Monday, April 16, 2012

Lieing Ass Columbus (in my opinion)

Friday April 13, 2012

In my opinion how can an idiot make a statement to the local news paper and on D.V.D in front of all of us tax payers saying Mr Ridder resigned because of personal reasons?  Well Mr Columbus read me PHC Sr form Pauly’s Templeton Watch loud and clear in laymans terms.  You Mr Columbus are a no good fuc-ing liar and the word is out, I told you many times about trying to keep a secret here in Templeton, you and your partner bullied Mr Ritter right out of town and I can prove it, send K&P after me for misstatement
in my opinion and I will show you and your partners where the bear shits in the buckwheat.  What were you doing at the round table this morning giving or accepting you know what, it use to be only at a rest area but the state police put a stop to that, if you know what I mean, and be assured I spent a lot of time with our Chief of Police yesterday concerning your behavior and your behavior with the women that you bullied out of town.  As you said Bobby everyone has a right to their opinion, you will not ever smarten up, you have proven that to all us taxpayers.  I want to be witness when you and your partner are put under oath, civil court does not take years to hear cases on bullying in the work place, and I have all the info on that also when I was observed having conversation with State Rep Denise Andrews by one of your so-called spies.  Did you think I was making a play for her like you would probably do?  No!  I was making a formal complaint about you and Virginia Wilder, her reply was, I sat thru the whole meeting, end of story, I believe we are about to do some serious Court time in the near future, I am not preaching I am promising you taxpayers a lot of wrong have been covered up and I uncovered them
Ps  one of my friend says to cool it, so I told him to come back when Columbus is re-elected.

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