Wednesday, April 18, 2012

here's the pics

Note the new desks in the background!!!!!


  1. So much for Open government! I think sand bags would be more effective to stop the "stupid taxpayers" from gaining entry to "restricted areas" paid for with out tax dollars. Nice Desks!! Really nice desks! Templeton can't possibly have a financial crisis with desks like that!

  2. What do I have to do to get authorization to go behind the table? Sue the Town of Templeton?...

    It's too bad we don't have any experienced cabinet shops in town that could have built those desks. Probably would have been cheaper and it would have helped the little guys in town.

  3. I guess we don't need the override after all now do we.

  4. Did i understand right they are going to open the town warrant again

  5. Probably - I they can't get the money from the advisory board for Carol S they will probably try to transfer (raid)from some other acct at town meeting.

  6. The BOS is all about NOT helping the little guy, or taxpayers.

  7. The only people Mr. & Mrs. S. followers have any interest in helping, are them selves. It is fun to remember how outraged their crew was when they thought they were not included in a decision to dump Carol. The things they are guilty of, are beyond belief. Bubba going to the advisory board to ask for more money to pay Ms.S....ONLY HE FORGOT TO BRING IT UP TO ALL THE OTHER BOARD MEMBERS..ONLY HE AND VIRGINIA WERE ON THIE can you imagine that. Gee, didn't Bubba forget to show the rest of the board the letter that he signed, and was halfway out the door, until Jeff found it! Not a very good way to do business the way I see it. What is that old saying, People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  8. Geezee, I wish we had this kinda stuff in my office...may be they can buy us ome of this too. Don't even want to go that office if I can help it.

  9. Who gets to use these three desks, while the taxpayers take it in the rear. Virginia, if you are reading this There really is a Santa Clause. He will be arriving in May, and again in Aug.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Since, the BOS voted in Carol after letting Ritter go. I suggest the 3 involved in this can forfeit any money to pay for Ritter and now Carol, and the previous lawyers which I'm sure we will have to pay
