Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mrs. Wilder Spills the Beans in The Gardner News

I think it’s important to examine a couple quotes from today’s Gardner News. First, I’d like to thank Mark Haranas for covering yesterday’s peaceful protest. I think he did a decent job of accurately representing both sides of the situation, and I hope he continues to employ this practice when reporting on Templeton affairs in the future.

For those who have yet to watch or attend a meeting and see Mrs. Wilder in action, here is a direct quote that speaks to her sole motivation for running in the recall election: 

“Carol was the logical person. She doesn’t have to be trained, she knows the job, and she has a ton of experience…In my opinion, she should never have left here to begin with.” 

Ah ha! The cat’s out of the bag! Is Mrs. Wilder a warrior, fighting to right the perceived wrongs against her “dear friend” Mrs. Skelton? This quote would seem to confirm this long-held suspicion. Perhaps she should consult with someone who has experience speaking in public and to the press, someone with regional and national experience, someone who would like to become the town’s next moderator! 

Here’s another quote to analyze from today’s paper: 

“It’s absolutely essential to have a coordinator here to get the budget and town meeting ready.”

1.      It’s YOUR job, Mrs. Wilder, to prepare a final budget, and not the Town Coordinator’s job! If you are unable to handle the rigors of the budget, perhaps you should reconsider your commitment to serving as a Selectman. And by the way, the intelligent, honest, hard-working man who was forced to “resign” basically laid the foundation for both the budget and town meeting. At least five people were trying to tell you at a recent meeting that the decisions that need to be made regarding the budget are yours, as the department heads have already contributed to this process! You should not be relying on Mrs. Skelton to make difficult budget decisions!

2.      If it is indeed “absolutely essential,” why did you not put aside your personal agenda and allow Mr. Ritter to serve another month through town meeting? I guess the only thing that you consider “essential” is reinstating Mrs. Skelton forthwith!

Here’s a quote from Mrs. Skelton: 

“Everything has to be done. It’s time consuming. I certainly have to prioritize.”

1.      Again, I believe Mr. Ritter has already dribbled the ball all the way down the court. You just have to shoot it.

2.      The job wouldn’t be so time consuming if you were qualified and efficient!

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s peaceful protest, and to Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett for their commentary.



  1. Good synopsis Darren. And of course you can add the "Ultimate" Lie from VW in the article: Mr Ritter, she said, had given the board prior notice that he would be leaving his town ooordinator position, but gave no timeline on exactly when he would depart". How about bullying, intimidation, and threats as "personal reasons"?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. According to unemployment website, you can work parttime and still collect unemployment benefits. This is right from their site:

    If You're Working Part-Time or Full-Time While Collecting
    You may supplement your UI benefits with part-time work if you continue to conduct an active work search and you report your earnings to DUA.
    Earnings are payments in any form for any work or service you perform, including self-employment. Even if you have not been paid for this work when you are signing for your benefits, you must report the amount you earned during the week for which you are signing.

    DUA will adjust your benefits according to a formula set by law. You are allowed to earn up to 1/3 (one-third) of your weekly benefit rate (not including dependency allowance) each week before deductions are made from your benefit check.

    IN my opinion this is a great way to earn a living. Sue the town, collect unemployment and while collecting, come back to work parttime. I wonder who pays the tote for these three income streams....oh yah, the taxpayers.

    Just my opinion

    1. Does anyone know if any of our illustrious Templeton Selectmen is uncle/aunt/cousin etc to the reporters at The Gardner House of Corrections or the Worcester Daily Worcester?

      It's very suspicious that both newspapers seem determined to ignore the news in Templeton. I read the story by George Barnes in the Telegram about the 4/12 meeting, and it was not believable that he was there. He certainly did not dig very deep nor did he get commentary from the scores of people who opposed the blank check appointment. It was as if Selectman Columbus wrote the story.

    2. About a month ago I wrote the editor of the Telegram and almost begged her to make us one of their "towns" or atleast send someone to cover what was going on in town. I told her the GN was not being the least bit fair, that the people in our town had no way to know what was going on if they did not own a computer. I did say someone from out of town could be more impartial. I asked her to look at this blog. I offered to go to Worcester to see her. Guess what, No responce at all. Atleast I tried. To be honest, I thought I would hear from her after she wrote a thing about citizens right to know. The story was impressive, I guess she was not to serious.

  4. Efficient, that is a good one, when asked a question, she would have to get back to you or call the lawyers to find out the answer to some of the most simplest of questions...there is certainly no efficiency there on her part, what about keeping those cost down? They can’t prepare the final budget because they don’t know how, the master stringer is still holding on tightly to those strings and will not cut them, probably not ever if it goes his way.
