Thursday, April 12, 2012

Columbus is not stupid, or ignorant, he is an idiot, period!!!

In my opinion, Mullins should just have the smarts in resign with honor. And Bobby boy Columbus should just resign. And Wilder, well that's another story. If the readers of my blog that could not be at the meeting, please buy the DVD or watch it on cable and witness the true colors of these elected, so called officials. Even when our new state rep, sitting in the audience witness the dumb things three of the five said (oops-Mullins only talks when he seconding Virginia's motions) and acted on like dummies they are, and I use that term loosely. I am so P---O---ed at their actions,
I wanted to walk up and shake each selectmen's hand and say- ooh boy you guys are doing a great service, how much longer can we the taxpayers put up with your bull----. Just give us a hint, so we can go outside in the fresh air and slam car doors on our hand and asked if you are for real. What I mean is this, how can three grown up people act like the Three Stooges and not be ashamed of themselves, in front of all of us taxpayers. I just started working overtime to get you three people out of office. Not Bennett, not Stewart, I'm gaining on it day by day. I understand Whittaker threw me under the bus again after I left the meeting last week, about my letter, but in my opinion that does not surprise me at all. At least when all the sh----comes out with my investigation, I won't feel sorry for anyone, not even the selectmen. Get it. Trust, honor and above all bull---. Now to continue my opinion, look at all the cuts that didn't happen, guess who? But not for long, don't and I say don't vote for an override, don't vote for 252 Baldwinsville Rd. property, don't let Carol Skelton back as town coordinator, don't let Jerry Skelton the appointed town coordinator. Saying no to everything for a few years to help the town get back to normal or close to it. Don't worry about the kids, they will be looked out by us as usual, but with it will not be done by big raises or for $80,000 of office renovations. These kids already know how to do without. They-the kids have been doing it for years. It's the others that need some learning on how to survive with what you've got. Get it teachers and staff, the crying towels are all full. (has anybody thought of asking Ruth Miller how many students are homeless, how many students’families have had to double up with other families-you may be surprised that her answer-I for one did not realize we have homeless children going to school at Narragansett) I wonder how many more people are looking to get out of Templeton, fire chief Smith is history. Look at the sh-- he went through to get things done like the ambulance issues and other issues, the majority of the board don't help much. Well that's okay Columbus will find a new chief at Walmart or the tractor store, if you know what I mean, fire guys? I am going again to the state police to try and get some help with these unruly, ignorant board members, not to include Bennett or Stewart. And the recall b---s---has cost us taxpayers thousands of dollars, and turn our town into a mess. That was brought on by a handful of people that are dishonest, liars and every other name you want to call them. Then, I want civil court action and I will see to it that it happens, starting today April 12, 2012. What the majority of the lousy board of selectmen did to Jeff Ritter Monday night is inexcusable. I know for fact that Jeff Ritter has been threatened to be blackballed by this majority. Three or four members of the board. If Jeff Ritter comes back to Templeton with a lawsuit big enough to choke a horse, Carol Skelton will look like a Pea, compared to, the soon to be giant of Jeff Ritter. Now is the time for a civil protest to get rid of Columbus, Wilder, Mullins and put Chris Stewart on report. Chris does not have the guts to speak out like Jeff Bennett speaks out. And if anyone wants to ask me, PHC sr on any issues, please bring them on. But only on my terms and on paper. I will rent the Kamaloht or the Legion and supply proper mikes to be sure to hear the oppression loud and clear. And not have A. H. Columbus say he won't talk about an issue. Just like he did April 9, 2012 when asked by Bev what happened to her letter to the board, weeks ago. Columbus replied, what letter, like the idiot he is, in my opinion. He said he hasn't got to it yet, Bev replied- is that what you did about Pauly’s letter. Also Joe Boyd asked again about his request and he also said very loud and clear he did not want to reply from Virginia Wilder, he wanted a reply from Chair Columbus. And as usual Columbus stumbled and sputtered some remarks as if to say-shut up Joe. But Joe did not shut up and will not shut up. When you ask a guy a question you expect an answer honestly. But with that board in charge you might end up facing the law. and you people see how much help you can expect from our chief. I am again going to the state police in Athol, I will either get action or I will go to jail. Is that what it is going to take to get attention to my request for an investigation. I'll take that chance for all us taxpayers that are treated like sh---at the selectmen's meetings. Where was that moron Dennis O'Brien at the last selectmen's meeting, or Jerry Skelton or any of those trouble making flatlanders? And also the other recall liars. It's out in the open, enough taxpayers are not getting any help from the law. Not just the police in Templeton but even the state police, how come, these people afraid of their paychecks and not afraid of obstruction of justice. I will not start an uprising with the concerned group that attends these meetings. But if one gets going it's going to take a lot to stop it, we are hundreds strong and have been begging the proper authorities to step in to quell a dangerous situation. How much does an average taxpayer have to take before something snaps, as you say in layman's terms. And in my opinion what kind of English does chief Whittaker or the state police not understand? I again will repeat what I have said before. I had a lot of trust for our chain of command here in Templeton until I PHC sr was thrown under the bus by the very people I trusted, town coordinator, chairman of the board of selectmen and then by your chief of police, chief Whittaker should have recloosed himself from any investigation to start with. Why would anyone want to be under the microscope here in Templeton, to stop justice from being served to us taxpayers. Us taxpayers being threatened by the chief of police at the selectmen's meeting, saying to us taxpayers that are paying him, what the chairman of the board of selectmen should be preaching to us. How come, no law has been broken yet by us taxpayers, so why the speech by the chief? Or shall I say threat. I talked to Bob Columbus via telephone at the selectmen's office at 11:20 AM on Tuesday, April 10. Kate answered the phone and got Columbus to listen to me. Bob Columbus' only answer to me on my issues on the April 9 meeting-was Jeff Ritter still has a few days before he Jeff Ritter is out here. I said why did you let Ritter go, the most honest person to do the coordinator's job. Columbus told me Ritter resigned, yeah right Bobby! You people treated Ritter like you did Tammy Coller and others. That will eventually come forward to answer under oath. I asked Bob Columbus to come clean to us taxpayers, his answer was he has a right to his opinion. It is not his opinion I am talking about, being a Dick tater, and not listening to the taxpayers. I am just a layman but I understand layman's terms better than anyone. I have been through the bull---for years with the town’s so called leaders. I have seen and have made notes of wrongdoings. And was told (and it's recorded on DVD) in front of all you people that the board of selectmen can't help me with the problems that I have. Let's face it voters it is not only my problems but also your, the taxpayers problems. If you taxpayers don't want to help me just turn on the TV and watched the issues in Syria, Lebanon and others in the world that are controlled by dictators. And don't be polite and say they're just doing their job, bull---I have always had respect for the state police and the reason for their presence. But now I'm changing my mind about the state police presence among us taxpayers. I know that hundreds of you taxpayers are afraid to step up to the plate on this recall issue but don't worry, us taxpayers that are not afraid will cover for you and your families and your well-being. And we are not going to quit until justice is served. What's happening to your past state Treas. Tim Cahill lately. Have you heard he was indicted by a grand jury? Does that mean I gag order or jail time? I would like to talk to Dimassi and Blakowitz (spelling) and the others that thought they were above the law. Those are big time jailbirds. Templeton is just on a smaller scale. But don't forget the scale of justice still reads the same one dollar or $1 million the penalty is still jail , scrap metal or diamonds, are you catching on. Now I'm not making any threats, it's just a way cheats and wrongdoers being weighed, get it, weighed.
PS I asked Columbus to write me a letter on his opinions about a select chair, do you think I'll get an answer-vote no on everything. And vote for Julie.
Also has the recall group tried to sue our past labor lawyer for advising our past chairman on how to dismiss our past town coordinator. how come - they listen to K&P daily.


  1. To Mr. Mullins:

    "Tis better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" --Abraham Lincoln

  2. Remember that jerry skelton signed off on pay increases for his wife, part of a law suit against the town, called for the resignation of town treasurer in the news paper, July 23, 2010. Columbus and wilder regularly seen at the home of skeltons. columbus is up for re-election in May so he really should not be involved in any temporary motions and if you read his BS for election back in 2009, he states he thinks regionalization of local services is the way to go to save money and here we are three years later and only the dog officer ( A/C) has been regionalized, kind of. At tonight's meeting, ask columbus when is the budget going to be set so the people can see what has been proposed and where is the advisory board and its leader, little issac matson? columbus to the curb, wisk away wilder and move on mullins.....forthwith!!!!!!

  3. It looks like when the recall started, BC,JS & company thought that they could get rid of Bob and Julie and everything would get back to normal. Sorry guys, it is not going to happen. Because we trusted your judgement our town is in debt up to our ears, the citizens of our town have lost their voice, and any sort of good judgment has left the room. You have made the last shady deal, and squandered our money for the last time. Pauly is right, vote no to things we do not need right now. We can not do much else, BC has the control for now. All we can do is control the money they have to spend, until the town is in some kind of order. I know some people do not like to speak out. That is ok. You can do other things to help, tell everyone what is going on. Come to the meeting tonight, you do not have to say anything, just be there.

  4. When you have a budget shortfall and things are tight, you don't buy new furniture. Vote no on everything and cut out non essential jobs like con com agen, town planner (hey not much going on anyway) affordable housing coordinator and things like that. Need an override, sorry, you should have saved the $3 thousand spent on desks. Hey Kopelman, only $40 grand for legal and only $40 grand for coordinator. Heck maybe we go part time or get a temp, as in bring back Jeff Ritter on temp basis. a few days a week, save on benefit dollars and get well liked intelligent help. Remeber what columbus said on February 16, 2012. All agreements not valid with a change of the board, so what ever agreement this board makes now is no longer valid after the election. And no damn money for 252 and do away with that committee altogether, forthwith!!!!

  5. Does it actually say that in the contract, Jeff? Looks like a "Breach of Contract" to me. Or is that just another one of BC's made up Booby rules? Then again, it could be "backed up" (hehe) by his other famous explanation to everything he doesn't have an answer for, Ummm, he read it somewhere? LOL

  6. we need to make sure there is a receipt from wb mason for the old metal desk. otherwise mullins may have said "scrap it, forthwith!!!!! it is close to the weekend

    1. Hey there are other departments that could use the old desks - don't scrap them - senior center - BOH etc.- departments that don't waste money!!!and are never given extra money - hey who did the budgets last year that gave the Selectmen's office all the extra money to waste - oh wait that was Carol Skelton - big surprise there.

  7. vote on new desks, columbus "I will accept a motion to buy new desks for the office" wilder: " make a motion to buy new desks for the office" Mullins: " I second that" columbus: "motion carries 3 votes yes 2 votes ah not present. I read somewhere we can do that. Mullins: dibs on old desk and motion to scrap it. wilder, second that. columbus: ok, per agreement in winchendon pat, you can scrap it. columbus: motion to close the meeting. wilder: I make a motion to close meeting, mullins: second. columbus, motion carries, meeting over, new desks will be here tomorrow
