Friday, April 13, 2012

To all the Recall Supporters

To all the Recall Supporters - In my opinion - What do you recall supporters think of your senial chairman now? What a "nice" Board of selectmen, not to include Jeff Bennett and Chris Stewart. The big guys closed the former Gardner State Mental Hospital. Where are these 3 people  going to go for treatment? Well I will volunteer my services for what in my opinions think those scabs need for treatment. Vote for Julie Farrell on May 7th - Vote Bubba out. Vote NO on the override. Vote no at the town meeting for for 252 Baldwinville Rd. - Follow Jeff Bennetts lead on his Budget Changes. Vote to give the Pajari money to the kids and Gilman Waite. and all taxpayers will receive a "cigar" Lets get this blog hot from this day on. We are not defeated. Mr and Ms Taxpayer lets get with it on the dirt issues.
PS we will be starting our peaceful protest at 690 Patriots Road on Tuesday April 17th 9:00am. Everyone who doesn't have to work please attend and bring signs. Please please please put all your comments and suggestions on the blog - and get all you friends, relatives and neighbors to read the blog so everyone knows what is happening in OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON.

Thank you Chris Stewart - for voting with your heart and Listening to the people that elected you and reconizing a true, good, talented, knowledgeable employee in Jeff Ritter.
Also Joe Boyd, a Vietnam Veteran, who fought for our freedoms thank you for speaking up, shame on Columbus and Wilder for throwing a Veteran out of a meeting and not allowing him to speak. I encourage all veterans to join us at the peaceful protest on Tuesday.

We are hoping that Channel 25 news will be there. lets all call the newspapers and other TV stations.
"Templeton Citizens protest when a malicious Board of Selectmen with a vendetta hires back former Town Coordinator who is their close  friend and is sueing the Town for the second time!!

We will post the DVD as soon as it is available - watch for it on Cable channel 8 - viewing times are posted on if you don't have cable come to my home anytime it is on to view on my tv. you are all welcome here anytime.


  1. Pauley,

    I was told last night by Virginia Wilder in front of many Templeton taxpayers that I did not have a right to speak since I am not a resident of Templeton. I fully understand that I have no say in the voting and financial decisions in Templeton but I do pay state and federal taxes. The State may call it's local aid lottery money but is taxes. It is my right to speak in public and at a public meeting. It is appalling to tell someone they have no right to speak.

    1. Our "elected" official Ms Wilder, needs to review the rules of conduct and ethics, as well as the rules of etiquette. Her mouth is getting her in trouble every day. Keep up the good work Tammy. You have had to be quiet far too long. My question is.... "Who in their right mind thought she or Mullins would make a good representative for the citizens of Templeton?" Oh yeah, I forgot. She does make a good puppet.
      Only thing is, her mouth runs off without the strings being pulled.

    2. Do Mullins, Wilder and Columbus have a bluetooth with a direct line to the Skeltons during board meetings?

    3. Hey Tammy - Sue and I have an extra room - want to become a resident of Templeton - also maybe tom Royer would rent you 12 Gardner Road we the taxpayer would love to have you as a resident of Templeton

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry Ms. Coller. I bet you thought the bullying would end when you left the employment of the town. It's pretty sad to see the this board member continue the behaviors that have cost us so many good employees. The elected paid board members work for us taxpayers. We need to make them understand the bullying will not be tolerated.

  3. With Pauly's blog getting an average 1,000 hits a day, the word is getting out there. I agree that everyone should print out as much as they can and give it to anyone that is not computer savvy. We cannot rely on traditional newspapers to print the facts. Those days are gone.

    How many Columbus signs will be removed now from people's yards after they hear the truth about what they are publicly supporting? This is the time to support Ms. Farrell as much as you can in order to end the shameful and dishonest leadership that has taken over Templeton. Even if you have never supported a politician before, it is vital to get involved this time around. Attend the Citizens 4 Templeton this Saturday at 2pm to find out how you can help. Eventually, the authorities will get involved and help clean up this mess. But, until then, it is your responsibility to step up and take a stand for your town and make sure that the authorities take notice now. Its harder for small towns to get attention when things like this happen, but a voice that has numbers behind it can be very loud.

    What do you think 249 years of past Templeton citizens would have thought about what is occurring today? Would they have let this happen or would they have put and end to this nonsense? The best thing we can do to honor their memory and all their past efforts is to correct the wrong doings of today and move into the future 250 years leaving behind a story of how right overcame wrong, good overcame evil, bullying was stamped out.

    We also have to support the town employees more than ever. If you know or see one of them, please let them know their efforts and hard work is appreciated. It is going to be extremely difficult to do their jobs going forward after what has happened. Many are literally scared of retaliation for supporting Mr. Ritter. How many employees have quit due to bullying so far? How many more are planning on quitting due to the hostile environment? How many are on the hit list for the Skelton/Columbus/Wilder gang to go after next? We have to let them know that the REAL citizens of Templeton love them and we have their backs. Fight the hatred of a few with love and support from many. After all, this IS a wonderful town filled with wonderful people. Let's not have a select few ruin the character of this town with their selfish, greedy, nasty and "stupid" behavior. Let's come together to give support to our employees that need it more than ever!

    1. Ha mr Tettinen remove Columbus' sign from his yard at Hubbardston/Patriots Rd and left the Julie signs Thank you Mr Tettinen

    2. Right on Mr. Olive u! If I had it in me I would run down Mr. Column 's signs... but I believe in fair democracy...

  4. When did Isaac Matson become "Chairman of the Board" I am pretty sure I heard a high pitched shrill scream from him "POINT OF ORDER". Is my hearing messed up? Who can we write in as moderator? Even a cartoon character has to be more qualified. Just my opinion.

    1. I was wondering what the bloggers here thought of Dave Bergeron, a former Moderator, as a write-in candidate?

      He has indicated that he would be up for the job. He was the moderator during the whole Dump issue and handled a toxic crowd well.

    2. Tell Dave to step forward, anybody has to be better than what was witnessed last night, Isaac and that small group of mifits around him were quite a spectacle.

    3. I was at that toxic meeting and agree that he did a wonderful job. After witnessing the potential moderator last night and not seeing him escorted out after his angry outburst I say excellent idea. He will have my vote and I will campaign for him.

  5. Have you read the front page headline story in the GN yet?
    Mr. BC actually stated that "Mr. Ritter resigned for personal reasons". I never heard of anyone signing a no retaliation contract and receiving severance pay for THAT reason. Hmmmm. More fodder to think about for those of you who are still wondering who the bad guys are.

  6. Hey Pauly,

    Just drove by 252 Baldwinville rd and saw the chairman of the building committee meeting with the Cable TV guy. Seriously, Gerry, you should be worrying about the roof caving in and the EPA showing up before you worry about god damn cable tv. Let's waste some more taxpayer money.

  7. Will we ever know why Jeff "resigned"? Will we ever know what happened with the scrap metal and Patrick Mullins? Will anyone ever listen to the taxpayers of Templeton?

  8. I say alot sometimes but this time fewer words are in order so my main gripe today stands out. How dare they speak to a VETERAN like Joe Boyd in that condescending manner. He deserves better, as we all do. If not for these fine armed forces they wouldn't be sitting there Free! But they won't be Free forever due to their Egregious actions. That day of Judgment is coming sooner than they think now!! Right, Pauly!!

  9. I agree that supporting Dave Bergeron for Town Moderator is essential. The moderator position is important in that the moderator appoints people to the advisory board. Our advisory board has been in disarray for many years.

    Anyone want to make a motion to place 252 Baldwinville Rd into conservation? We can name it the Gerald P Skelton Conservation area- Home of the Templeton White Elelphant.

    As for the treatment of people attending a public meeting, I believe the actions by the majority of the BOS speak volumes. Maybe the town can purchase another gavel for Virginia especially if we can afford new desks at the BOS office.

    Watch for additional warrant articles to the special town meeting. They will need to add money from somewhere to the town coordinator salary account, there is only $800 left in that account. There should also be an article to approve the settlement with Jeffrey Ritter. Please refer to our bylaws for guidance. Stay tuned!

    1. Advisory Board meeting Wednesday April 18 6PM NMS Cafeteria Let's see what Isaac does.

  10. God Bless Tammy Coller. Not only does she have a lot of integrity she has a lot of courage!! I don't know her personally but as a citizen of Templeton, who is very angry but also appalled by the actions of a few, I say Thank you for all you tried to do to make things right. Also, as I have felt for Mr. Ritter, I am sorry for all you had to endure with the gestapo like tactics of the Skeltons & Columbus crew. These are my opinions from what I have read that went on. Again sorry for the heartache you have had to go through. Let's pray there are better days ahead for all.

    1. Thank you as well, Tammy. You're a good lady! I, too, am sorry you had to endure such painful times. I hope you're much happier where you are now and your new workplace is less hostile. Your contribution here was huge. Thank you Jeff Ritter. I hope you will watch last night's video and see how much we appreciated your contributions as well. You will forever have the respect of the citizens of Templeton. And thank you for all the other people who have come forward and stuck their neck out--all for the greater good. It is possible to come together and work towards a better town.
