Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Julie's Blog

I am running again for light and water commissioner. It is safe to say they hate my guts over there. I am not running just to be a thorn in their side, but to try to bring some accountability to the rate payers.

I will not vote for a rate increase so the department can give out pay raises. The Water department is in no position to make any infrastructure improvements BECAUSE of long term debt; specifically a 40 year USDA loan obligation is restricting the work of the department. We already have some of the highest water rates around.

As for the light department, they certainly want to remove me from office because I keep pushing for an audit of the wind turbine project. I feel this audit is necessary so we will know what are depreciation costs are and to accurately determine the payback period for the turbine.
It is hard for people to comprehend why their light bills haven't gone down since the turbine has come online. I believe as a department, we could do a better job of explaining that to ratepayers.

I also feel we should update our webpage and make information from water department reports to rates easily accessible to people. In short, I feel the light and water department webpage leaves alot to be desired....check it out and see for yoself. Then look at Ashburnham Light department website. They even have minutes and agendas available online! Go figure! I have website envy! I would settle for Light and Water meetings posted on the Town's website.

Julie Farrell

To clarify on my earlier comment about the water department:
I believe the water department does an excellent job. I also think the ratepayers are paying alot for water. Long term debt in the form of a 40 year USDA. Loan is hampering the ability of the water department to begin new infrastructure improvements because it can't take on any more debt.

A resident wrote a letter to the BOS regarding the water break on Patriots road. the resident asked why it couldn't be fixed correctly once and for all. It seems like every year the water mains break on that part of patriots road (near the 690 Patriots Road). The letter was forwarded to the Light and Water manager who wrote a very good explanation of what it would cost to properly repair the water infrastructure on that part of Patriots Road. The cost of that repair would be over 1 million dollars and put that that cost on the water rate payers would increase their rates from about $8.64/1,000 gallons to about $22.00/1,000 gallons. Astronomical!

As far as water quality , I believe our water quality has improved since the passage of Chapter 93 Acts of 2000. There has also been a corresponding spike in our water rates.
I disagree with the practice of water fluoridation which was started in Templeton back in 1951. I have signed the citizen petition which calls for an end to the practice of water fluoridation in the town of Templton. I haven't always felt that water fluoridation was a bad idea, but after reading a few books and articles, and watching a few videos and reviewing a few websites, I have come to the conclusion that water fluoridation should be stopped. I believe the appropriate number of signatures has been gathered to place this citizen petition on the annual town meeting warrant. This particular article will probably be the last article on the warrant. ...if the warrant ever gets posted.

Julie Farrell


  1. Today's Snews has an interesting letter to the editor....

  2. If no one is doing anything wrong then they should have no problem with an audit. That goes for all depts. Why the concern if an audit is suggested? Does someone have something to hide? Just asking & wondering.

  3. Water and Light Depts of Templeton were robbing people for ages in the dark, before they finally got their act together, put up some solar panels and wind turbines and claimed to have clean hands and a clear conscience....Fact is, the only reason they ever did anything like they have done in the past seven years is for greed's sake and because they were afraid of being found out, that they had left most of Templeton in the dark back in the 1970's where they planned to leave them eternally...and only did the work they did because they knew they could make money off of stealing the powers of nature and taxing the new comers to Templeton for work they don't even really have to do anymore...and work they never did with the old ways either...
    Highway robbery has always been the way here and it will be until the guilty parties are held accountable, and that will be when hell freezes over...

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