenue into the town (Assessor, tax collector, treasurer) are “core services”.  With “Team Columbus” we may never know what is their definition of “core services”. 

So instead of reviewing the budget to look for ways to save money, to lower the override amount, “Team Columbus” decided to have another meeting.…they couldn’t make a decision. The accountant’s plan is to rescind the vote on the ambulance receipts ($170,000), vote town charges subject to an override and then vote the school budget subject to an override. The override would total over $600,000. But wait, there’s more! At a previous meeting, the current BOS voted a warrant article for an override of no more than $500,000…Last I checked, $600,000 is more than $500,000. What to do….what to do…I know! Let’s have another meeting!  

In addition to this outstanding budget management, the town is facing a debt crisis. The Town of Templeton is currently carrying over $15 million in long term debt. The bonds do not retire until 2045. The year 2045 seems like a long way off to me! We are using every penny of free cash; in addition to using all of the stabilization money in order to balance our current budget. In essence, the town has maxed out its credit card and is looking to transfer the balance. That might be a feasible plan IF you cut up the credit card. Is the Town going to cut up the credit card? NO! The Town of Templeton will need procure long term bonds (debt) to finance $1.9 million [or more] Municipal building project (how about another 40 year USDA loan?) as well as finance the elementary school feasibility study($550,000)….oh yeah purchase land for the elementary school, and take on another $12 million in debt for an elementary school. [The $500,000 for the Senior center will not need long term borrowing].  

Way to go! The town seems to have mismanaged itself into not only mortgaging our children’s future, but our grandchildren’s future as well. Here is a glance at Templeton’s current debt. 

Please click on the blue links!

Julie Farrell


  1. Why is it that I feel like I am supporting a bunch of criminals by voting for this override?

    1. Holy smokes, looks like some poor town folk supported the crooks just by voting for them. I'll bet they think twice next time. It was good timing for everyone to get their tax bills this week. If our wonderful news paper did half their job, they would make this information available to the taxpayer.

  2. I for one will not be supporting any override until this town and it's BOS start working in the best interest of the town and not themselves. I am not sure what they are trying to do with the school budget. I guess I do not understand Templeton/Team Columbus town politics yet. I thought the school submitted their budget like every other department to the BOS. What's the deal? Any explanations? Does anyone know? I do not think that the school committee is to happy or has much confidence in our leaders. I do see a few Columbus signs around town though? Are those people just crawling out of hibernation? Do they not go to meetings or watch meetings? and...Are the bills for K&P available for the townspeople to view. Interested in seeing how much it is costing the town for team columbus stupidity. Would it make sense to compare legal fees for letting CS go(minus and CS lawsuits) and the attempt being made to let JR go.

    1. The School did submit a budget request, as all the other departments. The Town Accountant level funded the school, which was seeking approximately $225,000 in additional funding.

    2. Concernedresident; legal bills are available for any resident to see by way of public records request, I have a copy of a legal request from a few years back when team jerry skelton tried to block you from seeing legal bills. The bills were ruled public records which unfortunately could be redacted, parts they don't want you to see blacked out. CS used to black them out so you could not see who requested the opinion or what was asked. A real open government procedure.

    3. Lets see the proposed school budget line item by line item like the town depts did - before town meeting please!

  3. 3 of the Columbus signs on Patriots Rd. have a link, 1 is promised the Chiefs job by Columbus when the "time" comes. 1 owns land near where the Landfill was supposed to go and will support anyone that helps his cause, even though he Badmouths everyone of the 3 stooges. and the other is a LION along with Columbus and for some weird reason those Lions are like a high school group who are loyal to their buddies whether they agree with them or not.

    1. I have been giving some thought about the Lions Club. They supported F.Ryder in the seventies when he tried to bury the town with trash from Boston. They have been a big contributer to the recall group. I wonder what the larger group would think about this stuff going on? Maybe we should ask them.

    2. ride thru town and see where the signs are, Uhmmm!

  4. Most all clubs are thigtly woven. And they all support each other, even to the point of not knowing what they are suporting just because he is a fellow member. The Lions Club does alot for Templeton residents and thier children. The Easter egg hunt is on the common this weekend and how about the free pumkins at the pumkin patch in October for the past 30+ years for all the school kids each year, and I was a member of the club when Floyd Ryder was active in the club. And I remember there wasn`t much if any club support behind him on The Battle Of The Bails. Especially from me.
    You are definately right in saying that they are loyal to each other, but like Pauly says, "Once your in the voting booth, NO ONE knows how you vote. We just have to hope they vote with their heart and gut and not their pride.

  5. why support an override when all of a sudden we can balance the budget without taking political salaries, sorry, but no cigar, town meeting will show who controls the money, and remember, it only takes 7 people to challenge a ruling from the moderator, in case the kid who was educated by his mom at the library, probably has marching orders from jerry skelton but I think and hope the people take over their town meeting this year and show us who is the boss, please show all of us elected officials who really runs things in Templeton, the people or the echohill farm subsidy group. No building, no override no columbus and no skelton, no elected money and lets end the shell game that has Templeton in debt long term for over 16 million dollars, and jerry wanted to add another 4 million to that total. If you think USDA long term loans are good, take a look at the water department and you tell me. vote the bums out and elect Julie Farrell for some checks and balance back in there. Does anyone want three more years of columbus? remember, recall is coming in August!!!!!

    1. I was at the meeting wednesday night, Julie Farrell asked the BOS what the total town debt was not one had a clue, (Jeff wasn't there, I'm sure he could have answered the question) Julie knew the towns total debt! a lot of people were talking about the affordable housing coordinator and the planner, those positions don't seem "core" to me. and why doesn't the accountant have hand outs for all us who pay his "fee" is everything a secret. AND THESE ARE OUR LEADERS HELP HELP. I am voting for Julie Farrell and I voting No on the over ride! and I vote to give that Fund (named after that guy)to the kids at gilman waite , not Jerry Skelton and 252 Baldwinville Rd!!!!!

    2. observer, as I have previously stated in another blog entry, the towns long term debt is listed in the town audit from 2010, all they have to do is read it. Of course there is always the possibility they don't want to talk about it because it makes their reckless spending on len kopelman look even worse than it is, just sayin

  6. what happing with the water dept ..this is the second time that it was posted whats up ??

  7. The have debt until 2045 - they took out a 40 year loan - when Jerry was incharge of L & W. just like he wants to do with 252 Baldwinville Rd

    1. What is the attraction to 40 year loans? Am I missing something. My personal budget doesn't like 5 year loans. The way I see it the shorter the term the better off I am. What am I missing? Is town debt so much different?

  8. well it makes you look good when you get tons of work done but they dont tell you that you have to pay for it for 40 years . maybe thats why Sean H left in a hurry ??looks like all those fancy trucks will be getting old

  9. I also will be voting for Julie! Enough is enough! Like I said we will be gone and our children's children will be dealing with this crooked activities of today. Also most of the houses that had been foreclosured on have no pipping. Its all be stolen, the Realtors and banks will expect the buyer to replace it at not discount. So when our new principal says the projected students in the future think long and hard " is it really going to grow"? AORRY I have seen her on TV with the feesable study crew and school committee and she was pushing the point on if anything had to brought before the people. Or can we just buy it. DONT TRUST HER! !!

  10. Can someone tell me why we need a part time assistant treasurer.Just saw it under help wanted in the Gardner News.4-7-12.What happen departments where making cuts.Now were hiring new people on.And they want a over ride.

  11. It should no longer be about who's friends with whom or who's related to whom or who is a club member with whom but who is working in the best interest of the town. When we go to the voting booth we need leave all loyalties outside. Our beloved town is in a sorry state of affairs and we need to work together to make it better. We must never again let our guard down and trust that our elected officials are working in our best interest. Go Julie :)

    1. You are so right & Amen to that!!

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. The decision making has to be in the best interest of the Town. Personal agendas have to be set aside. Having said that people can not jsut vote something down, if it's needed or makes sense. Everyone should keep an open mind an vote with what makes sense.

  12. I can support an override IF "Team Columbus" stops trying to terminate Jeff Ritter, AND makes more cuts to non-essential services. I don't see "Team Columbus" looking at the budget and making the hard decisions necessary to pare down the budget in order to lower the amount of money needed for an override.

    "Team Columbus" should be able to justify their support of 252 Baldwinville Road and provide concrete financial data that this boondoggle will save the tax payers money - otherwise I will NOT support an override.

    "Team Columbus" should be able to provide concrete data regarding ownership of 233 Baldwinville RD. BEFORE voting to enter into a purchase and sale agreement. The lack of due diligence on the part of the Municipal Building Committee has led to some serious paying more than the assessed value for the building ($366,000 vs $399,925) without an appraisal or a building inspection never mind a full 21E and the timing of the new building code and the roof.

    1. The municipal building committees own numbers, unless they have changed them, show the cost of the new building to be $188,000.00 per year; $96,000.00 per year loan payment plus $92,000.00 building expense equals $188,000.00 per year. I have a table with data for the past five years showing the average cost for town buildings right now to be $145,000.00 per year on average. Also since members of the building committee happen to be or were selectmen, how did we pay for and buy a building on an e-mail? Do you realize the settlement statement does not even the address for 252 Baldwinville road on it? How or why did the town accountant allow this warrant item to be paid? $400,000.00 dollar bill on the basis of an email!

  13. I think I'll vote not for the override just to see how the town can get by with less "core services" and less waste of taxpayer's $$. How much are we paying in attorney fees to terminate Jeff Ritter? Is he really doing such a terrible job? Is he not earning his keep? How long is his contract? What's the hurry? Why are we hiring the same seasonal workers year after year? Can we hire high school or college kids that will not collect when the season is over? More community service workers, DOC workers, volunteers could save some $$. Are we paying interest on a loan that we have not even received or am I mistaken? Why did we overpay for 252 Baldwinville Road and why so many obstacles surrounding it? How many people were at the town meeting when the purchase of that bldg was voted on? When the bulding was inspected(how much did the town pay for inspection) why was the roof issue not brought up? Why is that building okay to house all town offices but the subject of neighbor odor complaints when it was in operation? Why did Ms Noble & Ms Coller leave town for other jobs? Just a few questions that need answering. Any chance of a debate before the election. I would love to see both candidates answering questions from the taxpayers live. Then we will be able to see who truly knows what's going on and who thinks they can skirt the issues.

  14. Who or what is this Templeton1st website? Who runs it and who created it? Why are there no names to the articles on the website? Are they hiding for a reason? Are they ashamed or are these the same people from recallcoming who lied to the taxpayers prior to Feb 6 recall election. Why in the budget is there no reduction in town clerk pay/ She is elected and all elected people should take the pay cut to demonstrate they work for public service not just for the cake. Especially when they are not a notary public nor have taken no classes to become a certified town clerk

    1. "Supporters of Templeton 1st would never hide behind anonymous names or false profiles in order to start rumors or make scandalous accusations about elected officials, town employees or other citizens. They also would not make threats of violence toward elected officials or townspeople. Is that behavior that you would choose to be associated with? We, as a community, need to leave the schoolyard bullying of finger pointing and name calling behind and work together to unify Templeton. We must support our town government and allow them to get on with the business of the town so that we can once again put Templeton 1st!" - the website is registered by Cathy Matson (Town's Webmaster ans Assistant Librarian).

    2. I do not know Bob Columbus personally. I know him only from going to meetings and from watching him on tv but from what I have heard with my own ears and seen with my own eyes(because hearing and seeing for one's self is the only way to know for sure) I knew that he could not have possibly written the statement to go with his mug shot!

    3. So does that mean the Townspeople are paying Kathy Matson to design and run the website for Columbus's re-election. Just the same way she ran the LTPS website.
      Does everyone know she runs some type of personal business at the library, is that extra income going to the town or is she even reporting it on her taxes??

    4. Kathy Matson seems to do a much better job creating websites for her other activities than she does for the town (her paid Job) I also think that these people should - look in the mirror. aren't they tring to get rid of Jeff R for no reason. Bob C's rules for speaking at a meeting. They are NOT LISTENING - can everyone say the word - HYPOCRITES -

  15. For Some reason I do not think the people who run departments are serious about cutting their budgets.There are so many questions. Do you realize the majority of people in this town do not realize the kind of mess we are in.The Gardner news is a big part of the problem..they took sides in the beginning and have stayed the course.So much for balanced reporting. What a joke.The Bald.Rd. project is iffy on a good day.The assistant treasurer, are you kidding! What part of no overide don!t they understand. I have a headache...See you guys tomorrow night. We stand up for Jeff. Ritter, one more time.

  16. I just check out the new Templeton1st web site and I think I`m going to throw up over all the B--- S---. Fortunatly I haven`t had breakfest yet and have an empty stomach. Although I realy don`t like the dry heaves either!!!!!
