Monday, April 30, 2012

April 29, 2012
“Where is Walt”

We miss your comments, I hope someone didn’t scare you out of Templeton, with all the bull---- that has been going on-come on down and join the group.  And air your opinions or just keep commenting. My computer broke down this week so I’ve been kind of quiet, I also have been looking for a crown for King Columbus lol as Rob says who made you king?  The time is getting short for someone close to our wallets but I never count my chickens before they hatch, get it?  Columbus is so embarrassing to all of us, he will not attend canditates night, why don’t Virginia go in Columbus’s place?  Those 3 selectmen are shameless,
I again think all 3 should resign before May 7th to try to save some face here in Templeton especially for their families unless their families approve of the degrading, bull---t- those 3 have spread across town, nobody has to pass the word about them, it was all over town 10 minutes after the police escorted those 3 to their cars lol.  Years ago, when the world was real, after a selectman meeting people chatted with selectmen and each other for a while then went home – now after a selectmens meeting we chat with 2 of the honest selectmen while the other 3 slide under the rocks and disappear, lol  quote. The honest 2 selectmen are Bennett and Stewart.  But lets wait until May 7, to see if chicken little is right.  Hey, how about the 252 Bald Road deal, oh-oh I should not have mentioned that deal, but hey, we can’t forget it right?  Don’t forget people, I P.H.C. SR, offered to market that 252 Bald Rd to help us recoup some money, but I can’t promise that I will find any O’Brien’s or Skelton’s to try to sell it to, what do you think? Oh-oh wouldn’t that building make a nice pawn shop?  All inside activity, don’t get pawn shop mixed up with porn shop lol get it?  Did the town get credit for the $4000.00 worth of propane?  The tank is gone from 252 Bald Road, after someone ordered it filled, guess who?  Was that a gift to the propane people or did someone else get the credit?  Is this a good question or what?  And please do not forget all the other sneaky-unlawful bull---- that the 3 selectmen caused, I know the majority (rules) but all rules in the town were broken and the police did nothing about it, this is gross ignorance of the law.  I was asked by a critic, why do I keep repeating, things?  Well if I did not keep reminding all the readers, would it all be forgotten and only give one atta boy to the 3 bad—s selectmen and forgive them for all the wrong doings?  Ya-right, moving forward does not mean forgiving for obstructing justice and all the other wrong doings by the past & present town coordinator, and I do not, repeat I do not, accuse “Mr Jeff Ritter” of any wrong doings, he too Mr Ritter is a victim of circumstance here in Templeton and those three renegade selectmen are trying to ruin Mr Ritter’s future employment, “quote” not trying to ruin Mr Ritter’s future for him and his family, need I say more?  And a lawsuit has started and you all will witness the results remember A.H. O’Brien yelling, recall, recall after exiting the Kiva when the “Carol” coordinator was dismissed, well I am yelling jail-jail for those people responsible for all these wrong doings, I was told by a very informational person that does action could cost us 10-20 thousand for legal fees.   I think this will save Templeton hundreds of thousands in the future.  So what’s it to be taxpayers?  We as a group will always prevail, but why should it get this bad for us taxpayers, I will tell you why, because most “people” taxpayers trusted our elected officials, but we were all deceived, cheated, misused our fund’s, lied to us, ignored our complaints on paper, and defied all us taxpayers by appointing past coordinator Carol Skelton.  The Attorney Generals office is going to have a blast with my letter and dvds so Columbus, Wilder, Mullins, try to imagine the atty general office saying, 0h-0h this picture does not look good.  To us 90 days in West Boylston should get the message to Columbus, Wilder, Mullins, about their judgement on the Carol Skelton and Jeff Ritter issues, even a stupid taxpayer can detect political corruption lol real loud, and remember, He who laughs last laughs best.  Is it my wishful thinking that some here in Templeton is going to jail or is some out of towner going to jail?  Or a couple of out of towners going to jail ever  are you people scared yet?  I did not get all the charges I am making off the t.v.  I got them from “The Experience Templeton Club” and have been living with it for a long time, “but help is on the way”.  Did anyone notice a woman taking notes in the hall at the last selectmans meeting, with a little gadget on her wrist which I believe was a camera, 007 style, no it was not State Rep Denice Andrews, I don’t believe Denice Andrews wants to attend another selectman’s meeting after watching one of our selectmen’s meetings she told me she would get us help and call me in two days, is it two days yet?  Long ago, but a politician is a politician so what say- I’m going to talk to Jim Whited this week to get his input, he is running against Denice Andrews for our district.  I wonder if he will remember us here in Templeton, if he gets voted in, I don’t want to wait another “two days” get it?  Vote May 7th Julie Farrell, Selectman, write in David  Bergeron town moderator, don’t forget write in for David Bergeron on the ballot where it says write in, get it? Lol

Thanks for reading in my opinion

Monday night 6:00pm canidates night without King Columbus LOL

1 comment:

  1. I miss Walt as well. I appreciated his opinions and point of view. I hope he doing well.
