Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Unfavorable Publicity for “Team Columbus”

Unfavorable Publicity for “Team Columbus”
After reading today’s Gardner News, I wanted to state, publicly, how proud I am of more than a dozen town officials. Not only did these individuals express their enthusiastic support for Mr. Ritter in a letter to the Board of Selectmen, they also took a very real risk in doing so, and for that, I extend to them my praise and gratitude. Jean Fountain, in particular, deserves recognition for her willingness to personally deliver the letter to the Board on Monday evening. Kudos to Jean for persevering through the “do not approach” chorus!
In the event that you did not see today’s paper, here are a few select quotes that should make any future appointees uncomfortable, to say the least:
Police Chief David Whitaker: “I feel that he [Ritter] was not given a fair chance by the current majority of the Board of Selectmen.”
Fire Chief Tom Smith: “We’re facing a huge budget deficit, and I don’t think it is a good move.”
Deputy Assessor Sue Byrne: “We just basically wanted to show our support for Mr. Ritter, who’s been a wonderful person to work with. He is a knowledgeable man with good ideas…Unfortunately, the town will loose a very good employee who was just a pleasure to work with.”
Board of Health Director Phil Leger: “I signed it because I support professional management. We need somebody in that office that is a professional, and to help guide the department and be a liason with the Board of Selectmen. He was getting that done, in my opinion.”
So, if “Team Columbus” does not value knowledge-based, professional management, what skills or talents are they looking for? In a short period of time, Mr. Ritter had proven himself intelligent, articulate, honest, and objective with regard to the decision-making process. Again, which of these characteristics do “Team Columbus” find objectionable? If he had had a lawsuit pending against the town, would that have won over the hearts and minds of “Team Columbus?”

By Darren Elwell


  1. To Team Columbus:

    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity"
    --Martin Luther King, Jr.

    1. My only regret is that i did not know anything about the letter of support for Mr Ritter . Should i have known there would of been one more name on that list . Thank You Jeff Ritter for putting up with the BULL SH-T and I for one apoligize for the people of Templeton who did not treat you with the respect that you truly deserved . Good luck my friend . Kirk Moschetti

  2. Team columbus will demonstrate what kind of character they want and think highly of when they bring forward their replacement for Mr. Ritter, it will be the three amigos again moving the lever into reverse. Actually it will be more like the three stooges. I signed that letter to again demonstrate my support for not only Jeff Ritter but for the majority of town employees who go to work every day trying to keep Templeton moving forward, unfortunately, at this time, the majority of the select board do not seem interested in moving forward at all. Consider the budget situation, they have spent all the time since February 6, 2012 trying to accomplish one thing and one thing only, fire jeff Ritter. There is now $17,328.59 left in the salary account for town coordinator. (per budget to actual sheet) After the 14 grand is paid out and this weeks paycheck for Jeff Ritter, there may be a couple thousand dollars left in there to support whom ever they have chosen. I have no idea who they have in mind because it is an undemocractically run select board right now. Actually, it may be a majority run board, just not an inclusive one, which is what I thought that recall was all about. May 7 needs to hurry up and then onto August 7, 2012 equal 6 months on the job. Paul Q was right, recall coming, again!!!! Please attend selectmen meeting Thursday night at 6:00 P.M. middle school cafeteria to watch the show. Any bets on who will be incharge, columbus or wilder?
