Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to File an Ethics Complaint

Please everyone file an ethics complaint on the 3 boobs (selectmen) that just voted Carol S in. Ethics violation - Virginia Wilder giving you friend a job. Bob C And Virginia giving a job to someone that you socialize with. Pat Mullins giving a job to someone whos husband you go out to breakfast with oh yeh you to Bob C . Ethics violations big time please everyone write, call, email whatever ethics complaints re Bob C - Virginia - Pat  - they (ethics) can't ignore us if we bombard them with complaints. and done't worry about writing the perfect letter as long as they get the drift.
Just remember to change the name from Dennis to - Bob C - Virgina - Pat M and put in the "all being friends" senerio.
Welcome to your first class in How to File an Ethics Complaint. Sometimes people have questions about how, when or why to file an Ethics complaint. For our first lesson, we will cover the basics on how to file an Ethics complaint.

There are three ways to file an Ethics complaint: online, by phone or by mail. 

There is a nifty ONLINE form you can complete to submit your ethics complaint. 


You can call from Monday to Friday from noon -5:00 pm  -

617-371-9500  or  888-485-4766


You can mail your complaint. This  TEMPLATE will help get you started. It also helps to include supporting documentation.

All materials relating to a complaint are required by law to be kept confidential, as well as the name of the complainant.  

This concludes our lesson for today. Practice! Practice! Practice!

1 comment:

  1. If you choose to file an Ethics complaint, please file them individually. One complaint for Wilder, One complaint for Columbus and one for Mullins. Be sure to make a copy and send all of the complaints to the Attorney general as well. Keep a copy for yourself as well.

    At the Rally on Saturday, there will be copies of the these ethics complaints available for you to sign. See you there!

    Julie Farrell
