Thursday, April 12, 2012

IT is official

Carol Skelton was just appointed by Team "Dick-tater"  Forthwith-- OMG we are soo screwed -


  1. where is the money coming from to pay her ?

    and isn't this a direct violation of ethics to hire a close friend !

    1. You would think so! But with all the back and forth in the getting rid of Mr. Ritter, I would think that K&P has some way to get around this issue alreasy figured out, paid for with our tax dollars. It is definitely still worth bombarding the Ethics commission, State Reps. Fox 25 and anyone else you can think of, with complaints. Since our voice here in Templeton is not being heard, the only other way I can see is to keep reaching out to people that MAY not be on the (Skelton) take.

  2. I would hope that a condition of her employment would be that she has to drop her lawsuit against the town. Don't worry; when Julie is elected into office on May 7th, there will be a 3-2 vote to get rid of her. Again.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After receiving a police escort to her car, Virginia peeled out and drove straight to the Skelton ranch for a debriefing. No joke; I was behind her.

    1. LMAO!!!!! she went tru the door ok we done it boss what ya want us to do now? oh ok fire bud ok next week we will get it done boss!!

  4. What is the process of buying a dvd of a meeting?

  5. Go see the selectmens office it cost $5.00 or wait til Julie puts it on youtube

    1. Thanks for the info. I was thinking of buying several copies and sending them to some state agencies with letters. I'll be sure to check out the $3,000 desks while I'm there.

  6. as soon as I know her hours and pay, I will be there every day making her life oh so much fun. I want copies of all e-mails for the day, i want a log of all calls, e-mails letters smoke signals and what ever from the office of selectmen to kopelman & paige, I want a log of everything that was done in the way of town business for every day. Carol, I want a copy of all things written within the office of the selectmen. I want a copy of the plan for the budget. the training and the dailey plan that covers exactly what the staff of the office of the board of selectmen did for the day. Carol, I want an opinion from Kay Doyle on the behavior of Bob Columbus towards town employees. I want an opinion from kopelman & Paige on an employee of Templeton who has a lawsuit against the town having access to all legal communication to the board of selectmen. I want a list of all non essential positions in Templeton that can be eliminated without effecting core services and I want it now. You are a secretary to the board of selectmen and as such, I demand this of you as you are now an employee and I am your boss. be late, leave early or fail to perform your assigned duties and good bye. and oh yes, Len Kopelman must now defend the town against you and jerry. Be prepared for work, because I represent the taxpayers of Templeton and you now work for them. Come in late, leave early, fail to ask for time off and I will write you up and bring up job performance in open meeting as allowed by law. This and these statements are no threats, merely the requirements of working for the taxpayers of Templeton, show up for work on time, work all the hours your are suppose to and report to your supervisors any situation you can not comply with. This what I hope Mr. Bennett and Mr. Stuart say or present to C. Skelton as she comes back into town hall.

  7. I feel like I'm in the back seat of a roller coaster with my hands up in the air, mouth wide open yelling HELP. What a nightmare. Amazing how much power three people in a small town can have. Even the president doesn't have this much power. THANK GOD. Olive, you have the right idea. Send one to a news channel. See what they might do with it. Where's Geraldo Rivera (circa 70's-80's news correspondent that investigated state workers) when you need him. It's going to be a long month ahead.

    1. I would like to thank Chris Stewart - for speaking up - against taking Carol S back - he is well aware of what they Virginia and Boob C did to Jeff Ritter - May 7th can not come fast enough!! PLease dear God give us someone to run against Issac Matson - How about it Joe B??? You have the presences you have the knowledge. we do not want another Skelton Puppet aka monkey see monkey do.

    2. Chris Stewart was right. THE WELL IS
      POISIONED! Well, Mr Mullins was looking so smug. I hope he is feeling good when the Att.General comes calling. Virginia still looking for the best actress award..I must give Templetons Finest credit. They handeled them selves well. BOOB thinks tonight is going to make everything ok. I told him it is too late. To many people are aware of the shady deals. The trust these people had is gone. I would like to see the legal bill for the past month, and the past couple of weeks. They must be sitting on this one.

  8. Is there any significance to the way the Agenda for last night was written?

    The item for the Fire Chief position said to discuss and to act upon, while the item for Town Coordinator said simply "to discuss"?

    I wanted to ask this question of the chairman, but did not get recognized. How much can they deviate from the stated Agenda?

  9. I want to know when carol is going to have a physical and a CORI check? How can she begin work without one? I do not want anyone having access to sensitive information without the check. I demand to know when the next budget meeting will be held. And I think the taxpayers need to demand this information too, which is why I really like this blog, a sort of Templeton information bulliten board. My first request is to demand to know who gave the ok to buy new desks for the select office. Also taxpayers should contact the unemployment board to ensure carol is no longer collecting. Go to town clerks office and ask for a copy for a business license for carol to be selling antiques, I personally wish she would put herself up for sale, maybe someone would buy her and taker her to vermont or canada. This here is my model 72, well used old town coordinator. This is what we had back in the day before they came up with professional town managers

  10. I think she had to come back to hide the stuff that the attorneys dont want known. It should take a few months for the rest of the coverup..know what I'm saying...Columbo and his band of liars and thieves don't know where to look....just my opinion though..

    1. You Got it, Right on the button, I believe. Just my opinion but it's a Strong one from all I've seen & been through myself with those Horribly Selfish self-centered people!! And I am being as nice as I can be about it all at this time. LOL

  11. OMG that little puke Issac Matson, Columbus's making his mobile out of towns employees. Someone has to run against him.. should be an easy win with his performance last night you would think he was chair. He is right up Boob C alley. Issac like to tell the towns people to leave meetings also. Little Boob in the making. And he wants the mediator position w his yelling. Hmmm OK! !!!!

  12. I predict that she will drop her current lawsuit, come back for a week, and then file a new lawsuit for stress/workman's comp after she sees how "welcomed" she is. She will continue to file lawsuits for anything and everything because when you have free legal counsel, why not?

    1. Exactly!! Well said. Unfortunately for the rest of us, it is likely true that this will happen!! They said they would make Templeton pay for their "perception" (my word) of being wronged & Man have they ever made us pay. They won't quit until we are completely run dry of funds for anything, let alone all their frivolous lawsuits against us. I don't think the FANTASTIC paychecks, benefits & huge retirement plans is being wronged, do any of you?? Wow, what bottom of the bog were they hatched in?? Must have been in one of those toxic waste landfills that they seem to be so fond of!! Only my opinion. Can't afford a lawsuit. I don't have 24/7 prepaid access to an Attorney & full agency at my beck & call whenever I feel the need for one!! Must be nice, huh? If that is how you can treat a town of wonderful people, who have been so good to you, then Dear Lord (I am praying cause we need him asap) then I would rather die penniless than to have hurt so many people that were gracious & so good to you. They betrayed our trust for believing they were doing the right thing for this town while all the time they kept using us for their own personal gain & thinking Templeton is their's for the taking. In my opinion, They also have used the light & water dept. as their own "piggy bank". There are those that are so arrogant, along with GS & CS that think the light co. is their's & we should be grateful they gave whatever back to the town in money to help the tax base. It has gotten less with each passing year & Wake up call, that Company is the Town's Not yours Mr. & Mrs. King & Queen. Bottom line is that they have sold us out lock, stock & barrel. Shame on them if they were capable of feeling any shame. After all this they still think they are deserving of more!! Help Help us GOD!! I am pleading to him because I see there, so far, has been no one else we have been able to turn to for justice!! Just ask Pauly, he has exhausted most of the legal channels & no one has been willing to even step up to the plate & take a look at these abuses of power. Makes you wonder just how far their "gravy train" has links to??

    2. I think the gravy train track has alot of miles on it. Bart has it right, they have been in charge of the rail yard to long."JS THINKS HE IS RIGHT, HE WILL NOT BACK DOWN". Why give up the control when you are having so much fun, and making out so well. Don,t think they will feel bad for what they do. Like I have said before," they think the ends justify the means." There has to be alot of illegal stuff that has gone on. It will come out in the end

  13. I went to last nights meeting - First I would like to know why were only the people who tried to speak against Carol S thrown out of the meeting - Mr Issac matson was standing on the stool and screaming in the back (can't wait to see him as Town Moderator)he was not thrown out. some big guy up front was yelling (he was for Bob C and Virginia & mullins) he was not told to leave. what will happen to the town employees that spoke up (and were escorted out) will they be bullied like Mr Ritter and Tammy. and yes Pauly I witnessed first hand Mr Ritter having to go to his car to make town business phone calls because Bob C was in the Selectmen's office and was nagging and being nasty to Jeff - This man Jeff R conducting our Towns business in his car because Columbus and Wilder were harrassing him in the office - Let's all go to the rally at the legion on Saturday and Take Back Templeton Forthwith!!! I will gladly sign an ethics complaint for all three - hiring your friend, going out to breakfast with her husband and negotiating the deal with - Columbus admitted that he had asked her if she would come back-did they vote on that? at the Turtle sounds like an open meeting complaint too.

    1. if what you say is true that if you spoke against them you were thrown out and the supports were allowed to talk
      well it seems to me that they violated your civil rights and you got the evidence on a dvd!!

    2. Hey Sue was thrown out ACLU here we come!!!!

  14. I for 1 have stopped visiting the Thisty Turtle. Cruizers, Bald. Station, Ale House all have great breakfast too.
    It is not only because of it being the informal meeting place for corrupt officials, but during the recall they as a business and as owners/family were spreading some pretty nasty lies and gossip about Julie and Bob Mitchell. Yes they were very strong Recall Supporters, right John and Andy.

    1. Well, the Turtle is up for sale:
