Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is Templeton a bedroom community?

 In my opinion the way the town is being run and has been run for the past 10 years, no industry no commerce, no money left to operate as a Town, why? Because we've voted people into office expecting good, honest taxpayers from town to look out for our best interests. Yeah right. But look out people July 1 will show the beginning of the worst to come. No pay for Selectman, no pay for board of assessors, tragic cuts to the hard working individuals paychecks,
as in people that work the hours that they are being paid for. Imagine what to expect from those people that used to thrive on the hundred dollars per week for maybe two hours per week service, selectmen, etc. etc. what do you taxpayers think of the jobs that are not “needed” in layman's terms or nonessential? What are not being chopped. Mr. Will Spring said it like it is, but the board of selectmen just can't get it. If the board of selectmen did what was right, because it is their decision, as chief Whittaker says to us at the last meeting, they need our help. Well people we need their help or we will all lose. Why don't the board of selectmen chair asked for letters from us people footing the bill, for ways to cut. A lot of us, taxpayers have a lot of good suggestions. If anyone will listen. Whatever you taxpayers think could be done without. And I mean in all departments, water, sewer, light, highway, cemetery, all involved nine people to run conservation commission, two paid positions. Now Dennis, that is stupid. And I brought it to your attention when you were select chair. But I guess you were too busy with the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. project, to pay attention. And it's not too late for you to smarten up and come clean, also a coordinator issue, why don't you tell Bob Columbus about that issue? And don't do it at the turtle, do it at selectmen's meeting. So all in attendance can hear the truth, am I my right Bob Mitchell and Julie Farrell. I will talk under oath any time, and I don't need a prepared script to do it. And it will not cost us taxpayers thousands of dollars for K and P for opinions. K &P are pretty smart, but will not get away with letting the writs of attachment expire on the lawsuit with the sewer commission. And we the taxpayers paid $8000 to allow it to happen. Explain that statement teams Skelton. and don't forget. Selectmen's meeting 6 PM April 12, 2012 tell everyone you can the more people the more nerves start tingling. I will have a nice bunch of suggestions for the next budget meeting and please taxpayers don't even consider an override. Life will still go on for us people that know how to live and I town will be a much happier place to live it without all the parasites at our pocketbooks. And I say again, no override, no free ride, no being taken for a ride, smarten up everybody and get this town back in shape without having to sell ourselves to the devil. We have better than 10 years of recovery before we can even think that we as a community are safe. Don't bend 1 inch to these so-called people. Each year the wrong doers were warned by me, PHC Sr. But it was all a big laugh. Because they all thought, they were above the law. It won't be long before the law steps in Templeton and it's not going to be shaking hands and congratulate everyone. These are my opinions and I'm going to keep giving my opinions. Thanks.

PS no override, no deals, just toughen up and get the town back on track.

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