Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thank you and a reminder

I would like to thank everyone who showed up at the Legion and helped - you people are great!!! Don't for get that Candidates night is Tommorrow Monday April 30 at Kamoloht 6:00PM - Thanks Tom R - you are an asset to this town!!!!!!
and a note to EM - people in glass houses should not throw stones - you have sunk to a new low (even for you) don't worry we won't pick on your skeletons in your closet because we are better than that!!!!


  1. You are right Pauly; we all have skeletons in our closets. Don't know what EM is trying to prove but I think that Jeff Bennett's tireless work in the best interest of our town out weights what he may or may not have done in the 70's. If it wasn't for people like Jeff, Julie and the LTPBH group our town would be in worse trouble than we are now. Every town needs watchdogs.

  2. I would like to thank everyone for a fantastic job yesterday afternoon. I really appreciate your efforts. I am hopeful your hard work will payoff on May 7th! Thank you again!

  3. I understand that at the event held at the legion in Baldwinville this past weekend, a Mr. Ed McClure showed up and had some old court documents with my name on them, Jeffrey Bennett. As I have stated publicly many times, I could probably not pass a CORI check to work for the town but I could get elected to represent it, a situation made by the people who write and pass the laws, politicians. Anyway if Mr. McClure got hold of any court records with my name on them, they most likely came out of worcester county court system where the wife of Patrick Mullins works. Just so you know, back in the mid 70's when I was 20 or 21 I got a dui which I pleaded guilty to and paid a $50 fine and $12.50 in court cost, then aiding in the burning of a motor vehicle, three guys had a few drinks (more than 3) we ended up burning a car that one guy had bought for his girlfriend who ended up cheating so in true under the influence logic he took the key, we drove it out to a field and burned it, no insurance fraud or anything, we got 3 months unsupervised probation. another brillant beer involved incident was removing wheels from some cars at a used car lot on Pearson boulevard in Gardner at the old Fredette Ford, long story short, larceny or attempted larceny, don't remember which but ended up in court, was on the radio and newspaper where I worked and was not an impressive day, went before judge Thomas Carroll, fessed up and paid fine. One thing I always did when caught, in front of judge was to admit when I screwed up, you don't generally end up in front of the judge for walking down the street minding your own business so why lie, screw up and take the punishment. I ended up serving in the united states Marine Corps. in Marine Force Recon ( the marine special forces unit back then) i served as a hard hat diver in the us Navy working on nuclear submarines, later worked in a naval shipyard working on alot of stuff including nuclear submarines. I worked as a civilian commercial diver, working sometimes at civilian nuclear power plants, all of which involved being vetted by the Naval criminal investigative service and civilian law enforcement to include the FBI for a security clearance from secret clearance on up to top secret so I think that speaks for itself. I now serve in the Mass. Army National Guard. I have served the country and the people many times in many different capacities which I hope has made up for past mistakes and screw ups. I ran for selectmen for many different reasons, mostly because I got tired of no answers, denied access to public records, public complaints and resumes for starters, being accused by attorney Joe Fair of Kopelman & Paige of "annoying and harrassing the town of Templeton" and yes I have a copy of that letter. So when Mr. Ed McClure decides to leave the nip bottles at home, gets both sides of the story and demands answers from bob columbus, or runs for office, he may have reason to bring up long past issues involving anyone, including me, that he may have concerns for. One thing is for sure, I have never sued the town or abused the office I hold, wasted taxpayer money or took the town down the road to financial ruid as Mr. McClures friends have, right bob and jerry. My life is an open book, especially the chapters on what NOT to do when you are young. Again, if Mr. McClure or anyone else has questions about me, try calling me or just come up to me and ask, as I am always available after a meeting. No police escort required, no threats or afraid for my safety. When you are open and honest, you tend not to need police escorts. Thank you for your kind words and support. Jeffrey Bennett

  4. Jeff, you are certainly forgiven for what you did 40 years ago as a young man. It takes a REAL man to step up and admit the facts unlike many officials in our town who continually LIE when presented with the Facts. We need 4 more of you on the board. Thanks again for all you do.

    1. Amazing how some people can dig up the past of someone assuming that it will make the town better. I am a parent and I have one child that was involved in some of the things you did as a teenager. He is now an upstanding person with higher morals than some of the do-gooders in the town. As other bloggers have stated, we all may have skeletons in our closet. I, for one, do not want any "Skel-tons" in my closet along with the 3 others we know. The right vote is what we need to do to make things better.

    2. If ed realy cared for the town insted of his nip bottle. He would find out what mullins did in winchendon

  5. It really is fascinating that certain people are so threatened by the actions of others who collectively share a love and passion for their town. The actions of Citizens 4 Templeton, Mr. Cosentino, Ms. Farrell, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Bennett and an ever growing list of others are all motivated by helping, improving, educating, supporting and simply standing up for what is right and just for this town of Templeton.

    Everyone should care about the community they live in. Everyone should care about the issues that this town is facing. We've seen what happens when we turn a blind eye to the operations and culture of the town. Look at the past decade and see the pattern of behaviors and events. Everyone should applaud the people that go the extra mile to take action.

    Its going to be a tough couple of weeks (months, years) so, let's all agree to focus on uplifting one another, supporting one another and focusing on the positive actions of one another. Be sure to keep the campaign of THANKING people that have helped this community. Thank you Mr. Ritter. Thank you to ALL Templeton employees. Thank you Ms. Farrell, Mr. Cosentino, Mr. Mitchell, Citizens 4 Templeton. Thank you to all the good people who have engaged in conversation here and to those who have stepped up and given their time and energy towards improvement. And, Thank you, Mr. Bennett for you service to this country and to this town. Your efforts are not in vain. You've taught us and inspired many to stand up for what we believe in. THANK YOU ALL!

  6. I second that, all in favor? YES YES YES YES YES. Motion carries.

  7. Jeff - that resume is plenty good enough for me. I thank you for your service, past and ongoing. If I were Mr. Ed McClure, I would be ashamed of myself.

  8. Jeff I would like to say thank you for your outstanding service to the our country and our town. you are an ispiration, ed Mcclure - not so much. Now lets see would I rather have a selectmen who made a few mistakes at an early age (over 35 years ago)then turned his life around or have a selectman who is still making "mistakes" at 40 something? I saw the print out - it definately came from an old file not a computer print out - so what do you folks think Pat's wife or Darlene Brehio (who works at Gardner courthouse)did this digging?

  9. Whoever did it, shame on them and shame on McClure for delivering it. Thank you Jeff Bennett for your considerable service to our country and now to our town. It's not easy to stand up to the "powers that be". Thank God that you have the courage to do it. You have become the voice for many of us who have a problem being heard.

    1. Jeff. I am proud that you are my friend. I agree with all the good things everyone has said. My grandmother always said " you can't put a old head on young shoulders." It is a good thing to remember for anyone who has kids. So if that is all they can do, I'm figureing they are pretty desprate by now. Eddy, you and I have known each other for a long time. Don't do their dirty work , they are only useing you. JS does not have the ba--s to come to a meeting and face the people he is driving into debt. If he want's something done let him do it him self.

    2. In my opinion it is all about self-interest with EM, Skeltons, Columbus and the rest of the "home team". The lies have been spread that everyone in town will lose their jobs if the crooks are not allowed to run our town. I hope people wake up and smell the coffee. If you are running with someone who has screwed everyone in their path it is only a matter of time till they get around to you.

  10. Mr. Bennette,
    No need to explain your 1979 record. You have served your country, and still do. This weekend you were doing your duty for our country, I thank you for that. This copy of your record was not a computer generated copy, so maybe scrap boy's wife's now into breaking the law also.You have served this town in a clean government and continue to do so, you have been batteling access to TOP SECRET material here in Templeton, hang on. As for E.M. be careful this little facade doesn't backfire on you. Most of us can sit on a bar stool when an occasion arises,without falling off. Or go to the market at 10:00 am with a clear head.. I am sure you have not served your country or your town in a positive way. I'm surprised you have not killed anyone yet with your households alcohol abuse. So please let's not bash and run a clean campaign, skeletons might come out of the closet that people don't want out.

    1. Regina,
      Not sure you got all your facts right there hunny!! Do you think that only Mr. Bennette is the only person that has/ can change? Just saying :-)But hay if you can use it go with it!!

  11. Jeff,

    I am proud to know you and thankful for all of your service to our country. I think with the level of security clearances you have had over the years a CORI would not be an issue. EM should stick to his nips instead of adding them to the kool-aid he is drinking now.

  12. nicely said Regina and you are correct that was a photo copy of an old typewritten page not a computer printout but my guess would be Darlene Brehio, Gardner courthouse employee and treasurer/secretary of LTPS, Inc.

  13. Darlenes greasy little Squiggy husband should not be left off the hook so easy, Be careful what you say around him.

  14. one other thing Mr. McClure, i do not belong to any clan or group. I do agree with many ideas and points of citizens 4 Templeton and I do like the ideas and the way Mr. Darren Elwell handles himself as i also like his fresh approach to the political landscape in Templeton just as I do Mr. Will Spring. I welcome citizens getting involved. The group I support most is the taxpayers, voters and citizens of Templeton. Here I thought the old group you belonged to, let the people speak inc were all about moving on and not looking past. Was it not viginia wilder who said "all those people do is talk about what people did 3, 5, or 7 years ago. 1974 - 1976 is quite the way back. Maybe let the people speak inc board member, Darlene Brehio did some checking at the gardner court house, but really, I hope the echo hill gang has not rested their laurels on what I did in 1976 because as you can see, I am not really proud of it, but it happened, can't change it and you can't make me look bad cause we all goof sometime, the trick is how you end up, not always how you begin. just watch the news, there are plety of people with the background, education, experience and priviledge and they start out looking good and finish in jail, look at Sal Demaisi, former US senator John Edwards, the list goes on and on. I am just a little ole guy from Templeton who started out wrong and am trying to finish right. Please remember Mr. McClure that you asked for the resumes of the town coordinator candidates and you got them, you asked for copies of complaints against bob columbus and you got them, all while I was serving as your selectmen. I was refused copies of complaints against bob columbus and I was denied the resume of david koonce, Templeton conservation agent, so it looks like the guy who started out wrong has tried hard to make things better for all the people of Templeton, even the ones who go and dig up things and try to present it as "dirty laundry" on the guy who made sure you got the public records you asked for. thank you for your support Ed.

  15. Why has this town turned into a free for all in bashing? It scares and sickens me to see the two “sides “ duke it out. One side throws a punch and then the other. How does that not make either side on a “LOW” level? Spend this time trying to find ways to save us money which saves everyone money. I know not everyone can always get along. I’m a little beside myself. But watching this is horrible. I’m not going to agree or disagree on any of this. Everyone has dirt so what? Do I tell my boys that the best way to get the upper hand is to hit below the belt. Where is this town going? Ya let‘s have it run by a bunch of people that hate each other, and make little clicks. I think you all should hang your heads a little low for how you’re going about all of this. Almost ashamed to say I’m from here. I don’t think that what was said was smart but you all are doing it. This whole three wrongs don’t make it right!! What about all the back stabbing, lies and just downright nasty stuff you’re all doing and or saying about one another. I hope NRHS doesn’t start using this as a model to teach my kids this is how it is.

    1. I hope NRHS does what a school is suppose to do and not only teach the basics but also civic responsibility. I would also hope the school would teach the future adults of this community not to lie but unfortunately some at NRHS don't seem to feel that is important. Take the redo of the central offices and the superintendents big office. I remember when the school spent alot of money on offices for staff and it was suppose to benefit everyone, staff and kids. The kids were suppose to get new art and music areas, bigger and better than the space the kids lost to staff office space but the kids got the short end of the stick, again. The kids and us were lied to by people who are suppose to be there for the kids but apparently are more interested in having a nice big office and damn the ones they are suppose to be there for. This I gathered from someone who is a recent graduate from NRHS. I also remember two letters to the editor from students talking about how they came out on the short end of the stick. How is it NRHS can have a budget and expenses running in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for building and grounds but yet the schools are in such bad shape. Paint does not cost that much. So unfortunately, intentionally or not, your children are being taught by "this model". All I will ask of km526, do you agree or disagree on how your tax dollars are being spent??

    2. Jeff,
      I think you missed my point. I hope they dont you this shady way that ALL OF YOU ARE USING to teach my kids how to win an election.

  16. km526,

    This blog is all about people discussing their opinions and so your opinion is welcome. You talk about the two sides bashing it out. Well this side has been hit from the other side for many years without striking back. Hoping for the truth and the law to step up to the plate and insist the other side be held accountable. This blog was born out of frustration because that has not happened. The GN, LTPS, Inc, the door to door recall liars, the complaints to the Selectmen that were filed out of site....and you talk about LOW level. This site is not about slinging dirt, but it happens out of pure frustration. The blog gives the facts that the current leadership doesn't want known. Welcome to free speech. By the way I am not "hanging my head a little low" for posting here. I am holding it higher as I don't fear the same retaliation from those that disagree with me and feel it's okay to bully others.

  17. No posting here doesn't make you have to hang you head low. Its the bull that "each" Side is throwing.But at one moment people are saying how wrong it is to pull punches then turn around and attack people. Untill yesterday i hadn't really agreeded with the blog. I see you side and i see it different.
    But i understand that you need to justified you opion.

    1. Sorry but when Dana can stagger up and attempt to bash each candidate he did not like. Brehio's can hide and throw dirt this way. Columbus's people can continue to lie and decieve people with their dirty antics. A few words HERE on the blog, not in the papers or delivered door to door in person, does not make this group bad, We have sat back and heard a lot of viciou rumours and lies. People are frustrated but we still do not stoop to their LOWEST level so lighten up.

  18. Ok KM now its my turn - Do you pay taxes? do you care where your money is spent? do you believe government should be transparent? and accountable? Not waste money? Yes unfortunately there is mud slinging at all levels of the government (evidently you have not been watching the presidential race) Do you believe that employees should be bullied by elected officials (ask Tammy C) Do you believe that elected official should speak up when they see other officials doing wrong? I can honestly say that no one here ever got a copy of someones 35 year old court record and distributed it at a meeting to people (this is what Mr Mcclore did) Have you been attending selectmen's meeting and town meetings and other board meeting for the past years? Do you vote? I know facts - a lot of facts about wrong doing, can I speak - no for I am an employee - and I need my job -

  19. There is more to this blog and the other things happening, no matter you call it, this side or that side, mud slinging, dirty laundry etc etc. It is about honesty and showing respect for voters, taxpayers and residents. Show respect by answering their questions, help them, do not lie, waster their money and hide things from them. 2 weeks from a town meeting and no one seems willing or able to show taxpayers how much it will cost them for one article for town meeting, that is how much will the selectmen say they need to run town offices to include salaries for one year. Why is it such a big secret and why does a selectmen have to demand to see a copy of town meeting articles, demand to know who changed articles after the selectmen had voted on them. this is about coruption and abuse of power along with mismanagement of other peoples money,, and people will stay mad, upset and angry until they get some answers and accountability and I do not blame them. As a selectmen I asked the chairman of the board who authorized the adding of an article to a warrant after it had been closed and who changed the wording of the articles, he had no answer for me nor the taxpayers. So if anyone thinks that people are going to sit there and smile any more, I believe they are mistaken. there is a financial mess and the people who caused it continue to deny, avoid and provide no answers. In fact it seems all they can do is dig up 30 year old court records. There is one member of let the people speak inc, darlene brehio who works at the gardner district court who has access to those records. There does not seem to be a money trail of anyone asking for and paying for those records. It appears someone from the inside used their position to obtain those records and release them without paying for them. That is what people are tired of and angry and upset with km. do you get my point?? it is called abusing your position or office and it is not allowed.

  20. Right on Jeff & others above trying to explain to KM what is going on & that we are NOT the problem & yes, we have kept silent for way tooooo long so now it looks like we are just scuffling!! Well, I can tell KM, too, that there has been a great deal of "ABUSE OF POWER" here in Templeton. I, having been a Victim/ receiver of this Abuse, know exactly what the others are talking about. As long as people sit there & smile & let all the dirty politics go by & continue as usual they will not Bother you. However, if you "dare" to ask where YOUR MONEY is being spent then you can get ready & wait for some kind of retaliation. KM, I understand your confusion if you have not Looked at both sides CAREFULLY. You obviously have been a "good quiet" citizen in their eyes so they have not visited your doorstep with, what I consider, bordering on Gestapo like tactics to keep you SUBMISSIVE & quiet as the Germans in WWll did. They along with other dictator regimes have done countless retaliatory things to people who question them so they will remain silent out of fear. Well, I have seen this bullying first hand & I can also tell you that you should be praising this side that is speaking out right now. We are not just doing this for ourselves but for you & others like you. Because if you & a lot of other ciitizens don't open your eyes as to what is actually going on everywhere then you will never be able to participate in any form of Govt. again. Don't think that we are kidding. Democracies & Republics fall when people become complacent & allow the Abuses of power to get to the point where it is too late to rein the abusers back in. By the time most people realize what is happening it is beyond the point of no return. I believe we are at this critical juncture not only on the local level, but state & Federal, as well. Just look at your life & those around you & ask yourself are you happy with the way we are heading? There are a few of us especially here (Pauly's blog), Citizens4Templeton, Let The People be Heard FB page, Julie Farrell's Truth, Bev's View from the Hill, Jeff Bennett's View, etc that are trying to get the truth out there about where all our tax money is being "BLOWN" & who is really running the "Show". Please look closer at what is going on & that includes your road problems! That is not the fault of anyone here. In fact, I see Julie Farrell trying to help any citizen in need, as is her truthful, helpful & giving style. So, if you want another good selectman back on the BOS besides Jeff Bennett, consider casting a vote for her. (It's your right to vote for whomever you want, but please use that right & vote) Yet, In my opinion, if the BOS stays as it is, I doubt that you will see any progress on your road any time soon. And again, These are all my opinions!! Hope they help shed some light on your concerns. Thank you for reading & asking those important questions KM.

    1. Correction ...The road problems issue was for Kimber. Sorry for the cross over statement but, the rest of this blog holds true for KM. Look more closely at WHO is teaching your children at all levels of Govt. If you Don't speak up for them NOW, They may Not ever be able to speak in a Free Republic again. Then you will know what we have been talking about! MY Strong opinion on that score!
