Monday, April 16, 2012

Citizens 4 Templeton Rally click to view then click play button


  1. so, some people think this blog is just a bullshit complaining thing. Wonder if they will still feel that way when the mailings of things like USDA loan appl with jerry skelton signature with 4 different dates, jerry signature on his wife's pay raise, legal request from shaun grimley to see if paul h. cosentino sr. could legally be kept from attending a meeting of the con com becaues he voted against it and more things like this

    1. Right on!! Yes, this is a very important place to vent frustrations get the facts out, try to explain the horrific debt problems we have because of those who betrayed us, rally peacefully & NOT lie (as another group did), try to see that qualified personnel get back into offices & town jobs (not just friends who have not a clue what they are doing) & worse yet, know what they are doing bankrupting us & don't care, etc, etc. Let's see how those who downplay this site will feel after they realize that we were all correct in what we have been saying!!

  2. The people that are part of LTPS, Inc. and friends of the SCWM Gang cannot defend their actions with truth, facts, laws and reason. So, they attack the character of the citizens who oppose their actions because its the only easy defense they know how to do. Call it bitching, call it discussion, it doesn't matter what you choose to label it. The facts are the facts. You don't lie to citizens. You don't call them stupid especially when your hand is out asking for money. You don't use your position to carry out personal agendas. You don't violate state Ethics and Open Meeting laws. Stop trying to belittle the objectors and instead, answer their questions with facts and figures. Its the only way people will stop "bitching". If you cannot answer the questions of the citizens, please leave town government and leave the business to others who can answer the tough questions.

    And one more thing, if anyone out there is implying that the crowd that supports Farrell/Mitchell/Bennett/Ritter is "unruly" compared to the crowd that supports Skeltons/Columbis/WIlder/Mullins, may I point out that no one in the FMBR crowd stood up on a stool and screamed wildly at the top of their lungs at the crowd. That was probably not a good move for someone who is currently a candidate running for town moderator. Truth: there's passion and emotion on BOTH sides. So, your reason to support Columbus based on the unruly actions of citizens that oppose him, is invalid. Time to try another tactic.

  3. Question for columbus, that he will probably never answer; how many people get an extra $14,000.00 to simply leave their job for personal reasons? Now there is a buy out clause in both hiring contract and the termination settlement/claim, that amount was $32,000.00 in the hiring contract and $14,000.00 in the firing settlement/claim. So ya see bob columbus, you have been caught in another lie and it is on video (dvd) and please mr chairman, figure out your job, wilder or bennett or mullins or stewart can not throw anyone out of a selectmen meeting, that is the responsibility of the chair and it is a 4 step process: 1. you are out of order, please be quiet, 2. if you continue, you will be asked to leave the meeting 3. you are out of order, please leave the meeting 4. officer john doe, please escort mr. taxpayer from this meeting. That mr chairman is the process. it is not "that whole section over there and it is certainly not wilders job or call. if wilder or any one else from the selectboard tells you to leave, I personally would tell them to pound sand. You may respond as you wish, but wilder has no authority and I would enjoy her trying her bulling and intimidation stuff on me, she will get the "pound sand" line and a smile of course.

    1. Thank you, Jeff, for laying out the exact process that the Selectboard esp. BC should be following prior to "ejecting" residents from the bldg just because they don't like what or how they are saying something. They are trampling on the citizen's rights to participate in their own town govt. & taking away the time or ability for other people's input to make suggestions or decisions that would affect the entire town! But, Since this doesn't seem to be an American democratic process applied here in Templeton anymore then I say to the Monarchy whom has elected Queen Victoria, Ummm, I mean Queen Virginia as their not so silent leader, please try to Listen to your town majority. And in spite of her royal title she still needs to follow the correct procedures, too, or else be de-throned!! From the anger & arrogance I have observed that she exhibits, I have a valid consideration for her to help alleviate some of that stress she is carrying around (poor dear). Not sure but, I believe there is a huge sand bank not too far from easy access for her that she could easily walk to. There she should be able to pound quite a lot of sand to get out all that huffing stuff she is so laden with!! Might do her good to get her aggressions out there Before she comes to any meetings so she would have calmed herself down a bit thus being more readily available to treat her constituents more respectfully!! Try a few practice pounds anytime Queenie & see how much more serene you will be & take BC with you when you go. On second thought, I just remembered the Tigers in the room we're talking about. I would Never be saying these things if I saw even an ounce of respect for the audience participants from BC or VW. These people who attend meetings take their very valuable limited time to try to make a difference in this town for others & not go there for what they can personally get for themselves or their few cronies!! This town deserves better leadership. Let's get Julie Farrell, Jeff Ritter & Bob Mitchell Back, Forthwith so Jeff B. isn't so alone in his battles against the present regime! All just my opinions!!

  4. I certainly don't feel like they (Columbus/Wilder/Mullins) represent me as a taxpayer. Seems like your name has to be Skelton to get any representation from them. They are so outright beligerent it's absurd. Someday we'll laugh about this, but right now it stings.
