Monday, April 30, 2012

Letter to the editor Gardner news

Town Citizens are Not Obstructionists
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to the two recent letters regarding the climate of the political landscape in Templeton.
Let me first begin by acknowledging that Templeton citizens are indeed frustrated and concerned with the current state of affairs. I will not make the claim that all citizens are at all times calm and reasonable; it is clear that there have been instances in which this frustration has prompted a few citizens to respond passionately at meetings. I think it is important, however, to refute the notion that those in attendance are simply angry obstructionists, with the sole purpose of delaying the town’s business.
The reason for much of the frustration among Templeton citizens is due largely to the way in which the Board of Selectmen proceedings have been conducted. There are bound to be disagreements, and there are bound to be times when some level of discord is to be expected. This is a given. However, if the meetings were properly managed, these instances could be mitigated, and more of the town’s business could be conducted in an open, transparent manner with the benefit of public participation.
In order to fully understand this situation, I think it’s helpful to contextualize the Board’s recent meetings. As any classroom teacher can attest, there are two important lessons that must be learned in order to effectively work with a diverse group of individuals. It is crucial to know how to both manage student behavior, and also be knowledgeable on topics of discussion. Recently, neither has been the case at the Board of Selectmen meetings. Time and again, we have seen the Chairman deviate from the rules he established, without the consent of the rest of the Board. These rules are posted on the Board’s website. Even more frustrating, however, is the Chairman’s practice of not providing straight answers, no matter how simple the question. Taken together, both the inconsistent meeting management style, and the lack of straightforward responses, it is not surprising that so many in Templeton have been attending meetings to witness the dysfunction.
The many citizens who have been attending meetings represent a range of constituencies in terms of age, occupation, level of education, and the length of residency in Templeton. All of these different groups of people share the same concern that their town government is not functioning properly. We are not there to obstruct; we are there to communicate the will of the voters, as we do not believe that the majority of the Board has an accurate sense of how most voters feel.
To my knowledge, there have been no arrests, and no violent acts. Only a handful of citizens in attendance have been asked to leave, and the way in which these citizens were singled out is troubling. The Chairman has already had to apologize to one citizen who was unfairly singled out and asked to leave.
I encourage all of you to attend a meeting and see for yourself. There is strength in numbers, and I suspect that the high number of citizens in attendance is indicative of a changing political landscape, even if the majority of the Board does not currently understand this.
Darren Elwell


  1. Very well written, Darren! THANK YOU! I hope the editors print this. It will make them look very bad if they don't.

  2. The answers to questions are in the Mumbles.

  3. It's too bad the voters will not have the opportunity to ask questions of Mr. Columbus this evening at the Candidates Night. He probably wouldn't answer them, but at the very least, it would be a good opportunity for those who do not regularly attend meetings to get a taste of Bob's approach to leadership.

  4. Mr. Elwell,
    Very nice, well written letter. Thank you for explaining the situation for the general public. Unfortunately, I will be very surprised if the Gardner News reads your letter, much less prints it. Maybe George B can get it into the Worcester Telegram for us. It would get out to more people and maybe bring more attention to our plight here in Templeton.

    Phil Brooks

  5. Darren as usual is right on point, well thought out, well written and clear of any fog. As Joe Friday use to say on "Dragnet" just the facts. I will be pleasantly surprised if the gardner news prints it, but we shall see. If you keep score as in side A vs. side B, it seems the news prints one side A letter, the quick side B letters usually followed up by a couple of side B articles. Side B seems to always have the advantage of newspaper coverage. I would hope this would have changed but at least there is the world wide net, as in this blog, where at least some people can see more than one side. bob's approach to leadership is to toss it in a bag and shake it up and if it don't fall the way he wants it, you just toss it in the back and forget about it. Voters and taxpayers need to remember on Monday, ay 7, 2012 and speak through the ballot.

    1. Mr. Columbus can not go to that meeting, and be expected to answer questions honestly. He would have no control of how the meeting is run. He would not be able to shut anyone up, or ask them to leave. This is what some of us had to deal with week after week. I only wish the rest of the taxpayers in town knew the truth. Will the GN continue to fail us. Only they can answer that. I think it is time for every one to e-mail Mrs. Bell and tell her to do the right thing. This will not work if the "kids" throw her mail away.

  6. Good Job, Darren, of explaining the situation here as it really is. Yes, Bev, should Mrs. Bell be fair enough to publish Darren's excellent editorial. Oh yeah, she is probably on "vacation" again. Maybe BC took flight with her. LOL
