Friday, April 13, 2012

USDA Loan and 1.9 million dollars

USDA Loan and 1.9 million dollars
Town meeting vote in 2010 basically gave the Treasurer with the oversight of the select board to borrow 1.9 million dollars. The 1.9 million was borrowed short term, as in year to year. This is where they got the $400,000.00 to buy 252 baldwinville road in November 2010. They thought they were gonna slide this right through, then along came columbus yelling and swearing at Tammy Coller and Jeff Bennett got hold of that complaint. I placed a paid ad in the newspaper, jerry lost the 2010 election. Jerry lost the 2011 election that he worked very hard to win, my opinion is if he had won, he and his wife would have slid this through and Templeton would really be in a tough way.
Fortunately he lost and carol was sent packing and those plans began to unravell. Now they are moving to get back in control to get this thing done. Templeton is on the hook for the 1.9 million until we pay it off or give it back. We can only give back about 1.4 million because we have spent some of it on the purchase of the building, opm, bid contracts and engineering. wilder says we need to keep going because we have already spent 500 grand. Jerry skelton contacted usda in holden back in February to ask for a 90 day extension and then asked for another 30 day extension. Columbus is trying to set the town up by saying this project is going forward and he is the contact person. mean while taxpayers are spending about 25 thousand dollars on borrowing costs, but hey according to jerry and his crew, there is no effect on the tax rate. VOTE JULIE FARRELL and get rid of columbus so we can undo that mess. There is no 40 year USDA Loan yet, but the money was borrowed on a year to year basis because they thought they had a slam dunk project until I came along because shaun grimley and kirk moschetti said I should get off the couch. When you visit the selectmen office, ask to see the latest purchase, a new color laser printer. Templeton must have money to burn.
Jeff Bennett


  1. Thank you, Jeff, for getting off the Couch!!!

    1. We appreciate all your honest, forthright (Not forthwith, LOL) courageous efforts!!

  2. Please remember that we have borrowed the total of 1.9 million in short term borrowing. The cost of borrowing short term is about $25,000/year. We are entering into our third year. The town has spent about $600,000 out of the 1.9 million.

    We will need to repay this short term loan with a long term bond. Because this project was not voted a debt exclusion or an override, the town will need to figure out where to find the money from its operating budget to pay back this loan. Is it better to pay back $600,000 by bond or 1.9 million by bond? What will it cost? What additional services will need to be cut? How long will we be paying back this debt?

    Options -
    Cut our losses. Stop the project. Pay back whatever is left from the short term loan - about 1.4 million and try to get the best rate for long term borrowing as possible for the $600,000 spent so far.

    Continue to forge ahead and spend every dime of the 1.9 million. Incur long term debt for another 40 years and increase our debt burden to over 17 million

    You make the call!

  3. Great visual, Julie, of the costs in actual figures! So, in reality they borrowed 17 Million & gave us that debt, Not the 1.9 Mil, (which is bad enough) as they falsely lead others to believe. My opinion is, what irresponsible, out of control, reckless spending, self-entitled people that "Skelton Gang" is. They have got to go if we ever hope to survive as the once wonderful picturesque quaint New England town Templeton once was. Maybe most of us were & are content with being just that. What is this going forward if it is in actuality reeling us backwards at warp speed, while buying crap bldgs, incurring debt for lavish furnishings, state of the art equipment, contaminated land to put offices & schools on that would affect our kids & workers health, etc & so much more. The horrific failing report card list just goes on & on & on of the damage these people have done to this town & then expect us, to not only pick up the pieces, but pick up the tab!! Please Lord wake us up from this Apocalyptic nightmare!!

  4. Gee Whiz Julie, you are no fun! You just spoiled the illusion that this wonderful project was not going to cost me any more tax money. How could I have been misled like this??? I know in my heart JS and company would never, ever do this to the trusting people of Templeton..HA HA The real truth is most of the people in town do not have a clue. This is the kind of thing we need to send out when we do our mailing. The taxpayer has a right to know!

  5. The Budget Report is placed in a red file folder above the photocopier at the Town Office on 690 Patriot Road every week or so. This is so all departments can make sure they are watching their appropriations. I would urge taxpayers to stop in and take a look at these and see which departments are "spending down" their budgets before the end of the fiscal year so they don't have to give up their money back to the town. Just my opinion.... By the way... this includes the legal budget...

    1. oh, by the way ask for the printout of the "Legal Encumbered"...this is another slush fund where a certain law firm gave CS a bill for "legal services provided in a prior fiscal year" It is my limited knowledge and reading MGL that in order to encumber funds, you need to have ordered the service prior to the close of the fical year and expect to be billed in the next fiscal year... Templeton has been encumbering big $$$$ in this for years...Just my opinion...

  6. The Selectmen under the guidance of CS maintained a line item called something like "street list" and another called something like "town meeting report". She used this as a slush fund to pay her staff for preparing these reports on regular town time... Is that double dipping of was she inflating her budget for another reason? Just an honest question... Tax payers need to really look at the individual line items on the so called "green sheets" Guess what...They are "green for a reason"..."mo money"...for who.... Just my opinion

    1. Reachout, you are my new favorite person! Your information is GREATLY appreciated. Very insightful. Thank you!

    2. Yes, I agree. That was very good responsible concerned citizen watchfulness & suggestions for all of us plus, splendid detective work!!.. I thank you, as well, Reachout..Just think, this is what you were able to find. Can you imagine all the stuff they have buried from what they think are "prying" eyes? And all the dirty deals that were NEVER recorded anywhere? This is our town & we want to see EVERYTHING, like starting yesterday!! In my opinion, if Carol wants to come back as the town coordinator, I say, start coordinating now & get this house in order but Not without our "prying" eyes looking over her shoulder at every move!! Why does she want to come back so badly when she knows she is not wanted? Could there be some "special cleaning" & unfinished coordinating she didn't have a chance to do before she was properly replaced? I don't think she should be allowed in any town offices without a third party town citizen taxpayer escort at her side to make sure there are no "hidden" transaction papers we haven't come across yet. There are lots of places at 690 Patriots Rd where things could have been buried!! And that's just my opinion.

  7. Reachout,

    The Budget vs Actuals report is printed weekly after the vendor and payroll warrants are run. They are on top of the paper cabinet next to the photocopier in the hallway. A printout would actually be a general ledger detail report which is available through the Accountant. Hope this helps.

    1. My intuition says this information will not be in the same place after Tuesday unless there is a law stating that it must be. Even so, she will find a way (with K&P) to make it less visible or acessible so we will need to ask for it "in writing". She will do anything to keep the Citizens of Templeton (in VW's words} STUPID. My opinion forthright.

  8. Amen to that, if she get in the office a lot of information will be harder to see or might even disappear.

    1. Most likely disappear would be my strongest hunch!
