Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Peaceful Assembly

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Peaceful Assembly
I was able to attend the peaceful assembly held at Town offices on Tuesday April 17, 2012. A few members of Citizens 4 Templeton were on hand to witness the transfer of power to a person who is currently suing the Town, had no physical, cori check, wages or salary defined or even hours of employment.

I needed to make a few document requests. I asked for and received the job description for the Fire Chief and the town coordinator. It was rather odd to see see this :

As I entered the BOS office. I believe this furniture barricade is a fire hazard:

To the left of the table, a bookcase was used to enforce the barricade. I believe the "Trojan Rabbit" from Monty Python could have made an effective foray against such a sturdy blockade! In the background, please observe one of the $1,000 desks.

Nice desk! Don't know why it is unoccupied! Your tax dollars at work! Override? Anyone?

Thank You

Mr. Ritter!                                                       

Julie Farrell


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Couple things to remember, 2006 was the first fiscal year that the skeltons had any impact on the budget, hired in 2004 and elected in 2004, the FY 2005 budget was already done. Created position of affordable housing coordinator, changed from outside payroll to doing payroll in house, saving taxpaayers $25,000.00 per year (Town accountant salary went from $24,000.00 per year for one day a week to $44,000.00 per year for one day per week) town planner in 2008, personnel by-law and personnel policy put into effect with carol skelton being the highest grade in town grade 12, higher than the fire chief or highway superintendent, a secretary making more than the fire chief (well ok the light dept secretaries make over $50K per year) well so jerry skelton took care of his wife and employees at light & water, as in buying loyalty with ratepayers/taxpayers money. now he (jerry skelton) and his committee want to add to Templeton's long term debt of $16 million with another $4million dollars with the 252 baldwinville road project. They even want to pay their opm an extra $2500.00 for work done after November 2011!! (no joke, check on it) The committee of skelton, kirk moschetti, chris stewart, dennis o'brien want to move forward, especially if the bids come in low, no need for an override, we just need the 1.9 million which will turn into $4million dollar debt (payment with interest) don't forget now they are talking about a full 21E (if it comes up dirty, who will pay for cleanup?? On top of this, wilder, columbus, mullins, stewart think it wise to spend $3000.00 from seltectmen office expense on new desks, the one purchased last year is no longer good enough. spend the money before the year ends so we can get more. The budget is the only power the taxpayers have left and I think this year they should use it. Are town planner, affordable housing coordinator, con com agent core / essential services? can Templeton do without them. Kind of like can a school do with out teachers aids? Can a teacher do their job with out helpers? When the checkbook is running on empty, you bail on everything that is not absolutly needed. The money is the people's power and I hope they use it this year.

  3. Maybe as a town we can all practice saying "neigh" for town meeting, especially for the town charges.

  4. I say "yeigh" to that Truth Fairy. One voice as LOUD as a million! If we can't make a difference with this last power we have, I'm going to think about packing it up, taking a loss on the sale of my house, and riding into the sunset. This is desperate!

  5. In my opinion--They bought the new desks now because they knew that any requests for buying new furniture for 252 building would be denied (stupid taxpayers). Clear example of using the town's money as their personal piggy bank. Irresponsible decision making. Irresponsible spending. I hope the Affordable Housing Director will be forgiving of this purchase when he realizes his salary will no longer be available due to actions like this. Those new desks better fit in the doorways at the East Templeton School when that becomes the town hall. Otherwise, they will have to be surplussed.
