Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Selectmens meeting and Advisory Board meetings

Selectmens meeting Wednesday, May 2 6:00PM 690 PATRIOTS ROAD click here for the agenda
http://www.templeton1.org/docs/5.2.12_BOS_Agenda.pdf hope they don't try to add anything else!!!

Advisory Board meeting Wednesday, May 2nd 6:00PM  NMS Cafeteria http://www.templeton1.org/docs/5.2.12_Advisory_Board_Agenda.pdf

Advisory Board meeting Wednesday, MAY 3nd 6:00PM NMS Cafeteria

Advisory Board meeting Wednesday, May 4nd 6:00PM NMS Cafeteria

Municipal Build Committee meeting, May 2nd 5:30pm 690 Patriots Rd


  1. Please attend tomorrow evening's meeting, and whatever you do, make sure you stay through new business!

    1. IN CASE ANYONE is interested, the town of Templeton has changed its position concerning the complaint filed against the town , Bennett, Mitchell and Farrell by carol skelton. awhat this means is the attorney hired by the town's insurance company to defend the town and 3 selectmen, (former and present). Now being a sitting selectmen I am not aware of any discussion or vote to ask the town counsel, Kopelman & Paige to change the respondent's position. So it seems Len Kopelman and columbus think it is more important to protect carol skelton than the town and its selectmen. And will kopelman make a settlement with skelton? Will this settlement benefit skelton or the town? Why the split? If columbus is for the town why not keep a consolidated response? Again, when was this decission made and by who? Is this another case of Len Kopelman running Templeton from the top down rather than doing what he is asked to do? Perhaps Len was asked by someone other than columbus to do this.

    2. I'm confused. If the ins. co. hired an attorney to represent the town and the three named selectmen, and Ms. Skelton hired her own attorney, why is K&P involved in the lawsuit at all?

    3. Jeff can we get a copy of the latest court filings? I see a real conflit of interest - The insurance attys should be handleing this not k& p

  2. 690 Patriots Road for the selectman's meeting? Is that planned so they can accuse the taxpayers of trying to impede town business? What is the capacity of that room? How many police officers have they hired for the occasion? Will the fire chief be there to make sure there are no fire safety law violations? Just asking. I want to feel safe at the meetings I attend. I watched Pauly being frisked at one meeting so I know he will not be poising a threat.

  3. just a FYI, the interim Fire Chief was eating breakfast at the Thirsty Turtle yesterday a.m. with Jerry Skeleton and Scrap Mullins

  4. Hopefully the interim fire chief is smarter than the company he keeps! If he wants to be chief he needs to be open, honest, and willing to work in the best interest of the people that pay his wages and not allow anyone to be his puppeteer.

  5. I have a question about a precious meeting. I am new to all this and to town so I am hoping someone can help me. In I believe March the Select board voted to have the Chairperson sign a contract with Boucher Construction to complete the "Back Bay" project. They are suppose to do the drainage, pipes and resurface the roads. Last Tuesday Boucher Construction showed up on my road (Cherry Street) and tore apart the road. We were left with nothing but a dirt road. Since then no work has been done! I was told today it is because the is NO signed contract!! If it was voted on to be signed why was it not signed?!? I am beginning to really believe everything on this blog about a certain few only caring about having certain employees resign. I am having to part cars on another road on rainy days as it is a mud pit, not to mention the lip to get into my driveway and onto my walkway. Does anyone know why this contract was not signed??

  6. Kimber

    You may want to call the OS office at 978-939-8801 before 3:00pm.
    Also, that contract is funded by CDBG money so you could call Mike Pinkpank at

  7. Thank you for the information I will call.

  8. the illustrious chairman of selectmen just signed it today so it will be tomorrow at the earliest that it will be ready to go. columbus is right on point with his duties as chair. I don't recall the town having these issues with no coordinator and the previous chair handling things. Perhaps when the interim coordinator is replaced with a hired full time coordinator, things will get better after the election.

  9. OK called the selectman office they said call the highway department. Called the second number and left a message. I finally just called the construction company and they informed me they were waiting for the signed contract that was being reviewed by OUR Town Attorney! When they started last week they thought it was all set but the attorney still was reviewing so they were not suppose to start. They are hoping to be working again by Monday.

    1. And people wonder whats wrong with COLUMBUS, SKELTON, and the other idiots. Those with Columbus signs in front of their homes should be ashamed.

  10. Kimber, next time you get the run around, please call me 978-360-4634. An answer that could/should come from the selectmen office should not be telling you to call highway. That is not helping you. I called the selectmen office and was told the contract had just come back from the attorneys and the chair had just signed it today, why did a citizen not get the same information that I got. just because I am a member of the select board does not mean I should be treated special, my boss, the taxpayer should get the answer and send me to highway because I need to visit that dept anyways. Sorry for you having to call numerous places to get a simple question answered.

  11. Thank you Mrs Farrell and Jeff for helping get answers. We just moved to town a year ago though my husband's family has lived here for many, many years. We had to move into my Mother-in-laws house as she could no longer afford to pay the taxes. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the town and would like to get more involved in things here as we will be here for many years to come.

    1. Welcome to town. Sorry thing are a little crazy, but it will not always be like this. We want you and everyone else to be able to afford to live here. We need to get our town government under control, make out a plan to get the things we need, in a way that is acceptable to every one. It will take time, but we can do it. No more walking in circles, or going backwards.

    2. Kimber-All politics aside, this is a great town filled with wonderful, friendly people. Whenever someone is in need, people come together and help out. There are a lot of fun events surrounding the 250th anniversary coming up soon which will show off the community pride. And, the Back Bay neighborhood is famous for its 4th of July kids bike parade. Thanks for participating in all the conversations here! Your opinion matters.
