Friday, April 13, 2012


David Bergeron wants to be a write in candidate for Town Moderator - you all may remember David who acted as Town Moderator for the "Landfill" Town Meeting. He was very successful in managing a town meeting that was very heated and had a overflow capacity, both the auditorium and the gym were full.  David has served the Town of Templeton in many capacities, Town Moderator, Accountant, Assessor and as a member of the Fire Dept. Stop in at Cumbys in Baldwinville and say hi to Dave and give him your support!!!


  1. David has my support, he has always taken the time to talk with me and offered to help many times. I was hoping I would not have to bother David with town BS, but as usual, people like David and Wilfred "bumpsy" Dennis come out of the home and retirement to once again step up and help the town when we need them most and I thank them. Write in David Bergeron for moderator. We may only need you this one time my friend, but I believe i can speak for alot of people, we not only need you but we are very glad to have you. Kirk and Shaun told me to get of the couch, columbus and matson said let the people speak, well here we come, and since you all do not wish to listen to our voice, perhaps you will hear our votes, VOTE DAVID BERGERON FOR MODERATOR.

    1. that would be shaun grimley, the same one who asked for a legal opinion to see if they could keep you, Paul H. Cosentino from taking part in an executive session of the con com, because you voted against this. and c skelton did not share this with the selectmen when shaun was up for reappointment last June. That is why the people need to vote to not fund the position of affordable housing coordinator, a non essential position and certainly not a person we need in any position for pulling that kind of stunt.

    2. I wonder if Carol and Jerry know that their dear friend Shaun Grimley was overheard saying he wanted the town to keep Jeff R and that he didn't want Carol back!

    3. Dave has my and Marks vote. Thank You Mr. Dave much appreciated

  2. I personaly talk to Dave Bergeron this morning and he told me he would except the position of Town Moderator if he was elected as a write in candidate. I worked with Dave for 6 years on the Board of Assessors and was amazed at his knowldge as an assessor, town moderator and accountant. When he retired from town politics 4 years ago he was greatly missed not only by my board and office but everyone in town politics that had worked with him. In the next few weeks we all have to push for him and his write in candidacy.
    My wife and I are presently painting and lettering 50 signs to help promote Dave`s write in candidate and hope to have them ready in a few days. If any one would like to place a sign on their front lawn or property in his support please call my business office at 978 939 8395.

  3. PS: Sevey has come out of the closet!!!! IT`S TIME FOR ACTION

  4. David Bergeron for moderator ! This is wonderful!

    1. THANK GOODNESS, THERE MAY BE HOPE FOR US YET! YAY! We have the Templeton branch of the GEEK SQUAD.

  5. Hopefully when residents approach the microphone to speak on the floor, Dave will be able to quiet VIrginia down so that she doesn't shout "do not approach" as they file toward the front.

    1. Monday night I will be sitting right up front so I can make sure I receive an answer to my questing : Mr. Chair why would you go before the Advisory board , represent the BOS and not consult or discuss Skeletons pay with your board? You know its against local government to ask for money on a personal agenda? Please speak into the microphone My Chair and ( smile for the T.V.) NO Mr. Chair you didn't answer my question. :)

    2. Regina - if you would like a "columbus,wilder,mullins resign" tshirt to wear while you are sitting up front let me know. lol

  6. I already warned him that she will try to take his microphone. lol we will have to ask the police to keep a low profile so we won't heard "officer officer remove these people"
