Monday, April 30, 2012

What secrets B.O.S.

                                                                                                                            April 26, 2012
What Secrets B.O.S.
In my opinion Jeff Bennet says, it loud and clear at every B.O.S. meeting.  It is public information, it is public information what part of public information do you 3 members of the B.O.S. “not” understand.  Hey isteach we do need a clean sweep as I have been saying for years, but a clean sweep will not work, we need a complete cleansing to get rid of all the parasites once and for all, and don’t start forgiving a certain few, or all the parasites concerned will jump the fence and beg forgiveness let the ones that “played” pay, yes, pay in $dollars by ethics,
not in the famous words “I’m sorry”.  Now people, lets set the record straight for Bob Columbus and Virginia Wilder on the subject of Mr Jeff Ritter want to see it on paper Bob Columbus, Virginia Wilder?  This information will cost you 2 B.O.S. $5.00 cash no checks or credit cards, cash.  The one with Abe Lincoln’s picture on one side, is that clear?  Ya know like the cost for the town meeting paperwork, get it?  Rather than pay $4.00 for that info I’ll wait, Thank you!   Now let’s get back to Jeff Ritter and don’t try to interrupt V.W. lol.   Jeff Ritter was called by a certain person not, I say not to accept the coordinators job in Templeton .  Also he “Jeff Ritter” was warned by another person and I use the term “person” loosely, that we have a recall coming and his services will not be needed, does that tell you people something?  So everyone that reads my blog can understand.  Mr.  Ritter was warned about taking the coordinator job before the last interview with the B.O.S.  I have positive information on this subject if you want to see it, this info is free to the taxpayers.  So you can Bob Columbus must pay $4.00 for this info.  Like I must pay $4.00 for a copy of the town meeting articles, pretty good huh?  Now let’s get back to Jeff Ritter, why, why does Columbus and Wilder continue to say in public that Jeff Ritter resigned on his own, why, why, why, does Columbus and Wilder keep lieing to us taxpayers, about Jeff Ritter leaving Templeton, try threatening and pressuring me P.H.C. SR and see what happens, you Virginia have a bad habit of pointing your finger and shaking your hand at people, see dvd hearing PHC’S “Do I have to go Postal”?  Chief Whitaker points out about me pointing and shaking my hand at the BOS, Chief Whitaker implies I was making a threat.  So next time you point your finger and shake your hand at us taxpayers it could be taken as a threat, get it?  May I ask you Virginia, is someone lieing when they say you were seen pointing your finger and shaking your hand at Jeff Ritter in his coordinators office, and yelling at Jeff Ritter as in threatening him, please answer on my blog.  I have positive proof of bullying, harassing, pressuring and intimidating Jeff Ritter, when the time comes we as in Citizens 4 Templeton will ask Jeff Ritter under oath to tell his story.  And it won’t cost us taxpayers $14,000.00 so what say Virginia and Bob?  Lie, lie, lie, stutter, stutter, stutter, mumble, mumble, mumble, is this a new form of English?  And please do not ask me what I mean about the above words and I remind you people reading this blog, I am old and senial, and do not have freedom of speech or freedom of assembly.  What say bloggers?  Sound off don’t be afraid, help is on the way.  What about the advisory board meeting Wednesday April 25, 2012 same old, same old bull---- by Wilder and Columbus what do you think?  And please don’t say I don ‘t have any respect for Wilder and Columbus, just ask recalled Selectman Bob Mitchell, or Ken Case or Bumpsey Dennis or Regina or Dan Keeney, or Steve LaPrise or Jeff Bennet, or I can go on thru 5 sheets of paper. Lol.  Other words in laymans terms I don’t want be the only taxpayer with no respect for these two selectmen, get it?  And to you Kate Fulton as a new advisory board, member, get with the training program, don’t upset and annoy the taxpayers, get it?  And to you Bev I agree with you (this time) we the taxpayers and citizens have lost all, all trust in you 2 members of the board of selectmen here tonight why can’t you Virginia W and Bob C tell us the truth, then resign, well Bev-Bart will be proud of you, and me too.  I was talking to Detective Columbo, and he said he observed a certain member of the B.O.S. leaving Echo Hill at 11:30 last night, after the advisory board adjourned at about 10pm.  I guess it took 1 ½ hrs to cry at Echo Hill. LOL.  We as in 5 of us concerned citizens observed 690 Patriots Rd from 11pm to 6:45am guess what we saw?  Thru night vision goggles and it got awful chilly last night, right Pete?  I will go over the town warrants with a fine tooth comb this week, will I find any tampering by unauthorized personel?  I bet I will, oh I’m sorry it won’t be I to go over warrants it will be we, as in 6 or 8 of us taxpayers, no it is not a witch hunt it is a tampering hunt, get it?  And to you “Olive” I PHC, SR I have complaints accusing fraud many times, but guess what?  Every registered mail got lost in the coordinators office, before Jeff Ritter “that is”.  But keep the push n about fraud. And Bev and Bart please do not mention Stone as in stoned, what other explanation could be heard for the actions of these selectmen other that being stoned, get it stoned?  Us taxpayers have been asking for a long time about the unethical actions by 3 members of the B.O.S.  If you readers find some errors in this blog, please act like 3 members of the B.O.S.  and keep it a “secret”, I promise I wont get mad. LOL  I have a copy of a reply from ethics its date is 4-24-12 I don’t know how I got it last night at the advisory board meeting, maybe a little bird dropped it.  But anyway that’s the story of ethics, sound familiar?  Us taxpayers need someone important to investigate Templeton not someone who wants to be seen and voted for then “see you later” right Rep Andrews, from Orange, Mass.  And to George V. I am not outspoken and I do know the in and outs of municipal fraud.  I just need someone important to step up to the plate here in Templeton, get it?  Political influence goes a long way if we in Templeton could get some political influence, say Sen, Congressman Scott Brown, State Rep Anne Gobi, Congressman John Oliva, if Sen Oliva would come to Templeton I will promise he wont get arrested, get it?  So on and on of wishful thinking.  And again I say to Bev – I don’t want to wait for recall or election day I want action while these tyrants are still here but again that is just wishful thinking. 

Thanks for reading my opinions,

PHC SR, Paulys Templeton Watch

1 comment:

  1. Yes Pauly, you are right!! We need a Complete clean sweep for sure. Better yet they should all be put in a vacuum & never let out again, ever!! That way they will be put in a secure "lock-up" (get it, as you would say) LOL & the dirty sweepings can't just conveniently blow back in, yet again, to spoil another day of our lives here in Templeton, ugh!
