Monday, April 16, 2012

asswipe B.C. sucks

In my opinion

And he should crawl into the hole he came out of, does the ass wipe have parents, I bet they are realy embarrassed at the Board Meeting every one knows just how bad that nutcase is, but help is on the way and someone is going to jail and it is not going to b e me, and those so called people have nothing to be proud of I personaly made complaints about C.S., a long time ago, they were ignored by her husband when he was selectman.  I have enough paperwork to put someone in prison and I am about to use it.  I have tried to be civil, but what happened tonight to a Vietnam veteran that was trying to ask some questions, is the last straw for that .  We the people are going to inflect so much legal crap on those 3 that K&P will run away from Templeton.  Those 3 think they are untouchable well I don’t believe it, and the law will prove me right.  I love those D.V.D’s and so does the law.  Why would a nice guy have to be walked to his car by the police?  Do you people think this is the beginning of the Bell Cal issue what do you think people,
NOW Pauly’s Templeton Watch of course in my opinion.  begs all you people to send in response to your opinion and any dirt you can come up with for all those recall people.  No more Mr Nice, Polite, Honest, Sincere Pissed Off Guy.  We tried to embarrass them but they have no consideration for their 2 friends or their family or their relatives here in Templeton or anywhere else. They in my opinion have about as much class as an unflushed toilet.  As I said before and all you taxpayers that don’t agree with me can suffer with those 3 ass wipes on a board.  This town is screwed.  Any you people that signed the recall sheets caused the problem so help us defeat those clowns once and for all.  I wish t o hear some comments good or bad.  In my opinion all you people and taxpayers here in Templeton think you are in a safe town, think again after you watch the meeting of the Board of Selectmen Thurs April 12, 2012 on channel 8 or buy the D.V.D or come to my house and I’ll loan you a D.V.D. to witness this horifick, Dick-Tater bullshit 1st hand, and yes to any of you do gooders, I am looking for an argument form any associate of B.C. or V.W. or a felon from Winchendon.  I have not been so pissed off at anyone since I was not appointed to a seat on the Board of Selectmen in Syria, if you know what I mean?  I DON’T EVER WANT TO WALK ALONE HERE IN Templeton for fear someone will thinkI am one of them, and wink at me, pretty good huh?  Now how many people think the law was broken tonight, speak up, any ideas?  I have been talking to a few guys that worked on the railroad a few years ago with B.C.  Guess what they told me about scab’s yes scab’s.  If you don’t know what a scab is ask an old railroad guy, and if you want to know what a liar is ask me. and if you want to know what a two face is just drive down Baldwinville road from Templeton, it’s on your right just before 252 Baldwinville Rd.  More to come so don’t get sleepy on me.  Does any one want to know about dishonesty ask me.  How about collusion, or conspiracy, or out right stealing and cheating on ones time worked or was supposed to work.  B.C. is part of a lot of the above, in my opinion that is.  That’s what B.C. told me a few days ago, everyone has a right to have an opinion, pretty good huh?  I can’t wait until the Doc from Bridgewater Hospital shows up to evaluate a couple of people here in Templeton, not mention any names but you will know soon enough, and if you don’t think B.C. is a nut.  Stand up and be recognized, so D.O.B can evaluate you –Hee-Hee-Hee  I must opologize if I repeat myself but with all this crap going on I even answered myself a few times that why I stopped drinking that so-called Kool-aid, stuff that Bill O’Reily always talks about on his T.V. show, the O’Riely Factor.  Did you people hear that Charles Manson was refused parole again.  Does anybody want to bet the parole board does parole him in 2027, that will make him about 95 yrs old, pretty good huh?  Its going to be called “Can the Manson Strike Again”.  It is now 5:30 am and I am on a roll.  Did anyone read the agenda for 6pm April 12, 2012?  It says at 7:20pm discuss a temp appt for Town Coordinator, it did not say to appoint a Temp Coordinator.  That is why the whole room went into an uproar.  Who made the adgenda, who should we blame when we write and do register mail to Ethics and the Atty Generals Office.  This corruption will not stop until, guess what? someone goes to jail or expires.  Somewhere  someone smarter than us taxpayers, will come forward and help us honest hard working “broke” taxpayers, Sound of People, any little bit of help for us is better than no help.  So come forward on the blog.  Again I say use a call name, so you can’t be identified by the A.H.’s that want to intimidate you.  I have one good question for all you Bloggers, why didn’t Columbus or Wilder have me thrown out of that meeting, I made more noise than anyone and they Wilder + Columbus looked right at me, maybe they both heard about my Italian ingenuity, R/c move in fast and walk away slowly and mix with the crowd an I right Izacc.  When I told you to shut the Fu-k up you stopped screaming why?  At 1st I thought it was a damsel in distress but to my surprise it was you Isacc.  What say “Boy” any come back?  In my opinion, Templeton has a bunch of chicken livered morons living here and are afraid to speak up, even to criticize my blog, or me, I hear a lot of shit about the “round table” bunch at the General Store, now I know why Charlie Carrol is always smiling, Charlie is really laughing but he don’t want to embarrass a few of his customers.  I bet his business doubled since I started this Blog, I know my son’s business has tripled, its like the round table, we listen and offer advise for curious people that like to hear the truth, and put up a good argument to the Flatlander’s, How do you like that, Bob Columbus is it ok if I express my opinion, and sorry John Columbus I am not referring to you, its not your fault that you have the same last name, will you John Columbus except my opoligy?  Well I must stop for today, I must go down to 690 Patriots Rd to order my 5 D.V.D’s one for Fox news, one for Atty Generals Office, one for Ethics Board or should I say K+P.  One for my lawyers and one for all of us to watch.  If you don’t have cable, don’t forget the peaceful protess Tue, April 17th 9am, you will all be surprised who else will show up.  Come join us and bring your own signs to show support for Jeff Bennett + Chris Stewart, Bob Mitchell, Julie Farrell, Tammy Coller, Sue Adams, Jeff Ritter and Joe Boyd-Vietnam Vet and anyone else that has been bullied and railroaded.  Watch Will Spring he will legally try to keep us out of jail.


  1. Thank you Pauly for writing all of this!! I know you are absolutely correct & so do many others in this town who have been "railroaded" & bullied. I know personally about their nasty tactics to bring people down who don't agree with them! Thanks Pauly for your bravery & committment to this town!! Some people want to be there tomorrow but can't for reasons other than being chicken although, I know there are a lot of pluck plucks out there, too!! God Bless you & keep you all safe who are going to the peaceful rally!!You give the rest of us hope finally after 10 YEARS of witnessing bullying, lying, stealing, corruption, collusion, selling us out, etc, etc. I say bring back those Stocks & Pillories if we don't get any outside help. Remember history when towns just took care of this sort of thing themselves. Maybe we ought to go back to that, have the town crier shout it out in the Bandstand that we are now having our own trial, use our own circuit judge & convene court right there on the Common & get the justice we deserve!! And that's my opinion, once again.

  2. In my opinion the only justice available in Massachusetts is the Court of Public Opinion. Our Bay State is one of the most corrupt States in the Union. After spending many years in Federal and State Courts here in Mass. it became apparent that the game is rigged in favor of Corporate America with the little guy left to pay the bill. It is believed that K&P is part of that Corporate America and has help create a justice system structured on a humanist belief. The basis of humanist belief is that there is no Almighty God,the Creator and Sustainer of life. Humanists believe that man is his own god. They believe that moral values are relative, devised according to the needs of particular people, and that ethics are likewise situational.
