Monday, April 30, 2012

Legal bill from K & P

well folks, it is in, the legal bill from K&P. I asked the billing department today to fax a copy of the march legal bill for Templeton, seeing how it is May. Since there is only $14,629.95 left in the legal expense account which can be found right above the copier in the hallway at 690 Patriots road, in a pink folder to view by anyone interested. The total of the bill for march is $7,417.47, which includes $124.47 for copies of documents, express mail service, special postage, toll calls and on-line research. I guess at $165.00 per hour, you have to pay for stamps and paper too.

There are about two pages of items concerning bargaining agreement, settlement agreement, draft executive session agenda, that is right, chairman columbus is even unable to write an agenda for executive session so he had to have an attorney from K&P write it for him for $49.50. Draft a motion to enter into executive session, draft email to chair of the BOS, a lawyer had to write an e-mail for columbus, someone is smoking some good stuff. Write a letter to another attorney, review the response talk on the phone with the chair about legal files, $99.00. Alot of money spent on phone calls, writing of e-mails and agendas, pretty sad when a chairman cannot write an agenda for a meeting. Bob, how many times have you been chairman?? In a letter read at candidates night you wrote, supposedly, and I hope K&P did not have to write that letter for you!! you said you were chair of capital planning, hope K&P does not have to write those agendas for you too. Also was conference calls to another attorney, the attorney for jeff Ritter, now why does someone require a lawyer to simply resign for personal reasons???? Also why do you need an attorney for settlement agreements for someone simply resigning for personal reasons bob, virginia??? patrick?????? anyhow, $14,629.95 minus $7,417.47 = $7,212.48 left to pay legal bills, and we have April, May and June left. bob, you gonna be going to advisory board and ask for some more "emergency funds" again. Please lets have a discussion by the selectmen and a vote this time if you plan on doing that. In a separate fax, len kopelman writes that the first two months of general legal costs for Templeton with K&P was $3,778.50. The only thing is February was like 8 days - 12 days, kind of high bill for no more than 12 days at $3,597.00. The number I am always concerned with is the total which for February was over 5 grand for no more than 12 days. As soon as I make a public records request for this bill< I will provide a copy to anyone who would like one. No sense everyone paying $4.20 for the same thing. As I stated last summer, the numbers will tell the story on whether 5 grand per month flat fee was a good move or not. One move that was bad was changing law firms in the middle of the month and spending twice what you would have spent regardless of which firm you had, thanks bob, virginia and patrick for looking out for taxpayers..........again! posted by Jeffrey Bennett


  1. can't wait to see the bill for April with all the drafts for the Town meeting articles. Which we all know Jeff R had 95% done when he left. oh yeh and just how much did K & P charge for writing Bob's speech (there were words in it that we know Buba doesn't know the meaning of)

    1. You were not the only person that mentioned whether or not K&P wrote that letter for Bob C. P.S. I think Dana B burnt too many brain cells. I don't understand what he is saying. Is it just me?

  2. Very interesting. I knew Wilder didn't write those motions she was making herself! Wonder if DO would clasify Columbus, Wilder and Mullins as Stupid selectman. They might be genius in his eyes!

  3. oopsy!! The line about the first two months should have been "the first two months general legal bills under K&P AVERAGED $3,778.50" still high average when one period was no more than 12 days!!!

  4. TwinOne, no it was not just you, Too many years of the wacky weed and the nips have burnt all the common sense out of Dana B. He made absolutely no sense, for a minute I thought I was listening to Virginia Wilder.

  5. cost to the taxpayer for K&P to attend executive session on march 12, 2012 - 5.30 hours @ $874.50 and march 26, 2012 4.50 hours @ $742.50 - plus $14 grand - all for a guy who resigned for personal reasons. very good mr. chairman, way to use them precious taxpayer legal dollars.

    1. Well, just as I figured. Jeff print out these figures and leave them around town. The tax payers have a right to know. It is for sure the GN is not going to tell them. Any one want to go see Mrs. Bell with me? I think it is criminal that they do not tell the whole story. I wonder if she even knows? Maybe she has put too much faith in these kids! I would call them journalist, but that would give them credit they do not deserve.
