Monday, April 23, 2012

Please write letters to the ACLU

I believe that our civil rights, out rights of free speech are being violated, not to mention the police presences/intimidation at these meetings. it really is something when you see seniors sitting in these meeting in total disbelieve afraid to speak up.  therefore I am asking everyone to write letters to the ACLU ( civil liberties union) with comments, complaints whatever. Letters can be mailed or faxed address and fax number are below. - thank you all - it is our civil right to be able to speak, and without the fear of intimidation.

ACLU of Massachusetts
Attn: Legal Intake
211 Congress Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Fax 617-451-0009


  1. As a member of the train wreck that is the board of selectmen led by boob columbus, I would like to apologize to all of the residents who came to the meeting of THEIR board of selectmen who are suppose to represent them and work for them, the taxpayers, and yet you are restricted to asking questions and getting answers from us, the board of selectmen. I did not get a chance to talk with one woman, but I have forwarded a copy of the dvd of the April 12, 2012 bos meeting to the attorney generals office for review. The annual town meeting articles are according to Templeton town by-laws suppose to be turned over to the advisory board by March 20 have not been so turned over because boob columbus and the other two stooges wilder and mullins were too busy trying to fire Jeff Ritter. carol skelton has been taking annual town meeting warrant articles and changing them, moving the order, and inserting articles that the selectmen have already voted out articles behind the back of the board of selectmen, at least one member anyway. reason enough to fire her immediatley in my opinion. Bob columbus has put a town employee in jeopardy and he has violated state ethics and state law by signing off on payroll sheets submitted by tax collector Carol lee Eaton to the tune of at least $900.00. The board took a vote on March 8, 2012 to give the tax collector signatory authority to sign town paychecks because of the resignation of town treasurer and assistant town treasurer, they both could not take any more of boob columbus. The recommendation of town accountant along with the vote of selectmen that said no additional compensation for Ms. Eaton, but carol lee submitted the pay vouchers and boob signed them has caused carol lee to come under violation of state ethics and state law violation and I have reprted this to the state authorities. Sorry but it is the rules and the law. The taxpayers and residents of Templeton deserve far greater respect than what they are now getting from this select board, the majority who appear to be working for carol skelton rather than the taxpayers. Things will unfortunately get worse before it gets better, again, I apologize for the treatment of taxpayers at their select board meeting but I am but one person. Please try to be above the behavior of the majority and let me take the heat and bring it to them, you pay me to take the heat, columbus can not throw me from the meetings, but you can toss him out on May 7, 2012 and please do not forget that. You taxpayers and voters hold the true end power within your grasp, please use it wisely on election day and show this tyrant, dictator the door once and for all. I promise to keep working for you and not for any paycheck. Thank you for the kind words and support, undeserving as it may be at times, I do appreciate it. Jeffrey Bennett, YOUR selectman.

  2. Although we were snowballed last night. I feel Mr Columbus will think twice on conducting business like this again Columbus and Wilder could not handle the constructed questioning from the people. Time to go to the Advisory board meeting and speak...This action was better than the movies.. we forgot the popcorn.
