Sunday, April 29, 2012

yo Columbus - yo Wilder - yo Mullins

Nice show Monday night at the selectmen's meeting, you three people should (and will be) resign. You are so embarrassing and annoying I am surprised your families don't (or do they) disown you. Watch the DVD and I will supply the guts to help you along the way. Lie, cheat, and allow a person to tamper with town meeting articles and vote on issues that are against the law in front of all of us taxpayers trying to tell you, don't do it. You three people have ruined the selectmen's positions near and far. Not Bennett or Stewart but your own images. Watch the DVD of the performance of those three, April 12, 2012 and April 23, 2012. You will find your own answers,
without interference from anyone, watch and listen carefully. Then ask people that you recognize on the DVD, I don't and won't believe Columbus, Wilder, Mullins, I have doubts about Stewart and I believe Bennett says it like it is and tells the truth. Check on it at the Town Clerk's office or at the selectmen's office when Columbus or Skelton are not there. If you want the truth, right Mr. Ritter? Whoops I mean anybody?
A comment to letter to the editor by Richard Curtis, about that $14,000 to Mr. Ritter, I guess you won't catch on to questions and answers. How do you know Bennett voted for Mr. Ritter or against the 14,000? Did a little bird tell you. All you so-called let the people speak Inc. are in for a big surprise shortly. You don't practice what you preach. You can't be trusted for your word. You as an LTPS Inc. are so self-centered you are all still listening to chicken Little. As has Bill O'Reilly says on the O'Reilly factor US so far left that you past the stop sign and are trying to get back to the right. Get it Richard? If you listen to Jeff Bennett and not criticize him you might learn something about ethics. What happened to the Town Clerk as liaison to ethics? Did everyone forget that? That is the way it was supposed to be, it's just that nobody knew the Town Clerk was the one. Any comment on the ethics liaison?

 I would honestly like to hear about inciting a riot. Please print how you got information on inciting a riot and bring that issue out in the open now. I have 2 opinions on inciting a riot, not starting a riot, "inciting" a riot. And I do not agree with one of the opinions. And no one will change my mind. And Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bennett knows all about the Jeff Ritter scandal, behind closed doors at an executive session meeting, until it was public record we the taxpayers were in the dark on this scandal. And Mr. Bennett just reminded all his constituents, not the rest of the board constituents, get it. And thanks Jeff Bennett a lot of people ask why would a guy making $60,000 or more just resign in three months. Mr. Ritter is smarter than the whole board of selectmen except Bennett and they the four members left sitting know this is true. So speak up critics. I stay up all night waiting for your input LOL.
 I just made a statement to the Templeton police about my complaints of all the wrongdoing's in town and the gross obstruction of justice at the board of selectmen's meetings. Kudos to Mark Moschetti, talking to the chair, Virginia Wilder interrupted Mark, and to my surprise Mark answered back "I am talking to the chair". Good show Mark, but let me comments, you Mark should say chairman of the board. Because when you say talking to the chair, reminds me of talking to the wall, get it? Same exact thing, I wonder what CS is doing at town office building Tuesday? Anybody got any comments? When we get the warrant for town meeting, if it has been tampered with in any way and we will know, somebody's going to jail "again". Nobody can mess with the town warrant once it's been voted on right Jeff? And if it must happen we the people can stop the town meeting in its tracks, and the guilty ones will be sitting right in front of us on stage, LOL
What about Tim Cahill from the lottery commission indicted for misuse of lottery and state funds? Sounds like he thought he was above the law. How about the VP of BP petroleum with the oil spill, obstruction of justice is the charge, sound familiar to Templeton?
A note to Keith Kent, letter to the editor April 25, 2012, so what you are saying Keith,  we the people should wait until we are up to our a---in alligators before we drain the swamp. Is that what you're trying to tell us adults? To sit and listen to "a three some" of people or should I say adult dictating-yes dictating to us taxpayers. What they are, the three selectmen and sometimes four, tell us taxpayers what they are going to do  with our money. Not us taxpayers. But tell us at a meeting and want to make decisions with no regard to what us taxpayers, 99% oppose. Is that democracy? Go back and watch the last three DVDs and then sent another letter to the editor or answer on Pauly’s blog. By the Way, Keith how do you air your frustrations, "go to Athol"?
Well people that's all for now. Thanks for reading our blog and hurry with your comments before  members of the board of selectmen make a law against it, while Bennett is in the National Guard practice, get it? As in------attack on Pearl Harbor.
Question: do you people know the difference between a scared victim of abuse in Templeton and a witness for the state? Use your imagination people, you have 10 seconds to answer my question.
And thanks to Bev who called and left a message this morning to read today, Sundays Worcester telegram page A 16 "violating public trust".


  1. Pro 24:24-25 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:
    But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

    1. I think this guy missed his calling. Why does he preach to us? We are the good guys, incase he did not notice. I have no idea what he is talking about. If I want to get religious I'll go to church

    2. Sorry, about the last comment. I think i'm tired. The people who are angry about the mess the town is in, have no idea how exhausting this project can be. It would be so easy to walk away..but people have died so we can have freedon of speach, and the right to vote. The process was not for a select few to take it upon themselves, to run the town with out true representation. This is the kind of government they have in third world countries not here.

    3. Call me stupid.... but WHAT???
